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Help! Sunset Pics!

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Okay I need some insight on the sun! LOL  We want to take pictures during the sunset, which is slated for 645p in June.  Now what does that mean?  I'm confessing my ignorance here!  Would we start taking pictures are 645p or would we do it before?  If before, what time does the "pretty" colors show up? LOL  :)


Main issue... we're currently set for a 6p reception.  We're fine with the delayed entrance if we take the pics starting at 6, but will the "process of the sun setting" be occuring then?  If not, should we push the reception to 630p and start taking the pictures then?


LOL  Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!


THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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If sunset is slated for 6:45, then you want to start taking pictures by 5:45, which is formally called "golden hour" (the hour before sunset when you get all the pretty colors you're looking for. Your photographer should be familiar if he/she is a professional. Once the sun sets, you're not going to have enough light for really good shots.
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