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Things you hate or that annoy you


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So I'm sitting here at work, my department has a large office and we are in our own cubicles (there are four of us), and I am trying really hard to concentrate cause I have a huge mess on my hands. There is only one other person in the office today and he is no freaking help! The boss won't say anything cause he is so wrapped up in the huge mess we are trying to fix and he isn't noticing the other person is a total screw up (my co-worker has been here 12 years)! So, me being the take charge person, I have been stressed over the mess for three days. Today my boss "ticked" off my co-worker and now has really become a bum! But, to make things worse he just started clipping and filing his nails!! I'm so grossed out! I can hear everything! And he keeps passing gas, I know cause I can smell it! He is so flipping nasty! But the sad part is he is a clean cut fellow and takes care of himself. But there is no need to groom yourself in the office! And don't stink the place up! I'm a lady for crying out loud! What happened to this world! And yes, I have mentioned I do not appreciate the manicure sessions at work and that is makes me ill but he doesn't care. I wish they would fire his butt!

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ewww that is so gross!  I used to work with a guy who wouldn't fart but he would sit in his cubicle make make farting noises all day.  That, and spit his chew juice in a coffee cup he'd carry around everywhere.  I kinda want to barf just thinking about him.


Oh and nail clipping is definitely cringe-worthy.  Can you hide his nail clippers the next time he gets up from his desk?

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My biggest pet peeve is when people walk around with that floss pick in their mouth and while talking to you every now and then floss!!! It grosses me out so much. At my old office all the brokers after lunch would be walking around with it in their mouthes, one of my supervisors used to basically have his all day in his darn mouth and the day I hid his picks, don't you know he went to the lunch room and got a bunch of regular tooth picks....all day with this darn tooth pick hanging out the corner of his mouth! GROSS!!!!!!

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