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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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So what ever make you HAPPY is what counts.... your look beautiful in this dress. 

Originally Posted by ladydi1844 View Post



OMG I can't believe it all feels so real when you try on the dresses lol. I fell in love with this Maggie Sottero. I didn't even ask to see this one but the shop owner insisted and than I was in love. My daughter and sister loveeee it but my mother said no lol. Decisions decisions


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Originally Posted by YWS2012 View Post




So what ever make you HAPPY is what counts.... your look beautiful in this dress.  



 awww thank you so much. I felt it was the dress but than i let people bring me down and i don't like my mother's style anyway lol. Thanks you guys are the best. I am more excited to share my stuff on here than with my family lol. Good night ;)

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Hello ladies!!! I have been MIA for a while... it's been pretty busy! I was just in my friend's wedding, I started a new job, and am going back to school! So I have been slacking in the wedding planning department!! You all seem to have soo much done already woot.gifand all of your DIY's turned out awesome!


I did get my dress and it is already in!! They told me it would take at least 8 months and it ended up coming in within 2!!


I am attempting to make DIY passport invites but it is very frustrating to me because I am not the most "crafty" person and I want them to look nice but it doesn't seem to be working right now... I saw MochaMakes3's passports and that's what really made me want to try to do them as well because her's look soooo awesome!!! But anyway I am taking a break from them and just ignoring it for right now because it is so frustrating...not the best plan I know but I am a procrastinator! embarrest.gif


Along with the passport's I am doing a boarding pass RSVP and those came out much better than the passports so far! (I will eventually post pics I swear!!)


I have a few items for OOT's but I still want to get some ibuprofen, sunblock, chapstick etc. Right now I have the bag's that I got from oriental trading co and they say "All you need...is LOVE" on them and each bag is a different color. I have some travel games, sudoku, hand sanitizer, crossword puzzles, room key/tip holders (I borrowed that from Tissey), ummmm and I think that's all I have for now..? Drawing a blank...


So for the most part I am just putting off doing projects because of school which is taking up waaayyy too much of my time right now smile27.gif..... I do not have locations booked or menus or anything!! I have asked Geraldine multiple times if I can book locations and she claims she sent my e-mail's to Iliana but I have not heard anything from her at all...I wish the communication process was smoother...but what can you do?!


Keep up the good work everyone - you guys are all doing AWESOME!!!cheer2.gif

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I guess I have more done than I thought - as soon as I posted the above post I remembered that I have booked La Luna for our photography and TTD!!! WOOHOOO! jiggy.gif soo excited about that! I am also going to have SaraTamargo do my makeup msnwink.gif which I am as equally excited about!! And I am thinking about using Plumerias Wedding Flower Boutique to make real touch flowers...hmm debating - but they look awesome!

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WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes you have been very busy Phewww!


Congrats on the new job & going back to school.. It still seem like you do have alot of thing covered already.

You have your dress...check


you have your photographer ..check


you have your make up person..check

The other things will fall into place don't worry


As for the passports you definitely need a lot of patience, i tried my hand at it a few time, it was to much for me I just couldn't get the right look I want it..so i got the made by Sarah S. Some of the Brides on here make it look so easy they are very talented. 


Congrats & Happy Planning

Originally Posted by FutureMrsHammer View Post

Hello ladies!!! I have been MIA for a while... it's been pretty busy! I was just in my friend's wedding, I started a new job, and am going back to school! So I have been slacking in the wedding planning department!! You all seem to have soo much done already woot.gifand all of your DIY's turned out awesome!


I did get my dress and it is already in!! They told me it would take at least 8 months and it ended up coming in within 2!!


I am attempting to make DIY passport invites but it is very frustrating to me because I am not the most "crafty" person and I want them to look nice but it doesn't seem to be working right now... I saw MochaMakes3's passports and that's what really made me want to try to do them as well because her's look soooo awesome!!! But anyway I am taking a break from them and just ignoring it for right now because it is so frustrating...not the best plan I know but I am a procrastinator! embarrest.gif


Along with the passport's I am doing a boarding pass RSVP and those came out much better than the passports so far! (I will eventually post pics I swear!!)


I have a few items for OOT's but I still want to get some ibuprofen, sunblock, chapstick etc. Right now I have the bag's that I got from oriental trading co and they say "All you need...is LOVE" on them and each bag is a different color. I have some travel games, sudoku, hand sanitizer, crossword puzzles, room key/tip holders (I borrowed that from Tissey), ummmm and I think that's all I have for now..? Drawing a blank...


So for the most part I am just putting off doing projects because of school which is taking up waaayyy too much of my time right now smile27.gif..... I do not have locations booked or menus or anything!! I have asked Geraldine multiple times if I can book locations and she claims she sent my e-mail's to Iliana but I have not heard anything from her at all...I wish the communication process was smoother...but what can you do?!


Keep up the good work everyone - you guys are all doing AWESOME!!!cheer2.gif


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Hi friends! I've been MIA as well. It's been so crazy at work this month that all I've had the chance to do is glance at postings here and there. I've been dying to post some replies, but the minute I try, someone at work is piling stuff for me to do. Lol, stupid work actually expects me to work while I'm there... Short story, I manage a bank and noticed that one of my employees have been stealing thousands of dollars from us. What a mess. But at least I've got it sorted out and it's in the FBI's hands now cool.gif


The only thing I've been working on are my boarding pass invites. Thanks to a few designs I've found on this forum from other lovely brides, here is the design printed on normal paper. The final will be printed on white cardstock, corner punched and all, and I'll be making blue packets for them. I wanted to get some of your opinions before I finalize and print and cut 100 of them (sorry about the bad quality, this was taken with my phone). I'll take better pictures when they are all set and done.






Anyway, I know I'm way behind but here is my attempt to go back a few pages and comment...


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, you ladies want to hear something crazy.....I just found out that my ex is getting married at the Playacar Palace 4 days before me (My step brother is in the wedding).  My TA was pushing Playacar Palace hard!!!! So glad we decided to go with Moon Palace!  HAHAHA!!!   If his fiance is on here, it's nothing against you sister!  Happy for ya!!!  :)


But I just had to share, thought it was too coincidental not to share!

Ha what a coincidence! How awkward would that have been?? My ex would be the last person I'd want to run into during my wedding week. Margi pushed Playacar on us too, here's to making the right choice cheesy.gif


Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Hola Chicas,


Well remember a couple of post back (wow there's been so many lol:-) where I was a little sad because (although necessary to order) I had just ordered our memorial picture charms for my bouquet?  Well it's here.  Humbled and blessed to be able to still be present on this earth, my heart is heavy but I am so glad that I choose the vendor as she was so sweet to work with and we have a beautiful necklace which will also be a bouquet charm (it's removable) for our wedding day.


Here is it:


1pic how it hangs naturally.



2nd spread out

Front of Necklace.jpg




What an amazing idea Coconoir! That's such a beautiful thing to do and you did a wonderful job (as usual). I'm so happy you found a way to have them with you on your special day. They're smiling down on you.


Originally Posted by summer12 View Post

Anyone else on pinterest?  I just joined today- it looks like a fun way to share ideas for weddings and life! I would love to know what else you creative ladies have up your sleeves!  I'm nmmorg if you want to search for me!

I am! I don't have much since I haven't had time to play around with it. My ID is lnbs0527, I'm following you now (not to sound creepy).


Originally Posted by YWS2012 View Post

Hi Fellow MP Brides,


I have been busy in the diy laboratory ..LOL..I have finally completed some project and would like to share

First we have my tears of joy packets that I made from a  template the Wonderful Coco share with us...Thanks Coco!!!!!idea.gif

also in the pic are small blue organza bag (I purchased from a fellow MP Bride, Coco) filled starfish & seashells tears of joy tissue & starfish n seashells confetti



Next we have welcome bags with welcome kits ,, the Gold is for the Bridal party & the Chocolate is for our guest


welcome bag & kits



Next we have some of the thing that will be inside of the kits ..the door hanger I'm going to take to staples and have them printed on glossy white paper .


1.door hanger 

2. map of the resort

3. postcard to let our guest know how glad we are to have them with us

4. A thanks you magnet

not show will be so games & puzzles


weclome kit stuff 


So now that I have these few things almost completed ..on to the next project ..Wedding program & menus


Until next time Happy planning


Great work!! I've been meaning to mention that I absolutely love your colors. Looks like you're getting so much done, can't wait to see the next projects!


Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Ok ladies I finally uploaded the pictures of my STDs  (better late than never! cheesy.gif)


We did a boarding pass STD, but didn't want to spend a lot since we knew we wanted nicer Psssport invitations.


This is how they came:





I had ordered business cards from Vistaprint with our wedding website information on it so I needed to figure out a way to attach them to the boarding pass because we realized they would get lost in the envelope so I used a palm tree hole punch and some raffi to do that!





And the final STD:



That's way cute! I like the business card idea. We had so much we wanted to put on our STDs, but we could find the room without it looking cluttered. Wish I would have thought of the card.


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

Happy Friday everyone!!!!


Tonight is our engagement party, which I am super excited for!  Let the parties begin!!!  HAHA!!!  It's actually really nice to finally be on the other side.  I am usually the one throwing these things, now I just get to enjoy!!!  YAY!!!!   woot.gif  party party party!!!!  :)



I was wondering where you were!  Miss you!!!  I will e-mail you my boarding pass invites!!!

I am also sorry you had to cut your budget, but I KNOW you will still have a beautiful wedding!!!

Yay hope you had so much fun!! cheers.gif


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

hhmmm....how is everyone so lucky to have even gotten menus???  I have asked Janina like 4 times if I could get contact info at the MP, and she will not budge!!!  I was actually wanting to book my locations, LeeNancy was so nice to give me the menu options.  But she is getting married 4 days before me, so again, why can't I get in touch with the MP?????  wtf.gif  Is there something else I should try????????  Thanks my lovely CHICAS!!!! 


You haven't had any luck with your locations yet? I'm shocked, when I emailed Janina she didn't even bother responding to my questions and just forwarded me to Lucy. Maybe we need to think of a few questions that only an MP coordinator will know and she'll be forced to forward you along to MP.


Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Well ladies,


It's Friday evening and I'm taking advantage of a quiet house (FI out the guys, & my soon to be 11yr old on Monday is with his grandma and aunt getting spoiled).  So as always I have to preface things by saying "these pictures are from my iphone ;-)  Nevertheless, here are OUR DND signs (for FI & I), I will print the ones for the guest next week.




 DND ours.jpg


After: with a little bling (the same color as our Monogrammed cake-topper). Still have to trim & cut

DND ours blind.jpg


Here are the sleeves to hold our Pre-Travel info.  The butterflies vary on the outside  & the bling alternate on the inside.

pre travel cover 2.bmp







Love the idea of door hangers! My FI is not happy because I keep wanting to do everything you're doing which means more work for him, hehe wink.gif

Originally Posted by ladydi1844 View Post



OMG I can't believe it all feels so real when you try on the dresses lol. I fell in love with this Maggie Sottero. I didn't even ask to see this one but the shop owner insisted and than I was in love. My daughter and sister loveeee it but my mother said no lol. Decisions decisions


That's a beautiful dress! And you look gorgeous in it! The dress I picked wasn't my mom's favorite either, but in the end, you're the one who will wear it. So pick the one that will make YOU happy.


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Well I love it, also because that's the dress I bought! It's awesome! Do what u want!



OMG I can't believe it all feels so real when you try on the dresses lol. I fell in love with this Maggie Sottero. I didn't even ask to see this one but the shop owner insisted and than I was in love. My daughter and sister loveeee it but my mother said no lol. Decisions decisions

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Per usual everything looks so amazing!

Well ladies,


It's Friday evening and I'm taking advantage of a quiet house (FI out the guys, & my soon to be 11yr old on Monday is with his grandma and aunt getting spoiled).  So as always I have to preface things by saying "these pictures are from my iphone ;-)  Nevertheless, here are OUR DND signs (for FI & I), I will print the ones for the guest next week.




 DND ours.jpg


After: with a little bling (the same color as our Monogrammed cake-topper). Still have to trim & cut

DND ours blind.jpg


Here are the sleeves to hold our Pre-Travel info.  The butterflies vary on the outside  & the bling alternate on the inside.

pre travel cover 2.bmp







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