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I am preparing to send out my save the dates for my December 2011 wedding.  I have included the wedding date, destination as Puerto Vallarta, and our wedding website. 


If my wedding website has information stating where we are getting married, where the reception is, and travel information I feel like what is the point of the invitation.  Would it be better to not allow guests to see webpages with ceramony and reception information until invites are sent out?


How far before wedding should invites be mailed out?


I appreciate any fedback!

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Erica:  I'm going through the same - since we got engaged and are getting married with only about 7 months in between, we rushed to get the Save the Dates out as far out in advance as we could!  We sent them out not too long ago and listed only resort information & our wedding website.   People have since then, started booking!  Although I'm happy with this of course, at the same time, like you, I feel like what's the point for the invite & RSVP card ya know?  Either way, we are going to be sending out invitations as well because it is something we will want as a keepsake and because we would like to try to keep it as 'traditional' as possible!  It's totally up to you though!  We plan on getting our invites out at the latest, middle of November... we're getting married in May.  I've seen that some Save the Dates go out a year in advance, invites like 6 months in advance... whatever your timeline is though is totally up to you! :)

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I think for a DW, invites are more of a formality.  Usually, you will find guests will make their decision on coming after they receive the STD.  Those that are coming, will start making travel arrangements.  Are you including your TA info on the STD?  If not, you should def put it on your website, and direct people to there.


I think you def should have all the wedding info on your website.  The invites should really just go out a few months (2-3 IMO) before the wedding.

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I have also sent a prelimanry RSVP request with my save the date which they will do on our website. 


Yes, website has travel agent information as well as when rates for airfare will be out and suggested time to begin booking. 


This is just hard to plan since I am sending out save the dates over a year ahead of time and travel agent suggests guests begin booking 10 months before the wedding.  I am getting married the week between Christmas and New Years so a good deal will be hard to come by.



I am also not having my ceramony or reception at a resort, so it isn't information they need yet.  For now I have made those two pages of my website private so guests can't see. 

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I understand where you are coming from, my wedding was New Year's Eve.  Diff the worst time to travel, cost wise.


Are you wanting all your guests to try and stay at the same resort?  Are you planning any group activities?  As a potential guest, I would personally find it a bit frustrating if I got a STD to a destination wedding, but there where no details on the place.  Again, it's me personally, but I'm a planner.  Even if they can't book until 10 mo out, that's only a few mo away.  I would want to start checking out the place, and what the cost is averaging.

Originally Posted by EricaMarie View Post

I have also sent a prelimanry RSVP request with my save the date which they will do on our website. 


Yes, website has travel agent information as well as when rates for airfare will be out and suggested time to begin booking. 


This is just hard to plan since I am sending out save the dates over a year ahead of time and travel agent suggests guests begin booking 10 months before the wedding.  I am getting married the week between Christmas and New Years so a good deal will be hard to come by.



I am also not having my ceramony or reception at a resort, so it isn't information they need yet.  For now I have made those two pages of my website private so guests can't see. 

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I thought the same, so we sent STD a year in advance, and I am only going to send invites to relatives and guests who are attending the DW, and it's a mere formality. I put all the ceremony and reception info on the website just so guests could see what was going to happen. I didn't want to make formal invites but this was the compromise I came to with my hubby to be.

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I hate to say it but I think it's necessary to send out invites. We worked long and hard on our website and a good number of guests never even looked at it. I know this because they called me to asked a million questions that were all answered on the website. I noticed this was especially a problem with older guests that don't use the internet as often.  

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Well, I was thinking formal invites 6 months in advance, but I think now I'll do 3 months before. as it will really only go to travelling guests and then I can include the "What to bring" list as well as tourism info. I figure I'll have to call/email all those who haven't RSVP'd online or booked rooms anyways (just to confirm) but that's easier then making 100 extra invites. The exception to the rule is family members who aren't going (eg our grandmothers) as I think they would want the keep sake of the wedding invite.

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I also think that a more formal invite with travel information is required. Although most people use the internet, they may not have access to your website because of workplace restrictions, etc. I also think it's important to include those that don't access the web.  You don't want somebody to miss out on attending your wedding just because they don't use internet.

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