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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!

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OMG!!! I haven't been on the board in a while and I'm glad that I saw this post. I'm supposed to have a call with her April 2!!! GRRRR these people are really starting to irritate me.


I haven't had a chance to read through everyone's post but I have an email from Beatriz stating that it's a $100 set up fee per table if you bring your own decor. That's ridiculous to spread out some table clothes or set out some candles. I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten a cheaper price. When I first started this whole process it was a flat rate of $65!!!

Originally Posted by Palacebridex2 View Post

Hello Brides, I just learned today, that another MP WC has bit the dust!! If anyone has Beatriz Santana, then you dont anymore.  For whatever reason, she is no longer with the company!!! This is soo crazy!!!


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I'll come to your wedding Jamie!!


I don't understand how people can be so cruel. And thats the most approrpiate word for this situation because these people are suppose to be your "friends" and yet they aren't attending your wedding..one of the biggest days of your life because they are going on vacations elsewhere. I don't get people. I have not had this problem arise yet with our "friends" but I can already sense then some of them are going to bail last minute for "financial reasons" I'm sorry hun, I wish that people would smarten up and want to share in your special day!!

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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 We only had one friend that came and he spent a fortune as he brought his whole family but I am blessed to have an awesome family and my brother and sister and their families and my aunts that I adore came and we all had an amzing time. When you decide to do a destination wedding you have to be prepared for the possibility that people won't/can't join you. Maybe you can have a dinner or cocktail party for your friends at home. try not to take it so personally I have said no to a few destination weddings of friends because i get one vacation a year and it is going to be to the place I want to go and I understood that when I made my plans. Don't get me wrong I was very disappointed that none of our friends came and I did think once or twice how much this one or that one would love this but I had my wedding exactly where I wanted and married the man of my dreams and that is the best part. I understand your disappointment and it really does suck because there isn't anything we can do but try to enjoy the important people that are coming and remember who your friends are ;)

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!?  My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways? Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!
Jamie, I'm going through the same thing. I just sent an email out to people who hadn't RSVPed asking them to please respond, and got a response saying "sorry we're not coming, because we're headed to Belize next week." I'm sure he thought he was being nice by telling me that, and not hurtful, but it is what it is. You have to accept that some people don't want to be dictated regarding where they take their vacations, and will only come if they can afford an extra vacation. Easy to tell yourself that, harder to accept in reality.
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You have every right to feel the way you do!!!  These people must be important to you because you would not have invite them, but the question is how important are you to them. Ok everyone is having some kind of money problem but Iâ€m sure you let them know in a enough time to be able to save a little here & there. I canâ€t believe that they have the nerve to tell that they are planning to on these vacation that will probably cost them the same or more.


One thing I have learned in this whole process is that everyone is not meant to share in your happinessgrouphug.gif


Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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I feel your pain!! As I said before my sister tried to back out on me. And just last week I had another bridesmaid tell me that she couldn't come.....she gave me reasons for her job BUT I think it has to do with the fact that her ex is also in the wedding (not paired up) and has recently proposed to his new lady. She tried to tell me that she looked into coming in on Friday and leaving Sunday but the cost was over $3000 and the type of person I am I looked up flights and booking a room through the website and it was not that much. So whatever. We have had several people say they were coming got all the information and now they aren't for various reasons. I was hurt and frustrated even through a huge hissy fit but now I'm just like whatever about it. I have even said to several people that were complaining about not being at the wedding that we planned this far enough in advance for people to save and plan for it and if they choose not to be there then it's their own fault. This is a really awesome place and reasonable when you factor in all you get on this vacation. My advice is try not to let it get to you.....throw a screaming hissy fit if you need to and then let it go. Don't let it ruin what's supposed to be one of the happiest moments in your life. Remember this is ultimately about you and your FI and nobody else. Make this what you guys want and no one else. ** grouphug.gif  ** Hugs!

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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Jamie- so sorry you are going through this.  Sadly we have the exact opposite problem.  Our friends are coming and have been amazing.  It's our family that has bailed on us.  NONE of my fiance's family is coming and thats been hard to deal with.  My parents and sister and brother are coming and would do anything to be there.  My mother's sisters were all behind us and helped us pick the resort and couldn't wait to come, but now have all cited money reasons and "family commitments" of why they can't come.  It hurts very much not to have them there and especially when they send me a facebook message to explain why they can't come.  It just sucks that something that is suppose to be so happy is when you find out how selfish people can be!  We are so thankful for our selfless friends and will have a wonderful experience with them.

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

So, I think I may be losing it a little bit.  As you all know I don't have ANY friends coming to our wedding.  Their reasoning (excuse), MONEY.  Ok, so how could I be mad at that, even though not one of them tried to save, but the kicker is...I keep finding out that more and more of them are still going on their vacations this year.  I told you about the "friend" that was in Costa Rica, another is going to FL in a week, another one going to FL over my wedding week, I just found out that another one is going to FL the end of this month, one friend stated he couldn't come because of money, but was just in NYC for a week and told me he was headed to Seattle for 1 1/2, but that we should get together when he gets back (all in the same breath).  One told me she was going to come, but spent all her money going to Michigan!?!? 


My feelings are severely hurt by these people.  Why is my wedding not a vacation they want to take???  And why am I supposed to accept their reasoning for not coming and be happy that they are going on their vacations anyways?


Everyone, that I try to talk to tells me, that I should not be surprised no one is going, but my feelings are constantly being hurt every time I find out another "friend" is going somewhere else.  I know you all will say the same thing, but I just had to vent, as I can't really vent to my "friends" about this.  THanks!


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Thanks so muc girl. It is what everyone says about the wedding day...awesome ;). It's almost a let down when it is all over. i don't know what to do with all my spare time again lol. Good luck ;)

Ladydi you looked AMAZING!!! I haven't had a chance to tell you that yet! I saw your pics on the Smile Market page a few days after your wedding. Beautiful day and beautiful couple!! CONGRATS!  
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