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First Name and Married Last Name Rhyme

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LOL, wow that is too funny about your friend. I guess I really shouldn't complain.


Originally Posted by aholen View Post

Ha, I feel your pain. My new last name will mean that my first AND last names will now be palindromes. Ugh!


On the flip side, a good friend of mine married a man whose last name was Tietz (pronounced Teets). She is a large-breasted school teacher. Her MIL couldn't understand what the issue was, her maiden name was Koonts! No lie!


It can always be worse!! I suppose at least I'm giving up a first initial, last name combo that in emails has sometimes shown up as ahole....

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I think it's cute and like someone else said, at least it will be memorable. I worked with a girl whose dad was James White and she married a James White. If she hyphenated she would have been Jenny White-White! A few years ago there was a couple in the news who met over Facebook because they shared they same exact name, something like Kelly Harris for both the boy and the girl. Now that would be weird!

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