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Anyone Else interested in "Natural" Meds for OOT bags?

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So, I did a search on the forum and didn't find anything, so if this is a double post, my apologies.  My FI and I try to live our life without OTC meds, except when utterly necessary.  And then I started reading about hangover cures and found out that tylenol can actually be harmful when taken after a night of heavy drinking. So, after a great deal more research, I found some alternative options for my "Hang Over" packs that I wanted to share.  Turns out that ginger is a natural way to help with nausea, and for the future mommies out there, it's been known to help curb morning sickness.  So I bought a couple bags of these:


Then I found there is a natural med that if you take two pills before starting drinking and two pills after you finish, you can avoid a hangover.  Not that I'll be drinking heavily the whole week, but the night before the wedding I will want to make sure I'm feeling my best the next day. So I'm throwing some of these in for my guests as well (I know it has a funny name, but I did some research and people say it works):



And because I know getting the runs is pretty common in the DR, I'm also adding in:


If anyone is looking for a site for these, I found they were the least expensive at www.luckyvitamin.com.  If anyone else knows of some other herbal/natural/homeopathic remedies, please do share!

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My fiance's family is really into natural medicine (popular in Chinese culture).  I got the flu when she came to visit us from Taiwan and she steeped fresh ginger in water to make a tea and made me drink it.


It immediately made me feel better!  I now  do it whenever I don't feel well.


I think this is an awesome idea!

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I love this thread...I try to be all natural as well..my family has been slowly jumping on the band wagon... my fi is always telling me about "bush medicine" from bahamas so i'm going to look into that...I love the products you pulled...I get bags of candied ginger from Trader Joes that would make a great snack...I also use castile soap for cleaning my body and hair, maybe a small bottle of that? I'm going to try and think of some more :)

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My shipment just came from Luckyvitamins today.  I'm tempted to try out the RU21 before the wedding...but everything was exactly as I expected and I'm very happy with their customer service.  Good to see that other ladies are as concerned as my FI and I are about natural remedies.  If I find out about any other things, I'll let you know!

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