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Travel Agent ???

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Hello everyone,


I'm just wondering out there if people are having the same problems as I am....and if so how do deal with it because I'm about to go crazy.


First off, we looked around with 3 diff. TA, my favorite one, well was going on MAT leave so that didn't work out, then the 2nd we tried, was good but too busy and the 3rd seemed very knowledgeable, had 20 yrs experience, done numerous wedding planning and all that, told us no worries....our requests were as follows, direct flights and as possible early mornings to go and coming back around supper time or night flights and again NO WORRIES.


We started booking sometime in July, the deal we got was pretty good, deposits in by Sept. 24 and paid in full by Dec. 17.


Now the fun part .... I get an email about 3 weeks ago that she's telling me that there are no longer any direct flights except if we go with another air line....we have to decide now because the other airline will give us the same prices but here's the catch....flights have to be booked and paid in full within 2 weeks.


After many discussions...and sleepless nights...we figured best to leave it where it's at, do the connecting flights and that's that....instead of going throught the hassle of requesting more deposits and all that....


today I'm told that she still hasn't received confirmation for our connecting flights...


I'm seriously going to loose it.....


Has anyone gone through anything like this any suggestions or .....help!!!

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Honestly your travel agent doesn't have any control over the airlines changing their service or making the payment rules.  It's unfortunate but it does happen.  I travel quite a bit for work and this happens from time to time and even though it can really throw a monkey wrench into my plans, you just have to go with the flow.  It sounds like your agent is doing what she can to find a solution.

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