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Cash Wedding Registry - Is Anyone Doing This?

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I agree completely.  It's asking soo much of our guests to spend so much money and vacation time on us that I would not ask for cash.  I would be offended if I were going to someone else's DW and they asked for cash as a gift.

Originally Posted by helen9 View Post

We're skipping this purely because our guests have already paid lots of money to spend the day with us, i feel guilty if i asked for cash or presents

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My FI is Taiwanese and in Chinese culture, money is the most widely given gift (in red envelopes for luck).  Because we know we will be getting $$ from his side of the family, we are going to do a small registry somewhere.  I originally was going to do no gifts, but when telling people that, they would respond that no gifts was not an option.


Even though cash is greatly appreciated by us, because we have a ton of stuff already, I don't think I could ask for it outright.

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  • 1 month later...

We are kinda in the same boat.  We have asked our guest attending our DW to please not give us any gifts.  Those that are not coming, if they ask we tell them that we have what we need but are developing our basement.  It's a hard situation and not all people will be open to it.  Some people still like to give you something as a gift. 

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Thank goodness for a thread like this.  My fiance and I are planning on moving to Australia after we get married, so we won't want to have anything extra to get rid of.  I'm sure your guest will understand about the wishing well.  To me, having a registry is the same as asking for cash anyways.  

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  • 2 months later...

I'm so on the fence about the whole cash/gift giving DW/AHR.  


My husband and I moved in together almost 2 years ago, so while we had most everything we needed, I wasn't opposed to getting some new stuff to replace it!  So we registered for a ton of stuff.  I had a small shower beforehand with women who were invited to the DW and a few of my mom's friends who wanted to come (it was only about 12 ppl).  I registered for that and got a ton of stuff from the registry, which was really nice. 


We got married on St. Thomas in February and we are having/had 3 AHRs (one more left!!).  If people who went to the DW gave us gifts or didn't give us gifts, I wouldn't have cared either way.  However, everyone who went was our really close friends and we've gone to their weddings and stuff and they all reciprocated and gave us gifts!  But for the AHRs, we started to feel like we were being greedy and having these parties for gifts.  So in order to feel better, we actually wrote on the invitation "Your friendship is special to us, we ask that you bring no gifts."  We ended up getting a TON of gifts, but we really wanted to put it out there that we weren't expecting anything from anyone.


IMHO if you want money, don't say anything at all and mostly not on the Invitation.  I think it's severely tacky to write anything about gifts on your invitation.  You aren't inviting people to a wedding to get gifts, you are inviting them to celebrate your love.


If you don't write anything, then people will probably give you cash, but if you specifically ask for cash, you will most likely offend people and they will buy you something you don't want and you'll be stuck with it!



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This is tough.  I think it is a great idea because I would rather get money then a toaster which I will never use, however, I think its a bit tacky to ask for money.  We weren't even going to do a gift registry but decided to do a small one as some people who are unable to make it to our wedding said they would like to purchase a gift for us although we explained it wasn't necessary.

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  • 1 month later...

We are in the same boat. Have lived together for almost two years, and don't have room for a single present! I was just at the wedding shower (not a destination wedding) and they put "Presentation" on the invitation, as they were saving for a bedroom suite. I didn't mind giving money, saves me from having to go to the store.


The lady who is hosting my shower is going to put presentation, as we are saving for a TV for our basement, which is the truth. I am not asking my bridesmaids to donate, as they are already paying for the wedding. I honestly didn't even care if I had a shower, but its a nice way to get together with everyone who can't afford the DW.

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I have never heard "Presentation" before on an invite... what does it even mean?  I think I would just be really confused if I read that but maybe just because I have never heard/seen it before!


We are going with the "Your presence is your present" idea.  We have still registered as some people started asking as soon as we got engaged where we were registered and I know people who can't make it will still get us a gift due to their beliefs or tradition so this way it makes it easier for them.  We said nothing on our invites and have just included our registry information on our website.  I like the idea of the wishing well or the honeymoon registry but again I don't feel comfortable coming out and asking people for money.  I guess if it was an option and not the only one it would be okay!

Originally Posted by MrsRobinson12 View Post

We are in the same boat. Have lived together for almost two years, and don't have room for a single present! I was just at the wedding shower (not a destination wedding) and they put "Presentation" on the invitation, as they were saving for a bedroom suite. I didn't mind giving money, saves me from having to go to the store.


The lady who is hosting my shower is going to put presentation, as we are saving for a TV for our basement, which is the truth. I am not asking my bridesmaids to donate, as they are already paying for the wedding. I honestly didn't even care if I had a shower, but its a nice way to get together with everyone who can't afford the DW.


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