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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Your the best all the way around!

Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

Aw, thank you so much :-) Love designing for you girls! XOXO 


Thank you for being the best vendor that I have worked with for our upcoming nuptials. Keep up the dynamic work and you know "I'll be back" in my Arnold (can't even begin to spell his last name) Voice. ;-)


Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

Coco! It looks faaaabulous on you!! Thanks a million for the kind words and for being such a wonderful {Red-i} By Chelsea model! Thank you for posting your photos! XOXO 



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I have just started working with Chelsea to design somethings for me & my little mini me. so  excited because my little girl is going to love it, and that could be trouble for me ..lol 


Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Thanks so much, she is totally awesome!  I don't know what's in your budget but I have become a big fan of her work and will promote here wherever I can.

confused.gif I honestly don't recall talking to you about stones...but I purchased several items from Chelsea which I posted on this forum and others.  Chalk it up to my head and not my heart. 



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Chelsea ---- this is GREAT!  I didn't know that you had a wedding at Moon Palace, too?  I love scavenger hunts and was considering planning one of these for our guests.  What a great incentive to book at the resort, too!  Thanks for sharing!

Originally Posted by bondgirl0072010 View Post

Just a suggestion to (possibly) help entice people to make sure they book with your group...organized activities. For instance, we planned a "007 Bond" themed scavenger hunt all around the resort. It honestly was one of the most fun things we've ever done. People are still talking about it over a year later. We printed out a list of things people needed to go and do, photograph, obtain signatures (from bartenders), etc. and at the end had a blindfold waiting and a "pin the tale on the shark" velcro board hanging on a wall. The winners (below) won Martini sunglasses and Target gift cards LOL! It was hilarious seeing all of our friends and family RUNNING around the resort, sweating like no tomorrow, taking pictures of fake proposals and everything else...it was really great!


We included that as well as our welcome dinner days before the wedding and any conversation about staying elsewhere really seemed to die down :) Just a thought!




welcome1.gif   anudrm & dzaccaria!!   Best wishes for planning!! :)


Dz - I actually looked at using Teresa Stauring for our TA, and she seemed amazing, but we decided to just go directly through MP since my mom has a membership there.  Our guests will book on the website link they provided us.  (2 have already booked using this)   I'm also doing a complimentary wedding, and we didn't have to put anything down.  Are you doing a civil or symbolic ceremony? 


Originally Posted by anudrm View Post

So *psh another thread I must stalk. How is it that the Mexican brides & Canadian ladies have the juicy conversations.  My girls at Dreams in Dominican Republic or quiet.....



So here I am!!!! rockon.gifrockon.gif


I have been quiet for a few days been working on projects and I am ready to show them, not now but when I get home this evening. So back to my blog and congrats to all you ladies.  I have now dubbed myself as part of this 'sorority' also msnwink.gifbootyshake.gifmsnwink.gif


Originally Posted by dzaccaria View Post

Hello brides! I am new to this and have been scoping out the "MP 2012 Brides" thread for a while today to try and get some idea on where to begin wedding planning!


I am looking to book at MP in May 2013... But i wanted to get a few questions answered before I begin anything...


- Who do you use for a travel agent? I have a friend who is a travel agent but she never booked a destination wedding before so i am hesitant on asking her... does the MP provide any travel agents?


- Do you know when I can book for a 2013 wedding at MP? Do i have to wait until January 2012 to book?


- How much do you have to put down as a deposit at the MP when you book a wedding? (I am planning on doing the complimentary package)


Any information would REALLY REALLY help!!!! I know I have plenty of time to plan but I just want to get a jump start on certain things!


Thanks cool.gif


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GOOD NEWS - I contacted the MP salon directly (I think it was Karla) and asked her about resort credits being used for wedding day hair/make-up.  She said YES they can be used for this, contrary to what other coordinators told me in previous emails.  I'm going with it!  She also provided me pricing info, which I have below.


Also, I recieved info on the fireworks companies and what services they provide & prices.  Thought I'd post these in case anyone wanted to know. 


I hope this helps someone! Happy Planning! xoxo



Here's what I recieved for the salon info:








Here's the fireworks info for one of the companies MP recommends:






SPA MENU moon palace 2011.pdf


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What do you ladies think...


I haven't had many people look at our website so far, even though we sent the invitations 3 weeks ago.  I know this because when people ask me about hotel info, l say, "Have you looked at our website?" And their answer is "Uhhhh...."  Haha.  This troubles me because bookings need to be paid in FULL by mid Dec in order to count towards our bookings, apparently!  Eeeeek!


So, the FI and I have decided to send out fun postcards to everyone as a "reminder" to check our site, while keeping it fun.  One side will have our old Cancun treasure map on it that we used as the background for our invitations, and the other side will be the postcard message. 


I'm thinking that the message will say something like:


What treasure have you found on our website yet?

- Easy hotel booking

- New Packing List page!

- Test out your Spanish skills...

- All travel info you need


Then list the website and password.   I'm thinking though that it may not be enough incentive for them to look at the website NOW.  So I was thinking of adding an RSVP deadline on there - maybe November 20th or something??  What do you think would entice them to look at our website without being all "Look at our website NOW" LOL!!! 


feedback.gif  <--- without the angry face!  :)


SPA MENU moon palace 2011.pdf


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Hey there! I actually didn't have my wedding at MP but figured it was worth the sharing for the "incentive to book" conversation! Glad you liked it! It's well worth spending the time to put together!! :)

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Chelsea ---- this is GREAT!  I didn't know that you had a wedding at Moon Palace, too?  I love scavenger hunts and was considering planning one of these for our guests.  What a great incentive to book at the resort, too!  Thanks for sharing! 

welcome1.gif   anudrm & dzaccaria!!   Best wishes for planning!! :)


Dz - I actually looked at using Teresa Stauring for our TA, and she seemed amazing, but we decided to just go directly through MP since my mom has a membership there.  Our guests will book on the website link they provided us.  (2 have already booked using this)   I'm also doing a complimentary wedding, and we didn't have to put anything down.  Are you doing a civil or symbolic ceremony? 





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I book my wedding in Jan 2011 for April 2012...I had everything planned out in Dec 2010 right after I got engaged. So I was just waiting for them to open up dates, I had also contacted there wedding sales dept in Miami directly and went from there .. Definitely shop around for a good travel who is familiar with destination weddings..This website is full of helpful information


good luck & welcome


Happy Planning !!!!



Originally Posted by dzaccaria View Post

Hello brides! I am new to this and have been scoping out the "MP 2012 Brides" thread for a while today to try and get some idea on where to begin wedding planning!


I am looking to book at MP in May 2013... But i wanted to get a few questions answered before I begin anything...


- Who do you use for a travel agent? I have a friend who is a travel agent but she never booked a destination wedding before so i am hesitant on asking her... does the MP provide any travel agents?


- Do you know when I can book for a 2013 wedding at MP? Do i have to wait until January 2012 to book?


- How much do you have to put down as a deposit at the MP when you book a wedding? (I am planning on doing the complimentary package)


Any information would REALLY REALLY help!!!! I know I have plenty of time to plan but I just want to get a jump start on certain things!


Thanks cool.gif


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Good Morning Loves,


Well I have been a busy beaver @ work printing since 6:45a. This gave me until 8 am to print.  I started with the easy things first, and then tried (successfully) my hand at something new.  So, with this Friday and last, I am now finished printing all of the items that I had in my external hard drive marked "DIY Finished but not Printed" and was able to move these files to my "Finished DIY" folder.  Here are pictures of some of the easy projects that I had to print out.  Several Items not shown wink.gif


Our Guest DND signs (pictures of front and back), & our Re-Print of our 1st Aid Kits (last week the butterflies were flying off the page LOL;-) 

DND guest front.JPGDND guest back.JPG


1st aid kit1.JPG


My new printing project consisterd of our Welcome Booklet (will not show).  But what I did that I have never done before was to cut the paper first instead of after.  I only did 2 sheets and it came out perfect.  So now I will pre-cut all of our pages for the welcome book before printing.  Then I will come in early on a Friday to print this out.  Since our booklet is 8 pages, this will be the only thing that I print that morning.


TGIF & Happy DIYing






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Thanks to everyone for all of the information!!!! I sent an email to the weddings@palaceresorts email address so I will wait to see what they say about booking!  I am going to start my research for a good travel agent who is familiar with destination weddings =) I am just so ancy about getting started on planning a wedding! haha I hope this next year and a half flies by quickly!!!


Hope you all have a great weekend!

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