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How Soon Did Guests Book Flights/Hotel to Punta Cana

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Hello everyone,


I'm getting married July 30, 2011 about 8 months away in Punta Cana and wanted to know how soon in advance did you have your guests begin to book their travel arrangements?  My travel agent recommends that my guests and I wait till January for flights to be discounted because she says that airlines don't begin to discount rates until closer to the departure date.  I'm a little bit anxious about waiting.  I was hoping you could share how soon you began booking your travel?  We're departing from NYC.  Thanks! 

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I am getting married July 8/11 and we are actually booking this weekend, but I have secured a group rate for the entire package with Air Canada, I have watched the resort (couples sans souci) and it hardly goes on sale compared to most other resorts.


Your travel agent is right, prices do tend to drop closer. I had planned on booking in Jan or Feb but then we got an amazing rate and I did not want to lose it.

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I sent my invitations out in July and people had until October 1st to book with our group.  Our hotel (the Majestic Colonial) is completely sold out as of last week, so I'd make sure your guests don't wait until the last minute!  If you can get some sort of price drop protection, it helps a great deal. 


My wedding is February 3rd, so just under 3 months to go and everything is sold out!

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The wait is brutal, but I recommend holding out as long as possible. My wedding is February 2011, I booked a group rate for 10 people in April 2010.  I was told by my travel agent that the prices were really good and were not likely to drop and even if they did, it would only be by $100. So for the sake of giving the hotel my confirmation number and getting the ceremony booked and peace of mind to know that everything was settled, we went ahead with the group rate.  In October, a few days before the final payment was due, the rates dropped by $250 ($500 for the child rate)!!!! Thankfully, we were able to snag a one time price adjustment, so we all paid the new rate.  It is now November and the rates have dropped again.  This time another $200.  The guests who are booking now are getting an awesome deal!!!! $1200 + tax for 7 days All Inclusive at the Riu Palace Punta Cana with flight leaving from Toronto.  I know it's really hard to play the waiting game, when all you can think about is having your date taken or the hotel sold out by the time you go ahead and book.... but if you can, I say wait until there's 3-4 months to go.

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Since your wedding is in June, you can definitely wait a bit as it's a less busy travelling time. Our wedding is April and our resort is notoriously sold out a few months before but April is still peak travel season...in June, you'll be fine to wait until January or later.

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Thanks for responding ladies!  I feel more at ease after having read your comments .  We were able to get good rates for 4 nights and 6 nights stays with GOGO tours.  They're having a Winter Early Booking Promotion.  So we've notified our guests to book their hotel packages now and to book their flights after January.  I can't stop planning and my wedding is still 8 months away!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wedding is in May 2011 and we booked our airfare in May 2010... I figured it wouldnt drop too much.. I have checked back occasionally and the prices have only varied $10... 


My hotel I booked with Liberty Travel, since they told me they would honor the lowest price any time... so I got the rate of $200 per night per person and if it happens to go on sale, then they will adjust the prices! 


Thus far, about 15 of us have booked! =)

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Okay, I just answered my own questions.. JROD.. you are  getting married 2 weeks after mine.. I'm getting married at the Majestic Elegance.... who is your wedding planner???


I just booked ALL of my group rates with AA, JETBLUE and CONTINENTAL...


I just went through it all... and I just reserved all of my rooms with GOGO..



If you would like to talk.. you can email me at [email protected]


I'm sure we could definitely exchange or split things and do some stuff together if we wanted... I can give you some advice on group rates too.



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