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3 Days Rule

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Hiya Ladies,


Since you all provide faster replies than the wc, I'm hoping you can help me with this.  Unfortunately, my FI has classes and will not be able to begin the wedding trip until the weekend before our Tuesday wedding in April.  This means we can only be in Dr for 1 business day.  Is this pushing it?  Is it possible to organize as much as we can from here (i.e. cake selection, dinner choice, ceremony location, photographer) and on that 1 business day, we hand them our clothes for steaming and seal the rest?  Technically, we have 1 1/2 days since the wedding isn't until the evening. Please tell me what you think based on your experience.  BTW: this is a symbolic ceremony.  Thanks.  

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I think that is enough time, especially for a symbolic ceremony where you are not tied to the judge's schedule.  My understanding for our wedding is that we will meet with the WC upon our arrival at the resort and choose the options (ie cake, flowers etc).  They don't have unlimited selection so it won't take that long. 

You will likely do some coordination via email prior to arrival as well. 

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You said your wedding is a Tuesday? Are you arriving Saturday?? If so, then don't worry at all! Mine is arranged the same way...we'll be meeting with our WC on the Monday to go over everything and give her the gown to get steamed. I'm totally confident it'll be fine...they do this all the time :)

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I am going down on Saturday, Jan. 29 and getting married Monday, Jan.31. The WC didn't have a problem with that. When we arrive we will meet the WC right away to go over details. My cake is picked out, so are my flowers, ceremony and reception set-ups, etc. We just need to finalize details, look at the ceremony and reception sites and make our final payments. So I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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As you can probably figure out from the above responses, I would say it's probably resort based, especially if you're doing a symbolic versus the legal one.  Which resort are you getting married at? You could probably find a thread on that resort specifically and find someone there who has had/will have the same issue and get it resolved that way.  Good luck, and congratulations!

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  • 2 months later...

DR doesn't have a requirement for the symbolic ceremony. There are no records check, documentation, etc... It's just for show. The 3 day rule only applies for the legal ceremonies although soem resorts still ask you to adhere to that for symbolic ceremonies so you have time to get everything sorted out.

Originally Posted by mandys View Post

If you are just having a symbolic ceremony, the 3 day rule doesnt count right? Also, do you have to be married civilly in your own country to have the symbolic ceremony?


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