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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I especially love the last photo on here. Congrats!!!!!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Hey Lovelies!

I'm so happy to say that now I'm Mrs. Samuels!!!!!!  woot.gif 


Congrats to Alaharri, LadiDi, and krsmith on becoming MRS, too (and if I've forgotten anyone, my apologies)!!  And best wishes to Coconoir, as you're packing and putting together the last few things before your wedding!  I know I've said this a bunch, but you all are so amazing and supportive.  It's mostly because of you all that we had the wedding of our dreams!!


  So pleased to report that everything was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I'm working on a DIY planning thread (already posted some entries - about 15 more to go, LOL).  Plus, I just finished my MP Review:  















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CONGRATSSSSSS!!! you look stunning..your day turned out perfect!!!!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Hey Lovelies!

I'm so happy to say that now I'm Mrs. Samuels!!!!!!  woot.gif 


Congrats to Alaharri, LadiDi, and krsmith on becoming MRS, too (and if I've forgotten anyone, my apologies)!!  And best wishes to Coconoir, as you're packing and putting together the last few things before your wedding!  I know I've said this a bunch, but you all are so amazing and supportive.  It's mostly because of you all that we had the wedding of our dreams!!


  So pleased to report that everything was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I'm working on a DIY planning thread (already posted some entries - about 15 more to go, LOL).  Plus, I just finished my MP Review:  
















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Your pics are beautiful!!

Originally Posted by USCJLB View Post

Hi Ladies!

Working on writing my review but I wanted to show some of the pictures if any of you all are using Juan Navarro for photography. I havent gotten back all of the pics yet but he posted some to his website http://blog.juanphotos.com/. It is the Stephen and Jessica photos. He was terrific to work with and I am kicking myself for not doing a trash the dress with him as well!


Coco, I had Valeria as my onsite coordinator and she was the most amazing person and was so helpful, so you are in good hands.


FYI, and I may be completely an anomaly...I never spoke to an onsite coordinator before I arrived in Cancun and didn't have my officially confirmed locations until about two weeks out (but that was with Ivis and I learned quickly when I arrived that she did a great job screwing up). Like I mentioned before, it all worked out beautifully and it is a shame that the terrific on-site people have to correct the errors of the Miami folks.




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So sweet of them!!!!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

They literally had me in tears cry.gif



Welcome and Congrats!!!!

Originally Posted by SFedEsq View Post

Hey MP Brides, 


My fiance and I decided on MP for our wedding next April. With over a year to go, our planning is in its infancy and I'm just working on crunching numbers and getting our budget in place. I was wondering if any of you MP '12 brides have a list of approved photographers for the resort... I was told by the Miami folks that there is a $500 fee for using outside vendors, but approved photographers will just require a day pass per photographer. The woman I spoke with mentioned Del Sol being on the list, but their packages seem to start a bit high... What's more, she also said that the approved photographers list was "up in the air still"... Just trying to get an idea of what they've approved in the past so we can budget accordingly. This thread is always super helpful, so thanks in advance! 


Happy Friday!

YAY packing!  LOL!  That is something I am not looking forward to!  :) 

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Hola Chicas,
Well since this is a dreary day I decided that this afternoon will be best spent.....drum roll please........... Packing ugh lol.
Well with a drink in hand (if this surprise you then I guess you haven't read my previous threads) I'm ready.
First up, the bags that my MOH & 2 bridesmaids will take. This will include anything OOT related. & nothing related to the wedding day. Why you ask, well besides the fact that I'm a little type A aka anal, they don't come until Wed or Thursday and my meeting with my onsite is 10am on Wed so it's great.
Now let's all take a moment to wish that the extra matching luggage I brought is enough lol
Happy planning & packing.
Oh for my brides that will be there the same week my email address like my username here is [email protected] let's meet!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Can't wait to read it.  And I can't wait to look at your pix!!!  Welcome back!

Originally Posted by USCJLB View Post

Hi Ladies!

Working on writing my review but I wanted to show some of the pictures if any of you all are using Juan Navarro for photography. I havent gotten back all of the pics yet but he posted some to his website http://blog.juanphotos.com/. It is the Stephen and Jessica photos. He was terrific to work with and I am kicking myself for not doing a trash the dress with him as well!


Coco, I had Valeria as my onsite coordinator and she was the most amazing person and was so helpful, so you are in good hands.


FYI, and I may be completely an anomaly...I never spoke to an onsite coordinator before I arrived in Cancun and didn't have my officially confirmed locations until about two weeks out (but that was with Ivis and I learned quickly when I arrived that she did a great job screwing up). Like I mentioned before, it all worked out beautifully and it is a shame that the terrific on-site people have to correct the errors of the Miami folks.




YAY!!  Welcome back!  you looked amazing!!!!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Hey Lovelies!

I'm so happy to say that now I'm Mrs. Samuels!!!!!!  woot.gif 


Congrats to Alaharri, LadiDi, and krsmith on becoming MRS, too (and if I've forgotten anyone, my apologies)!!  And best wishes to Coconoir, as you're packing and putting together the last few things before your wedding!  I know I've said this a bunch, but you all are so amazing and supportive.  It's mostly because of you all that we had the wedding of our dreams!!


  So pleased to report that everything was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I'm working on a DIY planning thread (already posted some entries - about 15 more to go, LOL).  Plus, I just finished my MP Review:  















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Can you please PM me with this information? I do not have permission to open the attachments.


Thank you! I really would appreciate it!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

GOOD NEWS - I contacted the MP salon directly (I think it was Karla) and asked her about resort credits being used for wedding day hair/make-up.  She said YES they can be used for this, contrary to what other coordinators told me in previous emails.  I'm going with it!  She also provided me pricing info, which I have below.


Also, I recieved info on the fireworks companies and what services they provide & prices.  Thought I'd post these in case anyone wanted to know. 


I hope this helps someone! Happy Planning! xoxo



Here's what I recieved for the salon info:








Here's the fireworks info for one of the companies MP recommends:







SPA MENU moon palace 2011.pdf


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You know, I think all of us go through this during this destination wedding planning process.  The fiance and I both have some hurt feelings about people who aren't coming to our wedding because of money reasons.  You try to respect it and then they turn around say something crazy that they recently or will be spending money.  Neither one of fiance's brothers are coming for this reason and right after they decline, one called and said "you guys should come check out this 65 inch TV I just bought" and the other bought a car and went on and on about buying expensive jewelry.  It's not like you care what they spend their money on, you just feel lied to because you find out they really could afford the trip, but just didn't want to.  Why can't they just be honest and tell the truth?!


So as I've been dealing with hurt feelings for a lot of things, I read this article in Oprah magazine of an interview with Gabrielle Union.  She was talking about ridding yourself of bad friends as it related to something she went through.  (Not saying that you should get rid of friends though.)  In the article, Gabrielle said a lot of times we become loyal to people in our lives that don't feel that same loyalty to us.  It made me realize that we do have lopsided relationships with people.  I'm not saying this is true in your case, but I'm learning that now in my case.  Now that things are in perspective for me, it doesn't hurt AS much and helps me to deal with it better.


I hope this helps you and I'm really sorry that you're going through this. 


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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Gorgeous!  Thanks so much for sharing these!  We're using smile market too and I was a little concerned, but you look fab! 


Originally Posted by ladydi1844 View Post

girls i got my dvd , pics, books and all my black & white photos all my 8X10 and 6X8 pics...the box just kept having more & more beautiful things coming out of it. the dvd comes in a picture case with a wraparound photo on both sides that is so gorgeous. I can't believe how gorgeous everything is. I am sooo happy I went with smile market in the end it was one of the best decisions I made. I truly got EVERYTHING- webcast, hours of DVD- i haven't even watched it all yet just the reception and it is hilarious, tons of beautiful pictures and these amazing, gorgeous picture books not to mention in addition to the beautiful black & white 8X10's and the color photos I also got a cd with every photo he took. I could not be happier!! Now if I could just stop looking at them lol.


this is all my goodies lol:



and these are a few of my faves:


ELM_3017 (2).JPGELM_3096 (2).JPGELM_3394.JPGELM_3568.JPGELM_3693.JPGELM_3583 (2).JPGELM_3677.JPGELM_3647.JPG


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Thank you!!

Honestly, since the day I sent this, I have felt so much better!  I am now only concentrating on the people who are going and I am getting more and more excited everyday!!!  If people wanted to go, they would have.  So why would I want to spend my days in Mexico with people that didn't want to be there?  It's for the best and I am so thrilled and can't wait to spend all that time with my family!!!!  We are going to have such a great time!!!!  55 more days until we leave!!!  YAY!!!!


I am sorry to hear that you are going through this as well!!!  It is a bummer and it does severely hurt feelings!!!

Originally Posted by AlmostMrsRJF View Post

You know, I think all of us go through this during this destination wedding planning process.  The fiance and I both have some hurt feelings about people who aren't coming to our wedding because of money reasons.  You try to respect it and then they turn around say something crazy that they recently or will be spending money.  Neither one of fiance's brothers are coming for this reason and right after they decline, one called and said "you guys should come check out this 65 inch TV I just bought" and the other bought a car and went on and on about buying expensive jewelry.  It's not like you care what they spend their money on, you just feel lied to because you find out they really could afford the trip, but just didn't want to.  Why can't they just be honest and tell the truth?!


So as I've been dealing with hurt feelings for a lot of things, I read this article in Oprah magazine of an interview with Gabrielle Union.  She was talking about ridding yourself of bad friends as it related to something she went through.  (Not saying that you should get rid of friends though.)  In the article, Gabrielle said a lot of times we become loyal to people in our lives that don't feel that same loyalty to us.  It made me realize that we do have lopsided relationships with people.  I'm not saying this is true in your case, but I'm learning that now in my case.  Now that things are in perspective for me, it doesn't hurt AS much and helps me to deal with it better.


I hope this helps you and I'm really sorry that you're going through this. 




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Hey Smoylan!  Have you heard back from Joannis yet?  I haven't yet and our wedding is the day before yours.  I went ahead and emailed her on our 90 day mark (last monday) and haven't heard back from her.  I did get an out of office reply that she was out that day, but I had hoped to hear from her by the end of the week. 

Originally Posted by Smoylan View Post

Coco- I cannot wait for your review and to see all your DIY's come to fruition!!

LadyDi- After seeing your pics, I am rethinking my wedding photo package and going bigger....


My 90 day mark will be here on Tuesday! (3 months from today we leave for Mexico!) Has any WC's contacted you on this day or have you all emailed them first? My TA has been in touch with Janinia and Ive emailed with Joannis, but I dont want to "bug" anyone until then....


AND My FI brother (BM) still hasnt booked his trip (although he has a flight already and its his room nights that will give us unlimited functions). My TA also leaves for vacation today. So annoying! fryingpan.gif


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Glad to hear your feeling better about things!  I'm thinking about things the same way.  At the end of the day, it's all about our union anyway, so we're not letting them rain on our parade.  I'm getting very excited too!  I have a lot to do though still, but I feel like I'm not too behind.  I went for my first fitting last week and that really got me excited. 


I'm counting down the days!


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

Thank you!!

Honestly, since the day I sent this, I have felt so much better!  I am now only concentrating on the people who are going and I am getting more and more excited everyday!!!  If people wanted to go, they would have.  So why would I want to spend my days in Mexico with people that didn't want to be there?  It's for the best and I am so thrilled and can't wait to spend all that time with my family!!!!  We are going to have such a great time!!!!  55 more days until we leave!!!  YAY!!!!


I am sorry to hear that you are going through this as well!!!  It is a bummer and it does severely hurt feelings!!!



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