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Beaches ~ Turks & Caicos Roll Call!

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I have traveled out of the country many times but you can always learn something new.  I never would have thougth to make extra copies of passports, credit cards, and bring extra passport pics, putting your name & contact info inside luggage - all great tips!  We brides all have enough stress with the wedding....so anything that makes our trips go a little smoother I am all for :)


A Safe Trip Abroad: Before You Go

When you travel abroad, the odds are in your favor that you will have a safe and incident-free trip. Travelers are, however, sometimes victimized by crime and violence or experience unexpected difficulties. No one is better able to tell you this than the U.S. consular officers who work in more than 250 U.S. embassies and consulates around the globe. Every day of the year, U.S. embassies and consulates receive calls from American citizens in distress.

Happily, most problems can be solved over the telephone or by a visit to the consular section of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. There are other occasions, however, when U.S. consular officers are called upon to help U.S. citizens who are in foreign hospitals or prisons, or to assist the families of U.S. citizens who have passed away overseas.

The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs has prepared the following travel tips to help you avoid serious difficulties during your overseas travel. Have a safe and wonderful journey!

What to Take

  • Safety begins when you pack. To help avoid becoming a target, do not dress so as to mark yourself as an affluent tourist. Expensive-looking jewelry, for instance, can draw the wrong attention.
  • Always try to travel light. You can move more quickly and will be more likely to have a free hand. You will also be less tired and less likely to set your luggage down, leaving it unattended.
  • Carry the minimum number of valuables, and plan places to conceal them. Your passport, cash, and credit cards are most secure when locked in a hotel safe. When you have to carry them on your person, you may wish to put them in various places rather than all in one wallet or pouch. Avoid handbags, fanny packs, and outside pockets that are easy targets for thieves. Inside pockets and a sturdy shoulder bag with the strap worn across your chest are somewhat safer. One of the safest places to carry valuables is in a pouch or money belt worn under your clothing.
  • If you wear glasses, pack an extra pair. Bring them and any medicines you need in your carry-on luggage.
  • To avoid problems when passing through customs, keep medicines in their original, labeled containers. Bring copies of your prescriptions and the generic names for the drugs. If a medication is unusual or contains narcotics, carry a letter from your doctor attesting to your need to take the drug. If you have any doubt about the legality of carrying a certain drug into a country, consult the embassy or consulate of that country before you travel.
  • Bring traveler's checks and one or two major credit cards instead of cash.
  • Pack an extra set of passport photos along with a photocopy of your passport's information page to make replacement of your passport easier in the event it is lost or stolen.
  • Put your name, address, and telephone numbers inside and outside of each piece of luggage. Use covered luggage tags to avoid casual observation of your identity or nationality. If possible, lock your luggage.
  • Consider getting a telephone calling card. It is a convenient way of keeping in touch. If you have one, verify that you can use it from your overseas location(s). Access numbers to U.S. operators are published in many international newspapers. Find out your access number before you go.

What to Leave Behind

Don't bring anything you would hate to lose. Leave the following at home:

  • Valuable or expensive-looking jewelry
  • Irreplaceable family objects
  • All unnecessary credit cards
  • Your Social Security card, library card, and similar items you may routinely carry in your wallet

Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home in case they need to contact you in an emergency.

Make two photocopies of your passport identification page, airline tickets, driver's license, and the credit cards that you plan to bring with you. Leave one photocopy of this data with family or friends at home; pack the other in a place separate from where you carry the originals.

Leave a copy of the serial numbers of your traveler's checks with a friend or relative at home. Carry your copy with you in a separate place and, as you cash the checks, cross them off the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies!  I'm getting married at Beaches Turks in 2 months!  May 11 is my day and I am so excited!  Is there anyone else getting married this day?  Eveything is going along well.  We have just about everything set.  My biggest concern is not knowing where the ceremony or the reception will take place.  Does anyone have any location recommendations?  We plan to wed on the beach, barefoot.  We wanted to have the reception there as well, but it's a friday night and they have their beach parties then.  We have 26 total guests coming, so any input on a great location for the reception would be great!!

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Hey Linzayr, We are getting married May 4th, coming soooo quick :) We also want the beach and we want to be barefoot as well. Its only going to be me, my fiance and my son so we are doing a private candel light dinner on the beach. So i cant help you :( But Congrats and good luck with everything!!

Originally Posted by linzayr View Post

Hi ladies!  I'm getting married at Beaches Turks in 2 months!  May 11 is my day and I am so excited!  Is there anyone else getting married this day?  Eveything is going along well.  We have just about everything set.  My biggest concern is not knowing where the ceremony or the reception will take place.  Does anyone have any location recommendations?  We plan to wed on the beach, barefoot.  We wanted to have the reception there as well, but it's a friday night and they have their beach parties then.  We have 26 total guests coming, so any input on a great location for the reception would be great!!


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Hey Linzayr, We are getting married May 4th, coming soooo quick :) We also want the beach and we want to be barefoot as well. Its only going to be me, my fiance and my son so we are doing a private candel light dinner on the beach. So i cant help you :( But Congrats and good luck with everything!!




Hi and congrats!! We are getting married the 5/5/2012!! Mmb.. Your before us!! It's right around the corner, I still feel like I have a ton to do but the list is dwindling daily!! We are considering our reception on the covered boardwalk over looking the ocean, but will make final decision when we arrive :) we have 15 guests... Goodluck ladies and again thank you everyone for all of your help and input thus far!! :) Jess
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Has anyone that received a free rehearsal dinner been able to transfer it to another day other than the night before the wedding? We are taking all our guests on the private catamaran ride the night before our wedding but we're hoping to move our complimentary rehearsal dinner to a different night. Also does anyone know how far the conch shack is from Beaches? Is it a must see? It looks awesome.

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Beautiful!!!! I got my flowers as well and they are beautiful. I just wish I had gone with the 10" bouquet instead of 8"...other than that I am more than pleased with the decision to go with wed ideas.com


I got my flowers in :) So exciting!!! Thanks to Melissa43 for wedideas website!!! :) 



wedding flowers .jpg

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