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Does anyone else have a secret stash of cash for the wedding?

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Haha I love the secret stash- I have a sort of secret stash. I was told if I want to bring a photog I have to pay for him myself. I told him it's costing less than it really is since he doesn't know. Until the bank accounts get merged, what he doesn't know won't hurt him!

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We both put a certain amount from our salaries into our joint account each month which should be enough to cover everything, but because I get really into the planning I can sometimes get excited and buy things. If I took the money out the wedding fund then there wouldn't be enough to cover everything. So rather than ask my man to put more into the fund (which he won't anyway, he's adament that we already pay enough) I just pay for it myself. I'd rather that than ask him to contribute cos he just doesn't get it and he'll think the extra stuff is a waste. If he was left to the planning we'd have no decorations or anything. Men!

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LOL! Love it girls. We sorta have a 'secret' stash...although it's not so secret. We have a large change/coin bowl, and ever few months I count through it, roll up the coins and put them away. We plan on using this to boost our OOT bag budget. It's amazing how much change just lays around, and I think there will be about $500 by the time our wedding rolls around.

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I hope to have a secret stash of cash to. Unfortunately, I'm not working right now. I was laid off but still looking for a job...I get to be a stay at home mom temporarily...LOL. I may get a part-time job though and have my mom watch our son for a few hours a day while I work and am able to set aside that cash for the wedding "extras" that are usually basic items...like DJ, Flowers, etc..that are not included in most wedding packages. So yes, it's a great idea. I'm hopingto even have enough to help pay our parents' way if needed or having a really great welcome dinner etc..

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We do this too, every year! I usually get about $200 a year, just from cleaning out change from my purse regularly!


No secret stash for me, but we'll be putting away tax returns and increasing how much we each contribute every month to put more into the wedding fund. once we finish paying off the credit card next month, all the money that would have gone to credit card payments will also go into the fund. i hope we can do some major savings before too many payments roll around!


Originally Posted by murmel View Post

LOL! Love it girls. We sorta have a 'secret' stash...although it's not so secret. We have a large change/coin bowl, and ever few months I count through it, roll up the coins and put them away. We plan on using this to boost our OOT bag budget. It's amazing how much change just lays around, and I think there will be about $500 by the time our wedding rolls around.


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lol this post made me laugh, laugh, laugh! My FI and I have a set budget for the wedding, so FI basically said, ok, you said you will spend this much on x, so if you want y, it has to come out of somewhere else, which I think is pretty fair. It's made me think outside of the box, for sure! All of the little things, I take out of my own stash (Etsy, I love you too much)...the things my FI would NEVER understand!

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