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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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we have a boxer he is 6 and great with kids, the only health issues we have had is allergies, our neighbor has one as well and they complain about allergies as well. But after having multiple different breeds over the years I have found every beed has something and you can never really know each dog is different. Good luck!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Haha that's funny... now check this out I was talking to my FI's sister (who works with animals) and she said while boxers are a great dog, but have heart problems.  sad.gif she has seen them as young as 2 and older coming in with heart disease, tumors etc...  Ugh... so while the Boxer is still a top runner she has recommended a dog called the Vizsla which is a descendant of the Weirmarner.  They are very pretty, active, family dogs and get this, they are one of the healthiest dogs out there.  So, I showed FI he likes what he sees.  I told my son about it (he is over his gradmas) so when he comes home tomorrow I will show him the information, videos that I found and we will go from there.  But it will be between these 2 dogs as I think either or can offer what each of us need as a household.  So, today I'm going to research the breeders that I found for the Boxers and start looking for breeders for the Vizsla.


Stay tuned lol



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I am so laughing at FI, you go!  BTW I spoke with a Vizsla breeder and it was by far a great conversation that includes tons of questions on both ends.  These breeders do not play with their Vizsla.  In either case, we both determined that at present this is not the type of dog for our household.  This dog does not do well alone at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  even in the house he/she will follow you from room to room and want to be up under someone ALL of the time.  This won't work for no no one in our house especially given our schedules.  It wasn't even enough that we would have someone come over during the day while we are at work.  So while attractive and considered to be very healthy and clean, they cling.

Originally Posted by summer12 View Post

Thanks Coco and ndvidul- I have great in-laws, and a great FIthewave.gif 

We went shopping today for my bro and sis and FI was all about getting the 16 y.o. bro gifts- ps3 games, cologne, clothes- "Wow, I'm so beating you on this gift-getting thing"  he says.  Lol our kids are going to be so spoiled!!


Yes please keep me updated on the doggy.  Vizsla are very attractive dogs (I just google-imaged them lol).  And I'm all about the healthy ones!




Thank  you so very much for responding, I really appreciate it.  We are going to get a boxer!  Any words of boxer wisdom that you would like to pass on, I am all ears. 


Originally Posted by ChipmunkRN View Post

we have a boxer he is 6 and great with kids, the only health issues we have had is allergies, our neighbor has one as well and they complain about allergies as well. But after having multiple different breeds over the years I have found every beed has something and you can never really know each dog is different. Good luck!



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Oh my gosh you have such amazing, loving people around you!! I was getting teary eyed just reading your family's story. From the way you've described your FI and in-laws, I highly doubt they have any bad thoughts about your family. It sounds like they're just caring people who want to make you happy. I'm so glad they have helped you find a way to make it work. You and your family deserve to be together for a wonderful MX wedding after all that bad luck. Sending good vibes your way!



Originally Posted by summer12 View Post

Okay ladies I need to vent a bit.  So I called my mom yesterday to ask about when they were thinking about reserving their rooms and if they need me to pay the initial amount since I owed them some $$ from college anyways.  Long story short my parents end up telling me that because crops were so horrible this year (Dad used to be a farmer but is going blind and now only does the business side of the farm) they have no money.  They are selling everything they own except their house and vehicles, remortgaging, Dad is quitting farming and getting a job, Mom is quitting college (I was so proud she is going back for her bachelors) and getting a job or two... ect.  I know money was tight and they had already had said no Christmas gift this year frown.gif


Anyways my fiance and I- we both make good money right now, were trying to figure out how we could make this work.  We were going to try to pay for them if his parents would maybe pay for some of the things when we got to MX (music for the reception, ect).  He went over to their house to talk to them and a little while later told me to come over too.  I guess when his dad found out that we were considering changing to a wedding back home he said "What does Natalie (me) want?  If she wants to get married in Mx we'll pay for them all to get there." 


So now FI's parents, who were already paying for them, us, his brother and SIL, and his grandparents to come are paying for my parents and 3 of my 4 siblings.  As grateful as I am for them and as honored as I am that they love me so, I am just put in a hard position here.  My parents think we are the ones paying for them, but now his parents must think bad about my parents, and FI is a little upset my mom and dad didn't come to me sooner, which I understand.  My parents live on the other side of the country and now this is how FI is going to think of them- as poor people who can't support themselves instead of the hard working, loving, great parents they are who happen to run into bad luck. 


But also- After all of that my FI and I sat and were talking and he said "what about your 12 and 16 year old sister and brother?  Are they getting no Christmas presents?"  He was so upset by this we decided to call my parents and tell them we will be their Santa this year.  I'm excited to go shopping smile159.gif  And am reminded of how much I love that man!!


Sorry this got really long.  Lots of tears last night but I'm happy to say I'm still a Moon Palace Bride!  And my mom, dad, and siblings will be there- and that's all that really matters! 


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Happy Sunday!! I hope everyone had a productive DIY weekend! I did a little bit but was mainly side tracked by all the Christmas decorating and I also picked up a new hobby that I am super PUMPED about! I went to my first session of Muay Thai and I cannot move today haha..in a good way! I'm going to start doing this 4 days a week...I can't believe I am going to be a fighter lol!




ndvidul-I am so glad you two worked it out! I was scheduled to have this talk with my friend but she got called into work..so we are still on the rocks! I hope you got a lot done this weekend and had your wine ;)

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Coco & Jamie ---- thank you for the templates!  Excited to play with them tomorrow and figure out what I want to do.  Coco, love your postcards!!!  Tasteful reminder for your guests to get their butts in gear, LOL.  So pretty too!


Update:  My MOH & I had a lengthy, emotional conversation tonight.  Lots of tears, listening, and talking.  After we finally started really listening to each other and really trying to see things from the other's perspective, she decided that she'd make it work and would definitely come.  YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!  I was so proud of us as it was a very challenging conversation, and we kept striving for a win/win solution even though it was hard.  I would have been happy with any Win/Win solution, but you know I'm super pumped that this turned out to be it --- her coming to Cancun!!  Couldn't be happier.  Our 19 years of friendship is still going strong. :)  woot.gifwoot.gifwoot.gif  3 cheers!!! 


This weekend, we have NO plans as of yet, which I'm pumped about.  Lots of DIYing!!  (And possibly wine! haha) 

coconoir- I LOVE THESE!!!!! They look so good and what a pretty reminder to get your passport! Also congrats on your upcoming family addition! I have a few friends that have boxers and they are absolutely in love with them and haven't had any health problems (they've had them for about three years since they were puppies). I think it varies from dog to dog. I looked up the vizsla and they are very pretty but since they are clingers that would be a huge issue for you! I took a new dog in this year, he was a stray, and he has super anxiety and is a clinger and he destroyed my door and carpet trying to "get out" to find me I guess! Bad dog lol but he is good now. Let us know when you find your boxer and please post pics! I loooove boxers!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Morning Ladies,


As promised, here are the pictures from my early morning printing!  Unfortunately, I will have to print tomorrow as my printer friend decided that he wanted to do some smudging.  And since I went against my golden rule of brining the entire pack of paper, I didn't have any extra.  So tomorrow I will have to print 15 more (I always make extra for cutting errors, to save for myself & to keep as samples just in case ;-). Anyway, the back of the postcards are the same for all as pictured below, the front have 5 different variations (I had 6 but didn't care for the picture once printed.)  I wanted to do something vibrant to get everyone excited!  This postcard will be sent out the first of the year to remind persons of the final payment due on Feb 3rd and about their passports.  These print 2 to a page so I printed 5 sheets of each with the exception of my absolute FAVE which I will print 10 sheets of... I'm biased as it has our colors LOL 


Back of postcards (these print with 2 on each page)

Back of Postcard.JPG


Front of Postcards this 1 is my favorite as I found something with our exact colors... Love the internet.. I added the words of course ;-)













summer12- My heart hurt when I started reading your post..I am sorry about the situation :( but I am so glad the story had a happy ending! You have amazing in-laws and they know your parents are great hard working people so don't worry about that! Have fun shopping for bro and sis!!

Originally Posted by summer12 View Post

Okay ladies I need to vent a bit.  So I called my mom yesterday to ask about when they were thinking about reserving their rooms and if they need me to pay the initial amount since I owed them some $$ from college anyways.  Long story short my parents end up telling me that because crops were so horrible this year (Dad used to be a farmer but is going blind and now only does the business side of the farm) they have no money.  They are selling everything they own except their house and vehicles, remortgaging, Dad is quitting farming and getting a job, Mom is quitting college (I was so proud she is going back for her bachelors) and getting a job or two... ect.  I know money was tight and they had already had said no Christmas gift this year frown.gif


Anyways my fiance and I- we both make good money right now, were trying to figure out how we could make this work.  We were going to try to pay for them if his parents would maybe pay for some of the things when we got to MX (music for the reception, ect).  He went over to their house to talk to them and a little while later told me to come over too.  I guess when his dad found out that we were considering changing to a wedding back home he said "What does Natalie (me) want?  If she wants to get married in Mx we'll pay for them all to get there." 


So now FI's parents, who were already paying for them, us, his brother and SIL, and his grandparents to come are paying for my parents and 3 of my 4 siblings.  As grateful as I am for them and as honored as I am that they love me so, I am just put in a hard position here.  My parents think we are the ones paying for them, but now his parents must think bad about my parents, and FI is a little upset my mom and dad didn't come to me sooner, which I understand.  My parents live on the other side of the country and now this is how FI is going to think of them- as poor people who can't support themselves instead of the hard working, loving, great parents they are who happen to run into bad luck. 


But also- After all of that my FI and I sat and were talking and he said "what about your 12 and 16 year old sister and brother?  Are they getting no Christmas presents?"  He was so upset by this we decided to call my parents and tell them we will be their Santa this year.  I'm excited to go shopping smile159.gif  And am reminded of how much I love that man!!


Sorry this got really long.  Lots of tears last night but I'm happy to say I'm still a Moon Palace Bride!  And my mom, dad, and siblings will be there- and that's all that really matters! 





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Here's some of the projects I've accomplished thus far this weekend (... there's still time to do more today, LOL!) 


Boarding Pass -- Thanks for Booking/Info Brochure

Thank you to Coco & Jamie for the templates!!  I love how they turned out!


Got some glitter sets from Martha & her glue pen.... added the teal glitter for the perforations on the front to give it some pizazz!

The brads are compasses (of course)! :)

The paper is beach sand.

BP Front.jpg


BP Fanned Out.jpg


You get to see a glimpse of my ring in this pic too, LOL!  The diamond is a heart. :)

Inside BP Jacket.jpg


Back of the jacket:

Back BP Jacket.jpg


Front of jacket:

Front BP Jacket.jpg



Luggage Tags ---- these will be sent out with the boarding passes.  For couples, I'll have one of each of the designs - Beach and Palm Tree.  Which design is your fave? :)


Beach Luggage Tag.jpg


Palm Tree Luggage Tags.jpg


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These turned out perfect! I love the little metal compass it makes it official :) I think my favorite is the palm tree one but it's a very close tie! They both look awesome and I like how fun they are. Can't wait to see what other fun projects you complete today! I just got my new printer set up (supposed to cost .01 per copy..yay!!!) so I have no excuse now lol. 


PS- VERY pretty ring bunny_4.gif I haven't seen anyone use the bunny ha he shows my exictement well


Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Here's some of the projects I've accomplished thus far this weekend (... there's still time to do more today, LOL!) 


Boarding Pass -- Thanks for Booking/Info Brochure

Thank you to Coco & Jamie for the templates!!  I love how they turned out!


Got some glitter sets from Martha & her glue pen.... added the teal glitter for the perforations on the front to give it some pizazz!

The brads are compasses (of course)! :)

The paper is beach sand.

BP Front.jpg


BP Fanned Out.jpg


You get to see a glimpse of my ring in this pic too, LOL!  The diamond is a heart. :)

Inside BP Jacket.jpg


Back of the jacket:

Back BP Jacket.jpg


Front of jacket:

Front BP Jacket.jpg



Luggage Tags ---- these will be sent out with the boarding passes.  For couples, I'll have one of each of the designs - Beach and Palm Tree.  Which design is your fave? :)


Beach Luggage Tag.jpg


Palm Tree Luggage Tags.jpg



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Everything looks beautiful! So creative everyone on here is!!  I was wondering, where did you get your luggage tags from? I've been looking & I can't find any!

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Here's some of the projects I've accomplished thus far this weekend (... there's still time to do more today, LOL!) 


Boarding Pass -- Thanks for Booking/Info Brochure

Thank you to Coco & Jamie for the templates!!  I love how they turned out!


Got some glitter sets from Martha & her glue pen.... added the teal glitter for the perforations on the front to give it some pizazz!

The brads are compasses (of course)! :)

The paper is beach sand.

BP Front.jpg


BP Fanned Out.jpg


You get to see a glimpse of my ring in this pic too, LOL!  The diamond is a heart. :)

Inside BP Jacket.jpg


Back of the jacket:

Back BP Jacket.jpg


Front of jacket:

Front BP Jacket.jpg



Luggage Tags ---- these will be sent out with the boarding passes.  For couples, I'll have one of each of the designs - Beach and Palm Tree.  Which design is your fave? :)


Beach Luggage Tag.jpg


Palm Tree Luggage Tags.jpg




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The wedding section at Michael's!!  They're listed as $20, I believe.  I looked online to find ones I liked better that were even cheaper but couldn't find any either. 


But don't ever pay full price at Michael's.  You can always go online to get coupons... and now, if you have a smartphone, they have an app.  This week, I used my app to get 50% off all my purchases!! 

You better believe I treated myself to some Martha Steward goodies at 50% off!  Woot Woot!  ;)

Originally Posted by Palacebridex2 View Post

Everything looks beautiful! So creative everyone on here is!!  I was wondering, where did you get your luggage tags from? I've been looking & I can't find any!




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LLLOOOVVVEEE them!!  And your engagement ring woot.gif

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Here's some of the projects I've accomplished thus far this weekend (... there's still time to do more today, LOL!) 


Boarding Pass -- Thanks for Booking/Info Brochure

Thank you to Coco & Jamie for the templates!!  I love how they turned out!


Got some glitter sets from Martha & her glue pen.... added the teal glitter for the perforations on the front to give it some pizazz!

The brads are compasses (of course)! :)

The paper is beach sand.

BP Front.jpg


BP Fanned Out.jpg


You get to see a glimpse of my ring in this pic too, LOL!  The diamond is a heart. :)

Inside BP Jacket.jpg


Back of the jacket:

Back BP Jacket.jpg


Front of jacket:

Front BP Jacket.jpg



Luggage Tags ---- these will be sent out with the boarding passes.  For couples, I'll have one of each of the designs - Beach and Palm Tree.  Which design is your fave? :)


Beach Luggage Tag.jpg


Palm Tree Luggage Tags.jpg



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Tammy these are amazing!  You go girl.  Love Love Love everything that you have done.  What type of paper did you use?  Gorgeous Can't wait to see more ;-)

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Here's some of the projects I've accomplished thus far this weekend (... there's still time to do more today, LOL!) 


Boarding Pass -- Thanks for Booking/Info Brochure

Thank you to Coco & Jamie for the templates!!  I love how they turned out!


Got some glitter sets from Martha & her glue pen.... added the teal glitter for the perforations on the front to give it some pizazz!

The brads are compasses (of course)! :)

The paper is beach sand.

BP Front.jpg


BP Fanned Out.jpg


You get to see a glimpse of my ring in this pic too, LOL!  The diamond is a heart. :)

Inside BP Jacket.jpg


Back of the jacket:

Back BP Jacket.jpg


Front of jacket:

Front BP Jacket.jpg



Luggage Tags ---- these will be sent out with the boarding passes.  For couples, I'll have one of each of the designs - Beach and Palm Tree.  Which design is your fave? :)


Beach Luggage Tag.jpg


Palm Tree Luggage Tags.jpg



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