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Bridal Shower Etiquette

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In some cases MIL's forget that they should ask first. I guess they're so excited, they find themselves inviting people without the approval of the bride and groom. I had a similar situation with my MIL. I created a guest list of who was invited to the wedding, including some of MIL's close friends and family that my FI and I know well. Next thing I know, MIL gives me 15 more names of people she wants to add to the list. I already had approximately 20 for her alone. That's a total of 35 people!! The extras that she wanted to add were aunt so and so, from puerto rico. MIL states "I know she isn't coming but just send her an invite so she can see it". REALLY?? Last time I checked invites are expensive and who cares whether or not Aunt so and so sees it. I had expressed that I only had a certain amount of invites left because I bought the exact amount I would need. So of course, I had to go and buy some print a home invites for the extra guests. My motto is.... If i've never met you or have not seen or heard from you in over 2 years, then you're not invited. It sounds harsh but it's true! If someone has been out of my life for over 2 years without calling or writing to see how i've been... then I really don't matter much. If I invited everyone I haven't seen or heard from in a long while and long lost family members, I would have over 300 people. NO WAY!! LOL shameonyou.gif

Fact of the matter is.... You just have to nicely let them know. I also recommend letting the FI do the talking.

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