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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Have a great time on your trip!! So glad to hear that your wrist is doing better. At least you won't have a cast on for the big day. Can't wait to hear how it goes!!

Originally Posted by alaharri View Post

So.......I'm taking a break from packing, and thinking to myself "What do I still need to do?".  I'm pretty sure I have everything all ready to go.  I'm doing my eyebrows, going to the bank, yadda yadda on Monday.  Then, I have this thought--I still haven't heard from Kalena to set up an appointment to meet with her when I get down there!!!  We are leaving WEDNESDAY.  My wedding is in less than 7 days.  So now I'm kind of having a panic attack.  I mean, we're going to be on the plane and flying at 6A on Wednesday.  I know I won't hear from her tomorrow. That leaves 2 days to try to get contact her.  Aaahh!!  In other news, my wrist is still not fully healed from breaking it in February.  They have taken off the cast now, but it's in a splint I'm supposed to keep on for 3 more weeks.  They told me I can take it off occasionally now, so I figure I'll just take it off for the wedding and while I'm down at the pool.  Unfortunately, the cast just came off, so there went my plans to work out and get tan.  That stuff is totally not happening.  :( Luckily, I'm so close to leaving, I kind of don't care anymore.  I just can't wait to go down there.  We are staying for 10 days, and I feel like hubby is going to have to drag me home kicking and screaming.


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Congrats!! Can't wait to hear how it all went!

Originally Posted by USCJLB View Post

Hi Ladies-

So we had our ceremony on Friday (still down here until Thursday) and what everyone says is true...don't worry about things so much on the front end. From the spa services to the wedding planning to the ceremony, everything has been beyond perfect!


I will write a long review when I return..happy planning guys and try to relax, it all works out!


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Congratulations! I'm glad your big day was wonderful!! Happy vacationing!

Originally Posted by ChipmunkRN View Post

So my wedding went off wonderfully on Sat. I am not Mrs. Richardson. Christina the wedding coordinator on site is amazing. She is totally organized and knows what she is doing. Will write a full review when we get back but wanted to update any brides who are coming soon that the Disco is closed for repairs with an unknown date to reopen. We had planned for the wedding group to party there but they closed it the night before. So we ended up partying with Janel's wedding party in the Sunrise lobby where they had music and dancing so it all worked out. :) Its been a wonderful experiance, We upgraded our room to the concierge level this trip and I would definatly recommend it. They did so many extra touches, 3 times a day I would come into my room with a new surprise! It was great!! Ok back to my vacation.


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Congrats chipmunkrn and uscjlb!!That's so exciting! Best of luck alaharri I'm sure everything is going to be wonderful! So lately I feel like I'm getting nothing done lol! Invites are out dress ordered, jewelrey ordered.. Trying to find some more brooches for my bouquet... But lately ... Nothing lol! Ive been focusing more on diet and exercise... Zumba 3 nights a week and gym 5 days a week on top of that.. Just signed up for a zombie 5k in Boston for May 5th with my bridesmaids so I'm excited about that... I want to start putting some oot bags.. Now I just need to find some time to do this lol! Hope everyone else's planning is going well... I'm still waiting on Michelle to assign me a new WC since Beatriz is no longer there... Wonder how long I'll be waiting for that email...lol

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Had a near heartattack a moment ago. I received a call from Anna at Hard Rock Hotel about my upcoming wedding. Um I didn't think I reserved a wedding there so I called the number back and it goes to the Palace Resorts Wedding department. Fortunately Janina answers (let me just tell you how much I love her and how incredibly helpful she always is!!) and she double checks yes we are scheduled to get married June 9 at Moon Palace at 5pm. Ok, whew! Then I ask about Cristina being our new coordinator since that's what she told me last week but that's again changed to the onsite coordinator Zaray and gives me her email address to get in contact with her along with telling me she will be emailing her as well. This makes me feel better about the whole thing.


BUT......does anyone know anything about Zaray? I don't believe I remember hearing her name on the boards. If anyone knows of her and her work please let me know. I have been pretty laid back thus far but we are nearing the 60 day mark and I feel like we need to get the final details down on paper.


Thanks ladies!! Happy planning!

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I feel the same way..i have alot of stuff ordered and now i'm in a slow period..its still far enough out but i don't want to do everything last minute. Just waiting to see how many guests we end up having so I'm not OVER spending!!


Wheres the 5k?? I live south of Boston. I might hafta join ya!


I had Ivis and now have NO IDEA who I have..still waiting that info!!

Originally Posted by Krystabab143 View Post

Congrats chipmunkrn and uscjlb!!That's so exciting!
Best of luck alaharri I'm sure everything is going to be wonderful!
So lately I feel like I'm getting nothing done lol! Invites are out dress ordered, jewelrey ordered.. Trying to find some more brooches for my bouquet... But lately ... Nothing lol!
Ive been focusing more on diet and exercise... Zumba 3 nights a week and gym 5 days a week on top of that.. Just signed up for a zombie 5k in Boston for May 5th with my bridesmaids so I'm excited about that... I want to start putting some oot bags.. Now I just need to find some time to do this lol!
Hope everyone else's planning is going well... I'm still waiting on Michelle to assign me a new WC since Beatriz is no longer there... Wonder how long I'll be waiting for that email...lol


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Everything looks great!  I am partial to May 8th as it's my bday!!!  :)

Originally Posted by natalie47 View Post


Finally finished all my stationary for wedding reception and ceremony.  Whoop Whoop!!! feels good!!! cheer2.gif



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YAY!  So excited for you!  Hope your wrist is ok!!!  I decided I am done skiing for the rest of the season.  The snow is pretty terrible here now, anyways!  :)  Your story always sticks with me when I am on the slopes!

Originally Posted by alaharri View Post

So.......I'm taking a break from packing, and thinking to myself "What do I still need to do?".  I'm pretty sure I have everything all ready to go.  I'm doing my eyebrows, going to the bank, yadda yadda on Monday.  Then, I have this thought--I still haven't heard from Kalena to set up an appointment to meet with her when I get down there!!!  We are leaving WEDNESDAY.  My wedding is in less than 7 days.  So now I'm kind of having a panic attack.  I mean, we're going to be on the plane and flying at 6A on Wednesday.  I know I won't hear from her tomorrow. That leaves 2 days to try to get contact her.  Aaahh!!  In other news, my wrist is still not fully healed from breaking it in February.  They have taken off the cast now, but it's in a splint I'm supposed to keep on for 3 more weeks.  They told me I can take it off occasionally now, so I figure I'll just take it off for the wedding and while I'm down at the pool.  Unfortunately, the cast just came off, so there went my plans to work out and get tan.  That stuff is totally not happening.  :( Luckily, I'm so close to leaving, I kind of don't care anymore.  I just can't wait to go down there.  We are staying for 10 days, and I feel like hubby is going to have to drag me home kicking and screaming.


YAY YAY YAY!!!  congrats!  Can't wait to hear all about it!

Originally Posted by USCJLB View Post

Hi Ladies-

So we had our ceremony on Friday (still down here until Thursday) and what everyone says is true...don't worry about things so much on the front end. From the spa services to the wedding planning to the ceremony, everything has been beyond perfect!


I will write a long review when I return..happy planning guys and try to relax, it all works out!


AWESOME planning thread!!!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Whew... Okay I'm in planning withdraw, so I decided to go a planning thread after all.  I by far didn't capture EVERYTHING as there were a few things that I wanted to keep "Post Wedding" but will include in the review.


Here's the link http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/78847/coconoirs-planning-thread-picture-heavy#post_1748658


Welcome!  I would just keep checking in to make sure they have everything.  I would also keep everything you have in writing, print it out and bring it with you down there!  I will hold them to everything they said!  HAHA!!  I am also Jewish and I would not want to have my ceremony (if I were doing a Jewish ceremony) in their catholic chapel even though it is beautiful, it's just their "catholic" chapel.

Originally Posted by CurlyBride View Post

Hello my fellow MP brides, so for about the past 3 months I have been reading threads and following the advice you have posted, all secretly, I felt it was about time I come clean and join in on the discussions. I was, up until recently working with Beatriz and now I am told I will be working with the on site coordator Kalena who has not returned any emails since last week to confirm my information. I have about 7 months but I just want everything to be confirmed so I can focus on other things.

I have spent the past 2 months emailing back and forth with Beatriz all the add ons and package details we wanted to incorporate. I have already made a deposit to reserve the locations and decor through Zuniga. Should I be worried or they will have all this on file? In my experience it has been one thing to another working with Palace resorts. Just recently I was told I never reserved the Tucan Gazebo and they wanted to move me to the Catholic Gazebo when I informed them that I am having a Jewish ceremony WTF? after some fighting Beatriz promised it was ours and we signed the contract. Now im worried that since she is gone they may move us anyways.. what do you think? At one point we wanted to cancel and move to Dreams but decided to deal with it and stay strong. Your comments have definitly put me at ease and I relay all to my fiance. We are sticking it through as you ladies have already done so.



Congrats!!!  So happy to hear and I can't wait to hear more!!!  I know it was stressful for you before you got down there!

Originally Posted by ChipmunkRN View Post

So my wedding went off wonderfully on Sat. I am not Mrs. Richardson. Christina the wedding coordinator on site is amazing. She is totally organized and knows what she is doing. Will write a full review when we get back but wanted to update any brides who are coming soon that the Disco is closed for repairs with an unknown date to reopen. We had planned for the wedding group to party there but they closed it the night before. So we ended up partying with Janel's wedding party in the Sunrise lobby where they had music and dancing so it all worked out. :) Its been a wonderful experiance, We upgraded our room to the concierge level this trip and I would definatly recommend it. They did so many extra touches, 3 times a day I would come into my room with a new surprise! It was great!! Ok back to my vacation.

I would have had a heart attack too!!!

Originally Posted by mrsjdh2b View Post

Had a near heartattack a moment ago. I received a call from Anna at Hard Rock Hotel about my upcoming wedding. Um I didn't think I reserved a wedding there so I called the number back and it goes to the Palace Resorts Wedding department. Fortunately Janina answers (let me just tell you how much I love her and how incredibly helpful she always is!!) and she double checks yes we are scheduled to get married June 9 at Moon Palace at 5pm. Ok, whew! Then I ask about Cristina being our new coordinator since that's what she told me last week but that's again changed to the onsite coordinator Zaray and gives me her email address to get in contact with her along with telling me she will be emailing her as well. This makes me feel better about the whole thing.


BUT......does anyone know anything about Zaray? I don't believe I remember hearing her name on the boards. If anyone knows of her and her work please let me know. I have been pretty laid back thus far but we are nearing the 60 day mark and I feel like we need to get the final details down on paper.


Thanks ladies!! Happy planning!


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Hi ladies!


Hope you are all doing well!!!


I had my shower this past weekend and that was good  :)


And yesterday everyone's payments were due.  As it turns out my step mom is not going now, which means we lose 7 days as my youngest sister is now staying with my dad instead of in her own room.  :(  We had convinced one of my friends that we would pay for 2 of 3 nights for her, if she could come.  We did this as that would put us at 61 nights and the benefits of that outweighed the little bit of money we put forth for it.  But now we are at 51 nights with NO hopes of reaching 60, which we had planned on for so long.  Long story short this alters so many of our plans of what we wanted to do. Crazy how one person not going can change things so much!  I am at a point where I just want to get the show on the road!  :)  On a brighter note, everyone that is going should be fully paid now!  :)  YAY!!!


Oh and my BM dresses are finally in!!!  Can't wait to see them!

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Sorry to hear that you fell short of your goal..just remember in the end its about you and your future hubby!!

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

Hi ladies!


Hope you are all doing well!!!


I had my shower this past weekend and that was good  :)


And yesterday everyone's payments were due.  As it turns out my step mom is not going now, which means we lose 7 days as my youngest sister is now staying with my dad instead of in her own room.  :(  We had convinced one of my friends that we would pay for 2 of 3 nights for her, if she could come.  We did this as that would put us at 61 nights and the benefits of that outweighed the little bit of money we put forth for it.  But now we are at 51 nights with NO hopes of reaching 60, which we had planned on for so long.  Long story short this alters so many of our plans of what we wanted to do. Crazy how one person not going can change things so much!  I am at a point where I just want to get the show on the road!  :)  On a brighter note, everyone that is going should be fully paid now!  :)  YAY!!!


Oh and my BM dresses are finally in!!!  Can't wait to see them!


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