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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Ohh thats horrible. We were kind of having the same issue with my parents when we first mentioned it all. Its bc they weren't use to this "idea". In the end all that matters is that you and your FI will be there! Don't loose focus of the reason why your going there! Its what you as a couple want!!

Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Hey Ladies,


I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit!  And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding.  And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!!  Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married!  I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are.  They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc.  Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone.  I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days.  Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming.  I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world.  Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much.  Ahhh sorry for the vent!




LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!!  Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work!   I need to get cracking! haha


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You are more than welcome.  I'll comb through some more stuff on my hard drive and see if there's more that I can send.  Kona is a handsome one.  How many pounds is he currently!  Our little one tentatively named "Optimus Prime" will not join us until the 21st of Jan but my son is all the more excited because we get to read etc.. on boxers to prepare for his arrival.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated so fill up my email ;-)

Originally Posted by Mca1116 View Post

Thank you so much for your emails, I recieved them this morning!! They are going to be a ton of help to me and my FI.  I just saw the pics of the boxer puppies you posted!! Great choice... I have a boxer that is 1 and he is the best dog... He is so smart! My FI and I love him soo much!! I posted a pic of him below, his name is Kona! If you have any questions about the breed dont hesitate to ask, I will help you as best as I can




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I sorry to hear that your FI's family will not be attending your wedding.. we all feel your pain and have experience the same thing the last few months...Just remember it's about you & your FI and what make you both happy.. your happiness must come first !!!


Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Hey Ladies,


I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit!  And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding.  And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!!  Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married!  I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are.  They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc.  Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone.  I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days.  Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming.  I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world.  Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much.  Ahhh sorry for the vent!




LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!!  Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work!   I need to get cracking! haha


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You know I have templates, girl!  That's how I roll! cool.gif

Originally Posted by summer12 View Post

Welcome!!welcome.gif I totally read the whole thing before joining too, there's lot's of good info here!

Oh wise coco, how right you are. cheesy.gif Which is why I feel bad for feeling bad- cause of all he is and does for me. I know this relationship is different and so much deeper than anything either of us have had.  However he can't undo telling me what he paid for her ring and I can't undo my reaction and now we both feel like an upgrade will be the best solution.  Hopefully we can just put a bigger diamond on the ring I already have, we both agree it is beautiful, and will be even more so after.  It's just money and (as mentioned earlier) we are so blessed.  He said he would have gotten me a bigger one in the first place but there was confusion with what he thought I wanted.  Anyways, thanks for the POV.


Wow I love it ndvidul!!!  Do you have a template? Love your style!


Oooooooh, how exciting!!  The countdown is on for your new addition.  Can't wait for your update on Sunday!  P.S.  My heart is melting from this pic!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Morning my friends,


Nothing major to update, no DIYs done (winding down is a great thing), however; I like to report that after many calls, emails and long telephone conversations WE HAVE FOUND A BREEDER, whom we all feel comfortable with.  AKC registered etc... I can go on and on but for the sake of time and forum space will not.  Although we will not have our new family addition home for Christmas, we will be with him every step of the way via pictures, updates and visits as often as we would like.  So on Sunday the 18th at 3pm we will continue our journey by visiting the mom & dad along with 7 puppies (4 of which are male).  Jeremiah (my son) is so excited to be able to pick from the 4 males and he will be the first (besides the family) to have laid eyes on the little ones who were born Nov 22, 2011 to Cassius and Lily.  I introduce to you, Shakespere, Angus, Brutus and Phoenix (names giving by their caretakes as pup 1 etc.. was not an option).




I will definitely follow-up on Sunday after our 3pm visit. 


Have a grand day my friends!

My mom wanted to throw me a bridal shower and she just asked my bridesmaids to chip in by bringing drinks, snacks, and mailing invites.  We're having it on Dec 28 --- so excited! 


Originally Posted by ctracey1785 View Post

I need your girls opinion..my bridal party wants to throw a bridal shower for us..theres only 3 of them..but I don't want them to spend any more $ than they are for the trip. Its a big expense that isn't really needed.  Did you all have showers?? I just feel like if they throw one they won't have the $ for cancun and I would obviously much rather them there!!  Opinions ladies??

Thanks for catching the error on Our Story page!!!!  Just reprinted --- you've saved me a lot of time, chica.  Muchas gracias!

Originally Posted by Palacebridex2 View Post

rockon.gif  YOU ROCK!!!!! it is sooooo beautiful!!!



I believe that there are a couple of sit down restaurants available.  If you search 'Moon Palace Restaurant' in here, you'll see a thread with a lot of info about them.  That's how I decided where we're having our Reception Dinner.  :)  We're having a cocktail hour... but only an hour's worth.

Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

Opinion needed. idea.gifthe closer we get the more issues we seem to have. I just found out from our WC that the money we are paying for the reception (1200) is good for only TWO hours which is not enough time at all and if we want to extend it, the cost is $60 per table per hour..so things just keep adding up! I was thinking of maybe changing it to an extended cocktail hour for 2-3hrs? then use the 35 dinner reservation after the cocktail hour. My concern with that is you lose the wedding reception feel and to my knowledge all the restraunts are buffet, which is ok except for the fact that I will be in my dress with a bunch of other ppl around who I do not know. Has anyone done anything like this before??


ughh getting so frustrated!! If only the guests who booked elsewhere would have booked through our TA things would be great! sorry for the venting just too much is happening at the end!!


Welcome back!  What sad news that his family will not be joining you.  It seems like he says he's ok, but man, I'd feel pretty bummed if no one from my family came.  I guess that's what you're there for --- for his support and his "new" family he will be making.  And you'll be there for each other.  You can vent on here anytime. 

Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Hey Ladies,


I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit!  And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding.  And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!!  Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married!  I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are.  They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc.  Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone.  I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days.  Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming.  I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world.  Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much.  Ahhh sorry for the vent!




LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!!  Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work!   I need to get cracking! haha


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This one is a toughy...I know how you feel since my FI has been married before and I happen to know she was so lovely (i'm not very girly lol). It was hard at first but I have learned that they are exes for a reason and I totally agree with Coco..he loves you and is doing so many special things for you that the size of your ring compared to the ex's does not determine the amount of love you guys have for each other! He is amazing and you are great for each other :)

Originally Posted by summer12 View Post



Okay ladies I need to know what you would do in this situation.  My FI and I were talking about my ring today.  He had bought a ring for another girl once but they broke up before he gave it to her.  I have known that since before we were engaged.  Somehow in conversation he mentioned that he spend more on her ring then he did on mine.  I of course was not super happy about this.  Especially when I found out he spend over double the amount on her ring.  thatswck.gifNow, I'm not very materialistic, but that hurts me because to me the man I marry should think I deserve the best right?  He says he didn't like the ring he got her and liked the one he got me.  But now since he knows he hurt me he said he has to upgrade my ring.  If you found this out what would your reaction be?  I tried the whole "it's not the ring I'm marrying" thing but to be honest I wouldn't mind something bigger.  Ugh, after all this $$ stuff with my parents and I "materialistic me" needs a bigger ring? 


Anyways... thoughts ladies?  Tell me I'm not the only one that would feel this way?


OMG YAY!! they are absolutely precious! can't wait to hear which baby Jeremiah picks!!!!!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Morning my friends,


Nothing major to update, no DIYs done (winding down is a great thing), however; I like to report that after many calls, emails and long telephone conversations WE HAVE FOUND A BREEDER, whom we all feel comfortable with.  AKC registered etc... I can go on and on but for the sake of time and forum space will not.  Although we will not have our new family addition home for Christmas, we will be with him every step of the way via pictures, updates and visits as often as we would like.  So on Sunday the 18th at 3pm we will continue our journey by visiting the mom & dad along with 7 puppies (4 of which are male).  Jeremiah (my son) is so excited to be able to pick from the 4 males and he will be the first (besides the family) to have laid eyes on the little ones who were born Nov 22, 2011 to Cassius and Lily.  I introduce to you, Shakespere, Angus, Brutus and Phoenix (names giving by their caretakes as pup 1 etc.. was not an option).




I will definitely follow-up on Sunday after our 3pm visit. 


Have a grand day my friends!


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sorry to hear about your FI family :( most of my FI's family isn't coming either and trust me I know how you feel. It is outside their "comfort zone" and others use money as an excuse when in reality they go out to eat every day...how terrible it would be to break that pattern lol. It will be okay though you will have so much fun! We have our FI and our closest family and friends with us and the rest does not matter! It will be an amazing experience..woooo!! :)

Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Hey Ladies,


I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit!  And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding.  And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!!  Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married!  I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are.  They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc.  Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone.  I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days.  Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming.  I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world.  Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much.  Ahhh sorry for the vent!




LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!!  Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work!   I need to get cracking! haha


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Hi Ladies!  I haven't been on here since Friday, I had so much to catch up on!  you all have been busy busy!!!  Love it!!!  I hope you guys all had a great weekend!!!  I am going to respond to as much as I can.  If I forgot someone, I apologize!!! 



I love the bouquet and bouts!  you did a fantastic job!!!  YAY!!!!

Originally Posted by YWS2012 View Post

OK ladies here is a picture of my bouquet.. I want to add some color not sure I kinda like it clean and simple....open for ideas ladies  


groomsmen boutonnieres that were made by this lady I meet named  Lynn....there made of wood..








welcome1.gif ctracey!!!  From what I have read you, have been updated pretty well!  This thread and all the ladies on here are so helpful and just wonderful in general. 

Originally Posted by ctracey1785 View Post

Ahhh thanks so much for the heads up!!! It looks like theres so much information here. I am so looking forward to all your insight!!


We are doing the "pearl shimmer" package and we will most likely add a reception after.


Ndvidul everything looks amazing and congrats on your weight loss...such a big accomplishment!!!


I am still having a hard time reserving my locations.  I just got an e-mail stating they won't officially reserve our locations until 90 days before!  I kind of give up!  Not sure how so many have already gotten their locations and I have asked 10 times to no avail, so I guess it is what it is!

Originally Posted by LurkerDan View Post

Kind of wondering this myself. I know I read this somewhere in here, but don't recall where. How have y'all reserved locations so far in advance? We're going to have some 50-75 people (guessing) on the Sunrise side (not definite) so would like to have these big things taken care of. Think ceremony and cocktail hour outside (4pm ceremony) but the reception inside (so it can be air conditioned, easier on the older folks in our party). Would also like them all fairly close together, again to make it easier on the older folks.
Any help would be awesome, thanks!


Summer, I can understand why you feel the way you do!  No one would want to hear that!  But you need to do what right for you!  IMO, I probably just state that you are upset, etc... but would wait on an upgrade.  I hope you guys work it out and again, I would be upset by this too.

Originally Posted by summer12 View Post



Okay ladies I need to know what you would do in this situation.  My FI and I were talking about my ring today.  He had bought a ring for another girl once but they broke up before he gave it to her.  I have known that since before we were engaged.  Somehow in conversation he mentioned that he spend more on her ring then he did on mine.  I of course was not super happy about this.  Especially when I found out he spend over double the amount on her ring.  thatswck.gifNow, I'm not very materialistic, but that hurts me because to me the man I marry should think I deserve the best right?  He says he didn't like the ring he got her and liked the one he got me.  But now since he knows he hurt me he said he has to upgrade my ring.  If you found this out what would your reaction be?  I tried the whole "it's not the ring I'm marrying" thing but to be honest I wouldn't mind something bigger.  Ugh, after all this $$ stuff with my parents and I "materialistic me" needs a bigger ring? 


Anyways... thoughts ladies?  Tell me I'm not the only one that would feel this way?

welcome3.gif Mca1116 !!!


Like I stated earlier to lurker dan, I am having issues getting my locations reserved.  MP just won't do it for me, which is driving me a little batty since so many on here getting married a month before me have had their locations reserved for months!  I am constantly being told I have to wait until the 90 day mark too!  It can be really frustrating, but if you just prepare yourself, it isn't too bad.  I have my days where I want to cry because they won't help me, and others I just brush it off!  It will work out how it is supposed to!!!  :)  I have received menus, etc from the ladies on here, which also helps sooo much!!!!

Originally Posted by Mca1116 View Post

I'm getting married on nov 10, 2012... We have sent out our save the dates and created our website but I feel like you girls are so far ahead of us. How do you have your locations and such booked. I called mp and asked for menus etc and was told I have to wait until 90 days before the wedding. Help?? 


YAY You are all over it girl!  Everything looks so great!  I am so happy for you that you have been able to get so much done!!!!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Wow, what an amazingly productive weekend on the Wedding front!  I really and truly haven't felt this "put together" about the wedding yet at all... it is an amazing feeling!  We booked our hotel & flights today --- finally!!  Yippeeee!!!!


Also, I finished the first Ceremony Program tonight.  Couldn't wait to share it with you all!  I'll finish them this week along with my other projects.  Enjoy!


P.S.  I finally was able to use my new Crop-a-dile tool and Circle Cutter for this --- woot, woot! 


P.P.S.  I got the idea for this booklet from the book The DIY Bride Crafty Countdown by Khris Cochran... which I got 40% off of course at Joann's!  haha!


P.P.P.S.  I left out a few pages that have the excerpts from our readings & the hand ceremony blessing.  I LOVE the quotes that I put in here, hehe!  OK, this is enough post scripts.  Bed time for me, friends!  Happy planning this week!



Intro Pg.jpg

Our Story Pgs.jpg

Wedding Party Pgs.jpg

Ceremony Pgs.jpgEnding Pg.jpg



OMG!  So cute!!!  I can't wait to see the update on Sunday!!!  This makes me want to run out and get a puppy!!!!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Morning my friends,


Nothing major to update, no DIYs done (winding down is a great thing), however; I like to report that after many calls, emails and long telephone conversations WE HAVE FOUND A BREEDER, whom we all feel comfortable with.  AKC registered etc... I can go on and on but for the sake of time and forum space will not.  Although we will not have our new family addition home for Christmas, we will be with him every step of the way via pictures, updates and visits as often as we would like.  So on Sunday the 18th at 3pm we will continue our journey by visiting the mom & dad along with 7 puppies (4 of which are male).  Jeremiah (my son) is so excited to be able to pick from the 4 males and he will be the first (besides the family) to have laid eyes on the little ones who were born Nov 22, 2011 to Cassius and Lily.  I introduce to you, Shakespere, Angus, Brutus and Phoenix (names giving by their caretakes as pup 1 etc.. was not an option).




I will definitely follow-up on Sunday after our 3pm visit. 


Have a grand day my friends!


I think I am having a shower, only because I don't have any friends coming to the wedding and they must feel bad, because they all want me to have a shower!  But like you, I don't want my sisters (my bridal party) to have to pay even more for this, so I kind of go back and forth about it!

Originally Posted by ctracey1785 View Post

I need your girls opinion..my bridal party wants to throw a bridal shower for us..theres only 3 of them..but I don't want them to spend any more $ than they are for the trip. Its a big expense that isn't really needed.  Did you all have showers?? I just feel like if they throw one they won't have the $ for cancun and I would obviously much rather them there!!  Opinions ladies??


We noticed that too!  As of now we are still planning on a reception, only because we want to do that for our guests, but....if something changes financially we may have to use the dinner reservation.  It's really hard, because it is a huge expense.  I too, want the reception/wedding feel.  So, I guess it depends on how much you feel it is worth?  Is it worth it for you guys to spend so much on a reception when the dinner reservation may be just as good as a private reception?  It is frustrating that people didn't use your TA too!  :(  But I honestly think whatever you decide will be beautiful and so much fun for everyone, including you and your FI.  I really don't think you can go wrong!

Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

Opinion needed. idea.gifthe closer we get the more issues we seem to have. I just found out from our WC that the money we are paying for the reception (1200) is good for only TWO hours which is not enough time at all and if we want to extend it, the cost is $60 per table per hour..so things just keep adding up! I was thinking of maybe changing it to an extended cocktail hour for 2-3hrs? then use the 35 dinner reservation after the cocktail hour. My concern with that is you lose the wedding reception feel and to my knowledge all the restraunts are buffet, which is ok except for the fact that I will be in my dress with a bunch of other ppl around who I do not know. Has anyone done anything like this before??


ughh getting so frustrated!! If only the guests who booked elsewhere would have booked through our TA things would be great! sorry for the venting just too much is happening at the end!!


Welcome back beatyea!  I am sooo sorry that FI's family is not only not going to your wedding, but had the audacity to tell you on the RSVP card and not on the phone or in person.  I would feel so betrayed!  I so wish they would "suck it up" for your FI!  I hope he is doing OK!  You know you can always vent!!!!

Originally Posted by beatyea View Post

Hey Ladies,


I'm just getting back on here after about a week off since it was my birthday so I put aside wedding planning for a bit!  And I needed a break since (here comes the venting) we just found out for sure that my fiance's family isn't coming to the wedding.  And when I say we found out I mean that I got back the RSVP reply with no!!!  Not even a phone call or anything to apologize- I guess to them its no big deal that their oldest child is getting married!  I just feel horrible for my fiance, but he says he is ok with it because this is how they are.  They have used every excuse to get out of it- his mom doesn't like to fly, his dad doesn't think Mexico is safe, they don't have the money, they have to help his brother with money for his surgery he doesn't have scheduled, etc.  Basically they don't want to go because it is outside their comfort zone.  I wish they could have sucked it up for their son and even just came for a few days.  Then my fiance talked to his mom about maybe financially helping his brother come and what the options could be, but she said not to since he isn't really concerned about coming.  I guess its hard for me to understand this because my family, who are not as financially well off, would do anything to be there and wouldn't miss it for the world.  Hopefully my family's support and our friend's is enough for my fiance because they all love us very much.  Ahhh sorry for the vent!




LOVE love LOVE all of your DIY projects!!!  Very impressed and I'm sure your guests will be also with all of your hard work!   I need to get cracking! haha


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Im only having a shower because we are having an AHR. The majority of our guests won't travel to Mexico. ( Im sure of it, alothough everyone was invited) For our guests traveling we dont want any gifts, shower or wedding...xmas and birthdays for that matter as well!! That is so nice of the girls to want to do that for you!! maybe they can host a bon voage party or something??


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