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Is 100% deposit for an outside vendor photographer extreme?

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I thought I found the photographer I liked, but now they want 100% of all monies upfront....Is this normal?


I thought 50% is reasonable.


Because what happens if the photographer never shows?  Then what??


Any thoughts would be awesome.


Thanks forum....


May 5, 2011 wedding


BTW, I take any suggestions for photographers, I only want a 2 hour session, something simple, so I am looking for someone very "reasonable"....


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That sounds a little shady to me.  I work part time as wedding videographer here in LA and we never take more than half up front.  If you pay all that and they don't show, what kind of recourse do you have? Check if the resort has a photographer that they recommend?  I know that at my resort (in the DR) the photographer is included in the package (and very well respected) and we've been emailing back and forth and basically I just need to choose which package I like when I get there (and pay the upgrade fee) so there is nothing up front for us.  Another option would be to find a local photographer that does destination weddings and perhaps you can do some sort of deal that would also include an engagement shoot? Hope that helps! 

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Originally Posted by fmichelle View Post

That sounds a little shady to me.  I work part time as wedding videographer here in LA and we never take more than half up front.  If you pay all that and they don't show, what kind of recourse do you have? Check if the resort has a photographer that they recommend?  I know that at my resort (in the DR) the photographer is included in the package (and very well respected) and we've been emailing back and forth and basically I just need to choose which package I like when I get there (and pay the upgrade fee) so there is nothing up front for us.  Another option would be to find a local photographer that does destination weddings and perhaps you can do some sort of deal that would also include an engagement shoot? Hope that helps! 

I told that company I was not longer interested and BOY did they get mad...........


thanks for advice, you just have to trust you GUT  on some things I guess... :)

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I will be paying for my photographer 100% before the wedding. The photographer I choose is from MN, so I know her and have worked with her before. I don't know what photographer's terms are in other countries, but I know it is very common in the US to pay all upfront.  I'd research who you choose and make sure you are getting a reputable photographer.  Good luck!

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I paid my local photog 100% in advance. I think I paid 50% to reserve and then the other 100% 30 days before the wedding date and did not have any issues. I think the most important thing is that you ensure this is a reptuable photog and company. If not, I wouldnt do it.

I did have a great photog with great reviews and had a good experience.

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Thanks Ladies...


I have not found a whole lot of information on the reputation with photographers in Mexico, but I havent search very hard either.


I went with my gut and hired Aki Demi, she is super sweet and personable and has been completely open minded to all my ideas and truthful.


I have a good feeling about her........we emailed a lot back and forth, took me a 6 weeks to make the final decision.


thanks for all your help.


FORUM is priceless.


Happy New Year


May 5, 2011

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