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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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welcome1.gif  I am a May MP Bride too!!!  Completely understand being overwhelmed!  But it's amazing how much you learn from this site!!  Good Luck and Happy Planning!

Originally Posted by kellygirl3118 View Post

Hello!  New member here and a little overwhelmed!  I am a MP Bride getting married next May!!  We are having some issues with the WC as to what is available for a private reception.  I think we are now leaning towards the dinner reservation to save the money.  Any recommendations?  We were there about 2 years ago for a few nights, before the Moon Grand section was even finished.  We liked the Palapas Barracuda restaurant...but I don't want "lawn chairs" in the pictures.  We also thought about La Trattoria (but we have about 25-30 guests coming).  We tried the Brazillian restaurant...but I don't remember being that impressed.  I know I am being picky, but we don't want to have a thousand people around us either (like at some of the bigger buffet restaurants).  HELP!!  :)


On a side note - if anyone has done the dinner reservation...did you do the first couple dances during the cocktail hour (such as bride/groom, father/daughter, groom/mother, etc)?  We are not huge dancers but wanted to have at least the standard few.


Thanks in advance!


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Hellllo ladies!  So, I have been spending lots of time reading this forum from page 1-125!  It was like reading a how-to book, and I'm so glad I did it!!  I am happy to say my FI and I are getting married at Moon Palace on June 10, 2012 at 6:00p.m. and we are counting down the daaays :)  This forum has completely changed the way I am thinking and planning for this wedding.  Priceless info ladies!  Anyways hello, I feel like I already know some of you.

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Hi Ladies!!!


Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!!! I heard from Lizzie yesterday and we have the Bugambillia Gazebo reserved for the big day! So excited that's the one we got. I love the ocean view in the back. It's going to be such a beautiful back drop!!


Hoping to get the pics up of our invitations this weekend, if not tonight. We have had a few more RSVPs come back saying yes they will be making the trip. Closer to that 75 night mark!!! All of this news has made this long week so much better.


Have a great weekend!!! Happy planning!!

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Congrats and welcome!!! It can be a bit overwhelming but we are here to help!!!


Happy planning!!

Originally Posted by kellygirl3118 View Post

Hello!  New member here and a little overwhelmed!  I am a MP Bride getting married next May!!  We are having some issues with the WC as to what is available for a private reception.  I think we are now leaning towards the dinner reservation to save the money.  Any recommendations?  We were there about 2 years ago for a few nights, before the Moon Grand section was even finished.  We liked the Palapas Barracuda restaurant...but I don't want "lawn chairs" in the pictures.  We also thought about La Trattoria (but we have about 25-30 guests coming).  We tried the Brazillian restaurant...but I don't remember being that impressed.  I know I am being picky, but we don't want to have a thousand people around us either (like at some of the bigger buffet restaurants).  HELP!!  :)


On a side note - if anyone has done the dinner reservation...did you do the first couple dances during the cocktail hour (such as bride/groom, father/daughter, groom/mother, etc)?  We are not huge dancers but wanted to have at least the standard few.


Thanks in advance!


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Okay, so I heard back from my Miami Coordinator with more answers to my questions!  And it looks like since I sent her about 30 questions total, that she's forwarded me to my Wedding Coordinator already!!  cheer2.gif Does anyone else have Claudia Fonseca as their WC? 


Her answers are in blue.  I feel like on some of these answers that other people have recieved different answers - for instance, questions 6 and 7!!  I thought some brides have said they've been told they could apply Resort Credit towards wedding aspects, i.e. videography, etc.  Also, I thought day passes allowed people to also use food and drinks at hotel for the day as if they are a guest? 


Again, the copy paste feature combines a couple of words, so I hope you can decipher it.  Hope this helps someone!! xoxo



1)  How much is it to book aPresidential Suite for a week under the membership?  How much per night?  Isthere a 3 night minimum for the Presidential Suite?  Please be advised that as per your membership the minimum and maximumthat can be reserved in a presidential suite is 7 nights. The rate for thepresidential suite is $ 5718.02 based on 4 people minimum, 2 per room.


 2)  If the above room block becamefull, would we able to make another room block?  Pleasebe advised that you may add more rooms to the link. Please feel free to emailme if you need more rooms.


3)  What date must our guests book byto secure accommodation? Please be advised thatthe link will be available to the guests up to 2 months prior to the ceremony,after this date the rooms are subject to space and availability. 


4)  I was under the impression thatthere is a 2012 promotion where kids stay free.  Is this true?  If so, whatages stay free? Please be advised that kids 12and under stay and eat free during the months or June, July and August.


5)  Do guests need to put down adeposit?  Will this deposit be refundable if a guest does not use theaccommodation?  What are the payment options for guests (for example, are theyable to pay 20% at time of booking with the balance due 2 months beforedeparture..... or can the balance be due upon arrival)? Please be advised that the link will require the full payment,this is the main reason why the reservation link is available for so long.


6)  How do off site guests purchaseday passes?  How many hours are the day passes good for (at what time may theycome in and at what time do they need to leave)?  And are they allowed the sameall inclusive services as any other guest during that day (for example, canthey eat and drink wherever they want at Moon Palace)?  Will this still be thesame in Feb 2012? Please be advised that youwill only be able to purchase 20% of the guests staying at our property on daypasses. For example: If you have 20 guests they you will be able to purchase 4day passes. These day passes will allow the guest to attend any function forthe wedding and nothing else.


7)  My understanding is that theResort Credits can be applied towards Tours, Golf, Spa, Beauty Salon, UpgradedWine Selection, Romantic Dinner, Room Upgrades, & Palace WeddingCollections.  Is this true?  Could we also use Resort Credit towardsvideography, fireworks, and the horse & carriage?  What else can the resortcredits be applied towards? Please be advisedthat the resort credit can only be used for the following: Tours, Golf, Spa,Beauty Salon, Upgraded Wine Selection, Romantic Dinner, Room Upgrades, &Palace Wedding Collections



 8)  Could any of our guests, if theychoose, apply their credits towards our Wedding Collection?  Could they applytheir credits towards any of the other options as a gift for us (for example, aromantic dinner for the bride and groom, spa for bride and groom, videographyor fireworks for bride and groom, etc.)? Pleasebe advised that the resort credits cannot be shared between rooms and they donot apply towards wedding extras. 


9)  Do the resort credits apply toother Palace resorts?  For example, would someone be able to go to the AventuraSpa and use resort credits towards the spa services at that location? Please be advised that the resort credit can only be usedat the resort that you will be staying. 


10)  Dalia Vazquez Saldivar from MoonPalace shared with me about the memberâ€s Advantage promotion.  From whatI understand, for each minimum 3 nights booked through the membership, $100would go towards my parent's membership for them to use.  My parents have saidthat they would like us to be able to use each of these $100 earned towards ourwedding.  How exactly would this work?  Would the $100's be cash towards ourroom?  Credit towards the room?  Please beadvised that any rooms reserved from a minimum of 3 nights to a maximum of 6nights will qualify under the advantage promotion, which the members will receivea credit on their membership of $ 100.00 for each room under this promotion touse for a future reservation. Please be informed that this cannot be usedtowards the wedding collection nor a current room. all rooms under thispromotion have to complete their stay first before the credit is applied underthe membership to use for further reservation.


11)  We have talked about the AddedValues program.  I have more questions about it - will our guests and us (brideand groom) qualify for the Added Values (listed below) even through bookingwith the membership?  If so, and we end up qualifying for complimentary nightsthrough this program, are we able to apply our complimentary nights towards anyroom - including Presidential Suites? 

-15 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony

-30 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony, 2 complimentary nights for bride & groom (+$20 pernight)

-60 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony OR complimentary upgrade to private function, 4complimentary nights for bride & groom (+$20 per night)

-75 room nights: Unlimited privatefunctions, 7 complimentary nights for bride & groom, complimentary roomupgrade for bride & groom


Pleasebe advised that these amenities only applies towards the bride and grooms room,no one else. Please be advised that no Imperial, Incentive or Complementaryweeks apply towards the wedding collection, so any room using any of thepromotional weeks will not count towards your wedding amenities. If the brideand grooms room has one of these weeks applied towards their room the complementarynights will not be applied and they cannot be transferred to another room. Allrooms that are booked under the membership qualify for the amenities for yourwedding as well, please find the listing of amenities below, in order for areservation to qualify they must be booked from minimum of 3 nights and payingthe membership rate, in order to qualify for your amenities, the use ofImperial (free weeks), Incentives (discounted weeks) or booking outside of thislink will not count towards the amenities of the wedding.



12)  Are airport transferscomplimentary for us (bride and groom) and our guests since we would be bookingunder the membership?  (I know someone whose wedding was booked undermembership and was able to get this for her wedding guests.) All transfers areincluded for reservations staying 7 nights 8 days or more, any reservationsmade for less time, transfers will not be included. Under the membership forreservations for 7 nights 8 days or longer, a massage, manicure and pedicureare included. (Not for less than 7 nights 8 days)


13)  Will the hotel be willing to putinformation in our guests rooms (for example, welcome baskets and letters thatthe bride and groom have brought, bottles of water from the hotel, etc.)?  Isthis complimentary? Please be advised that youwill need to speak with your onsite wedding coordinator for further details onthis. Please feel free to email her this questions as well as the questions forthe ceremony as she will be the one assisting you with the wedding details: Claudia Fonseca.

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I haven't heard of her however; I requested Kalena or Valeria specifically.  I got Valeria so I'm excited.  Post the name on the 2010 & 2011 MP brides to see if anyone had her.

Originally Posted by ndvidul View Post

Okay, so I heard back from my Miami Coordinator with more answers to my questions!  And it looks like since I sent her about 30 questions total, that she's forwarded me to my Wedding Coordinator already!!  cheer2.gif Does anyone else have Claudia Fonseca as their WC? 


Her answers are in blue.  I feel like on some of these answers that other people have recieved different answers - for instance, questions 6 and 7!!  I thought some brides have said they've been told they could apply Resort Credit towards wedding aspects, i.e. videography, etc.  Also, I thought day passes allowed people to also use food and drinks at hotel for the day as if they are a guest? 


Again, the copy paste feature combines a couple of words, so I hope you can decipher it.  Hope this helps someone!! xoxo



1)  How much is it to book aPresidential Suite for a week under the membership?  How much per night?  Isthere a 3 night minimum for the Presidential Suite?  Please be advised that as per your membership the minimum and maximumthat can be reserved in a presidential suite is 7 nights. The rate for thepresidential suite is $ 5718.02 based on 4 people minimum, 2 per room.


 2)  If the above room block becamefull, would we able to make another room block?  Pleasebe advised that you may add more rooms to the link. Please feel free to emailme if you need more rooms.


3)  What date must our guests book byto secure accommodation? Please be advised thatthe link will be available to the guests up to 2 months prior to the ceremony,after this date the rooms are subject to space and availability. 


4)  I was under the impression thatthere is a 2012 promotion where kids stay free.  Is this true?  If so, whatages stay free? Please be advised that kids 12and under stay and eat free during the months or June, July and August.


5)  Do guests need to put down adeposit?  Will this deposit be refundable if a guest does not use theaccommodation?  What are the payment options for guests (for example, are theyable to pay 20% at time of booking with the balance due 2 months beforedeparture..... or can the balance be due upon arrival)? Please be advised that the link will require the full payment,this is the main reason why the reservation link is available for so long.


6)  How do off site guests purchaseday passes?  How many hours are the day passes good for (at what time may theycome in and at what time do they need to leave)?  And are they allowed the sameall inclusive services as any other guest during that day (for example, canthey eat and drink wherever they want at Moon Palace)?  Will this still be thesame in Feb 2012? Please be advised that youwill only be able to purchase 20% of the guests staying at our property on daypasses. For example: If you have 20 guests they you will be able to purchase 4day passes. These day passes will allow the guest to attend any function forthe wedding and nothing else.


7)  My understanding is that theResort Credits can be applied towards Tours, Golf, Spa, Beauty Salon, UpgradedWine Selection, Romantic Dinner, Room Upgrades, & Palace WeddingCollections.  Is this true?  Could we also use Resort Credit towardsvideography, fireworks, and the horse & carriage?  What else can the resortcredits be applied towards? Please be advisedthat the resort credit can only be used for the following: Tours, Golf, Spa,Beauty Salon, Upgraded Wine Selection, Romantic Dinner, Room Upgrades, &Palace Wedding Collections



 8)  Could any of our guests, if theychoose, apply their credits towards our Wedding Collection?  Could they applytheir credits towards any of the other options as a gift for us (for example, aromantic dinner for the bride and groom, spa for bride and groom, videographyor fireworks for bride and groom, etc.)? Pleasebe advised that the resort credits cannot be shared between rooms and they donot apply towards wedding extras. 


9)  Do the resort credits apply toother Palace resorts?  For example, would someone be able to go to the AventuraSpa and use resort credits towards the spa services at that location? Please be advised that the resort credit can only be usedat the resort that you will be staying. 


10)  Dalia Vazquez Saldivar from MoonPalace shared with me about the memberâ€s Advantage promotion.  From whatI understand, for each minimum 3 nights booked through the membership, $100would go towards my parent's membership for them to use.  My parents have saidthat they would like us to be able to use each of these $100 earned towards ourwedding.  How exactly would this work?  Would the $100's be cash towards ourroom?  Credit towards the room?  Please beadvised that any rooms reserved from a minimum of 3 nights to a maximum of 6nights will qualify under the advantage promotion, which the members will receivea credit on their membership of $ 100.00 for each room under this promotion touse for a future reservation. Please be informed that this cannot be usedtowards the wedding collection nor a current room. all rooms under thispromotion have to complete their stay first before the credit is applied underthe membership to use for further reservation.


11)  We have talked about the AddedValues program.  I have more questions about it - will our guests and us (brideand groom) qualify for the Added Values (listed below) even through bookingwith the membership?  If so, and we end up qualifying for complimentary nightsthrough this program, are we able to apply our complimentary nights towards anyroom - including Presidential Suites? 

-15 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony

-30 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony, 2 complimentary nights for bride & groom (+$20 pernight)

-60 room nights:Complimentary cocktail(hour?) after ceremony OR complimentary upgrade to private function, 4complimentary nights for bride & groom (+$20 per night)

-75 room nights: Unlimited privatefunctions, 7 complimentary nights for bride & groom, complimentary roomupgrade for bride & groom


Pleasebe advised that these amenities only applies towards the bride and grooms room,no one else. Please be advised that no Imperial, Incentive or Complementaryweeks apply towards the wedding collection, so any room using any of thepromotional weeks will not count towards your wedding amenities. If the brideand grooms room has one of these weeks applied towards their room the complementarynights will not be applied and they cannot be transferred to another room. Allrooms that are booked under the membership qualify for the amenities for yourwedding as well, please find the listing of amenities below, in order for areservation to qualify they must be booked from minimum of 3 nights and payingthe membership rate, in order to qualify for your amenities, the use ofImperial (free weeks), Incentives (discounted weeks) or booking outside of thislink will not count towards the amenities of the wedding.



12)  Are airport transferscomplimentary for us (bride and groom) and our guests since we would be bookingunder the membership?  (I know someone whose wedding was booked undermembership and was able to get this for her wedding guests.) All transfers areincluded for reservations staying 7 nights 8 days or more, any reservationsmade for less time, transfers will not be included. Under the membership forreservations for 7 nights 8 days or longer, a massage, manicure and pedicureare included. (Not for less than 7 nights 8 days)


13)  Will the hotel be willing to putinformation in our guests rooms (for example, welcome baskets and letters thatthe bride and groom have brought, bottles of water from the hotel, etc.)?  Isthis complimentary? Please be advised that youwill need to speak with your onsite wedding coordinator for further details onthis. Please feel free to email her this questions as well as the questions forthe ceremony as she will be the one assisting you with the wedding details: Claudia Fonseca.


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Hello ladies!  After endless hours I have officially read this forum from page 1-126.  No I can finally introduce myself, although I feel like I already know some of you :)  I'm getting married June 10, 2012 at 6 at moon palace!  Thank you all for the advise you have changed my outlook on planning this wedding- for the better :)

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