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Confused - Advice pls


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Hello Ladies,

So, I'm booking my wedding next week. Once booked, the waiting game will begin.


I have to vent my little confusion here.  I have 2 best friends.  Friend X has been in my life for over 15 years. We have gone through a lot. Although I have not officially asked, she assumes (and me as well), that she is my Maid of Honour.  Whenever I start talking to her about my DW, and the costs, she kind of goes silent. Makes me feel REALLY guilty that I'm asking her to spend so much money on the trip.


Now my friend Y, has been a friend for 10 years. She has been there for me from the motherhood aspect (I had a kid very young). I have chosen her to be my kid's godmother. Now, when I talk to her about the wedding, all she says: We'll be there, don't worry about the cash. You're giving us 1.5 yrs notice. She was very straight up about 'filling in' in case friend X doesn't show up. I can have a converstation with her about the wedding and not have any guilt. She's alraedy talking about having a stagette for me when we're down there, meanwhile friend X is not saying anything. Not really expressing any interest at this point.


I'm really torn here, because I would really like for my friend X to be my witness; however, I feel locked in a box not being able to talk freely to her. My friend Y is very understanding, but I feel that I'm sort of using her in the preparation process. I was very blunt with both of them about the situation, but I still feel that friend Y may be the better choice. Keep in mind I was her Maid of Honour (friend Ys).


Should I wait it out and see what happens, and then decide and officially ask one of them. OR just leave it the way it is, and let time/faith establish what is to be. 


Sorry - had to vent. My FI doesn't want to listen to this any more. He says it's my decision. He's got his best man (friend's Y husband).

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Originally Posted by bmadzia1 View Post


Thanks girls.  Technically, you call them MOH, but I consider this as a witness duty in this case.  I'm not having a bridal party - something I would do regardless its a DW or local wedding. So if I have two witnesses on the Bride side - who signs the paper?



The wedding planner :-)

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