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Guests complaining of All-inclusive resort....


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anyone come across this?:


some of our guests are complaining we are having our wedding at an all-inclusive resort because they feel like they are getting cheated since my FI and i will be paying for the welcome dinner and food at the wedding?  i have also had some people make comments about how our wedding must be inexpensive since the guests are staying at an all-inclusive, making the assumption that our guests food at the wedding will be considered part of the all-inclusive food.  it just irks me knowing how much money we are shelling out per head for our wedding!


has anyone encountered rude comments like this from your guests??

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None of the guests we have invited have said that to my face, but I am sure some are thinking it.  I have made a point of talking about how our package price (yes, "price" means $$) includes 20 guests, but that above that the resort is killing us per head.  We have made sure to say this to explain why our first round of save the dates could only go out o family (my fiance's family is HUGE).

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I've had the same thing happen but it was my FMIL who was inviting the entire world thinking that since it was an AI vacation that my FI and I don't pay for anything since everything is already included?!?!  Ummmm NOO how could someone even assume that?  My family has been to a few so I think the know how much it still ends up costing the bride/groom..... Not to mention that we're having our wedding at a totally different hotel (not all inclusive!) and paying an arm and a leg for everything including dinner and open bar per head for about 100 guests!!  Siiiiigh *vent session* LOL

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My FI BM commented that when he went to the DR at an AI he paid about  $800 for him and his girlfriend including flights!  I asked when they went and he said 7 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!   Really?!?!  you didn't even need a passport then.  Why would anyone assume prices stay the same for decades???  Also, sorry but we're staying at a nice resort not a cheap-o second rate place. Prob couldn't even fly both of them there for that price now!  I'm over the whole thing.  price is what it is, wedding is what it is, with or without you!  period.   smile117.gif

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Like one of the girls above mentioned, no one really said anything to my face.... but I know some are thinking the same way... I've also made a point to say that we have to pay for wedding package, the reception and any extra's we want...  but I did have one guest (a really good friend rather) asy something so rude to me.   We are not having a bridal shower.  Having a reception on the beach will run approx. 15/person.  So we came up with an idea that the MOH will collect 15$ from each person as a bridal gift to help us pay for it... Well, i asked for a 2nd opinion and this good freind of mine says" Well, you know, some people will say WTF, she's MAKING us to pay 1600 /person for the trip and she wants more money".



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wow! i didnt think anyone would have experienced what im experiencing!  i keep telling people that im not forcing anyone to go, im not forcing anyone to even stay at our hotel....we are having an AHR to accommodate those who cant go...i dont know how much more accommodating we can be short of just moving the wedding back to my local town which, sorry guys, no chance in hell we are doing!

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You Go girl cheer2.gif You are having a DW for a reason.... don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise

Originally Posted by GC2008 View Post

wow! i didnt think anyone would have experienced what im experiencing!  i keep telling people that im not forcing anyone to go, im not forcing anyone to even stay at our hotel....we are having an AHR to accommodate those who cant go...i dont know how much more accommodating we can be short of just moving the wedding back to my local town which, sorry guys, no chance in hell we are doing!

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People really have to get it thru theirs heads that weddings are for the couple. It is not a democracy. Those who would have the audacity to complain are missing the point entirely. While couples will keep their guests' comfort in mind, the party ain't for them. Like everyone said, they're not being forced to come. I feel like guests genuinely want to come, but are flustered that it may cost money to do so. They then internalize this feeling as something akin to you not wanting them to be there by "making" it so expensive. Thus, they complain. At the same time, they can politely decline and send you a gift. I don't see the point in making the couple feel bad about a special moment in their lives.


GC2008, just be upfront with your guests that you would never ask them to pay more than necessary to make your wedding happen. However, don't go around trying to over-explain things, b/c then folks will smell fear in your compassion and really drive you batty. Be gentle, but firm. "You're invited to my wedding. You have the right to decline. This will not be used against you for future life events. If you cannot afford to come, an AHR will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights?" (Sorry, the last show I watched was Law and Order: SVU, lol).

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i've had that.. i've told them out right that its basically costing me the same per head as home when you factor everything in. I'm not paying for a limo ofcourse, but i am paying for each head, dinner, bar. Hair/Makeup, Photographer and such. I'm dropping another 5 Gs on just the reception. Not to mention OOT bags and invitations and all the other stuff. All in all, it is "cheaper" but i would not consider it inexpensive.


I put them all straight the ones that have the balls to say anything to me or others. I just say, Yes a wedding with a couple of people is inexpensive, but currently i'm at 47 people plus us... believe me its not like its free... And my FI said to one aunt, "You don't have to come if you find it too expensive"... lol. She was the first to book!


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