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Need dress advice!!!

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Hi ladies!!!  I need some advice... I've recently been doing a lot of dress shopping and I think I have it narrowed down to 3 choices.  I really love all 3, but never had a "moment" with one.  I keep hearing everyone say that they just knew when it was the right one, but I'm not getting that specific feeling and didn't start crying or anything.  Does that mean I should keep looking?


Also, I'm getting married in Punta Cana in November 2011.  1 of my dress choices is a heavier/thicker fabric than the other two.  Has anyone regretted their dress choice b/c they ended up being too hot/sweating their butt off?


Thanks for your help!!!

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You do have plenty of time, so if they aren't really standing out to you, I'd say keep looking.  As far as the heavy fabric, I would try to stay away if I were you.  I do agree that destination wedding or not, you should go with the dress that you love, but at the same time, if it makes you miserably hot on your special day, it's not really worth it.  I'm sure there's one that you will love that's in a lighter fabric.  :o)


Good luck in your search!

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My suggestion is to get digital photos (front and back) of you in each dress that is even a possibility.  Then go and get them printed out so you can look at the dresses side by side.  That is how I chose between a few different dresses. 


I don't think it is realistic to think every bride will cry when she tries on the right dress.  I got a huge smile on my face the first time I had on the right style/brand to fit my body and make me feel pretty.  It was then a tough choice between a few dresses as to the details.


So I say to keep looking but have those printed pictures with you so you can compare to the original dresses - you have plenty of time! 


I think that if you have 2 dresses that you love equally, then go with the lighter fabric one.  But don't sacrifice the style you want for fabric.  Those pictures will last forever, so make sure you choose your favorite, not necessarily the most practical.  Good luck choosing the one!

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Let me just say from my personal experience....

I tried Davids Bridal First and nothing really stood out there to me either, then I went to a dress shop in another state and there wasnt much to try on but I tried on about 7 dresses and there was one I really liked but it was kind of heavy and it was satin and it made me kind of hot and all I could think was how it would be on the beach but it was my favorite by far but I continued my search...

Onto the next dress shop a local one only 15 minutes away and I tried on at least 20 dresses there and I just wasnt getting that feeling then the last dress I tried on I was like wow I feel great in this but I just wasnt sure, so then I tried on the dress I loved in the previous store and I was equally in love with both dresses, so I left there with a decision to make...

Well onto another dress shop, tried on about 5 dresses there and nothing really grabbed me then I started noticing I was only confusing myself by trying on all these dresses, and the consultant also noticed my confusion, but she also noticed I was comparing all the dresses to this one I had tried on in the local shop and thats how it knew it was the one...

Did I learn my lesson no, I went to the local shop and tried on 3 other dresses bc I just had to be sure! Well when I tried on the one I had been comparing with all the others thats when I knew and thats when it hit me!

I really thought I was one of those brides that wouldnt have that aha moment, I didnt cry or anything but once I tried on other dresses and kept going back to that one I just knew it, it will hit you trust me sometimes you just have to see what else is out there like me, but dont go too crazy bc you may only end up confusing yourself in the end.

Sorry for the long story I hope I can help bc I went through the exact same thing as you.

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Thanks girls!  This has definitely helped!  I think taking pictures is a great idea and will definitely be putting that to use.  The dress is the most important part of the wedding to me (well besides my FI of course;) so I think I'm just stressing out unnecessarily about it.  At least I have plenty of time to figure it out!  I'll definitely be posting pictures once I choose or to get more reassurance before choosing!

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