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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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If you need ladies to email you templates I'm quite sure that they would so that you could open them.

Originally Posted by Smoylan View Post

I wish I could see your pdf's??? All you ladies are doing amazing things....I am thinking my wedding will be a dud compared to yours! At least Im the only one comparing weddings :)


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I'm so excited for you to get your custom "Marrakesh Infinity" bracelet! This is turning into a jewelry story that keeps developing and showcasing your unique style - love it :) This has been such a fun journey with you...can't wait for more!! THANK you for being so {Red-i} :) XOXO

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post



I'm too elated as Chelsea from Red-i emailed me to say that the bracelet that she so graciously, awesomely & uniquely created for me (as an addition to my barefoot jewelry) is on its way.  This piece will complete my 2 set's of accessories for our TTD session (I got the okay from my photog to do a wardrobe change.).  I'm so excited as Chelsea is so amazing and fun to work with. I know she thinks I'm insane because as soon as I receive one order I place another.....It's only because after I see the piece I get another idea. 


Once my dress come in, I am thinking of having Chelsea to create a simple necklace and earrings for my wedding dress.  ohhh too exciting.


Thanks Chelsea I am so Red-i wink.gif




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Your the best!  I can't wait to see my dress again so that I can take a detailed picture of the wedding sash.  That way we can get started on my wedding day jewels and ....you can start brainstorming on how to make more jewels out of the sash once all is said and done.  I'm like a kid in the jewelry store ;-) 

Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

I'm so excited for you to get your custom "Marrakesh Infinity" bracelet! This is turning into a jewelry story that keeps developing and showcasing your unique style - love it :) This has been such a fun journey with you...can't wait for more!! THANK you for being so {Red-i} :) XOXO 



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Now wouldn't that be amazing? Imagine those candy-filled tubes replaced by gems, crystals and jewels-WHOA! :)


I'm already filling my head with inspiration from your sash. This is going to be one phenomenal fashion-forward keepsake!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Your the best!  I can't wait to see my dress again so that I can take a detailed picture of the wedding sash.  That way we can get started on my wedding day jewels and ....you can start brainstorming on how to make more jewels out of the sash once all is said and done.  I'm like a kid in the jewelry store ;-) 



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That is frustrating!  The only people I know that are thinking of booking else where is my best friend's mom since they have a time share down there


Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

We have 41 nights booked for our Jan. wedding which is good but we had 4 couples book elsewhere and they are all staying 5 nights at MP, which would put us at the 60 nights, which was our goal..kinda frustrating! 



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Just a suggestion to (possibly) help entice people to make sure they book with your group...organized activities. For instance, we planned a "007 Bond" themed scavenger hunt all around the resort. It honestly was one of the most fun things we've ever done. People are still talking about it over a year later. We printed out a list of things people needed to go and do, photograph, obtain signatures (from bartenders), etc. and at the end had a blindfold waiting and a "pin the tale on the shark" velcro board hanging on a wall. The winners (below) won Martini sunglasses and Target gift cards LOL! It was hilarious seeing all of our friends and family RUNNING around the resort, sweating like no tomorrow, taking pictures of fake proposals and everything else...it was really great!


We included that as well as our welcome dinner days before the wedding and any conversation about staying elsewhere really seemed to die down :) Just a thought!



Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

That is frustrating!  The only people I know that are thinking of booking else where is my best friend's mom since they have a time share down there 



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Hola Chicas,


So as with every State Review or Credentialing that comes up, I typically take off 1-2 days to relax before the storm.  However; this year its different because I get to wedding plan.  So as any other downtime that I have to seize the opportunity.  Well, you know that some of my projects (although completed) had to be put on hold because of our getting the new printer at work.  Well, since all is well with this lovely piece of equipment and we have gotten to know each other pretty well over the last week... here is one of the now completed projects.


In an earlier post, I had listed our OOT bags which is a Kraft Recycled Bag.  We did a survey on FB amongst potential guest and decided that we wasn't going to concentrate on the carrier of the products, yet the contents.  But you know me anything that I touch have to be Gorg! After the contents are placed in the bag (as pictured previously) there will be Turquoise & Fuschia Tissue paper.  The tags on the bag vary from from Blue to Pink tremendously in making sure the the Extra's in the bags are given to males/females.  So without further ado here are our OOT bags.

Finished OOT3.jpgFinished OOT2.jpgFinished OOT1.jpg

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