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I harassed people, I made a list of people who had not said anything (including my parents, MOH and the best man), who needed to respond. Most were on FI's side, and told them if they didn't let us know by XXX day then there would not be food for them, or a place to sit at the reception. I wound up only have about 5 people who never responded at all, but it was a lot of work on my part.

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I sent out 130 invitations (well STD's) and I have 51 people booked. I sent a few email reminders and that was all. If they chose to book, cool, but a lot of people did not reply either way. I went to the effort of entering everyone into my website and giving them all RSVP numbers, and I think 4 people have RSVP'd, so it was a lot of effort for nothing.

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The whole RSVP issue really makes me upset. Why canâ€t people just drop it in the mail? It really isnâ€t that hard. Seriously people! We sent out 60 invites and I would say only 30 returned and RSVP. What the heck! I am assuming those people that did not return the card are not coming. I am not calling them either! smile67.gif

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I think about 50% and it was really annoying. I didn't even get one from my MOH or a few bms because they said I knew they were coming. MOH said she wanted to save it. It sucks when people don't participate and you've spent time selecting your invitations and stuff, you want to get that card back in the mail. I think it's a little tacky not to respond with a yes, no, or maybe when someone has taken the time to invite you to any kind of event. So frustrating!

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It actually makes me feel better that you all are going through the same thing. (sorry) I just don't get it, and think it is kind of rude that they can't let us know either way. I wonder if it is this bad for local weddings..!?

I mean, we had some of our guests actually be asked to be invited, and then they didn't even rsvp, and have not heard anything from them! I am wondering if it is too much to ask to pay- our tickets are 1180.00 per person for 4 nights at El Dorado Royale ( AI, Direct Flight)

I KNOW some of our guests thought this price was ridiculous.... My friend even relayed the message to me from them. But, we knew that was going to happen....

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  • 5 weeks later...

Great topic, as Amy & I were just discussing this. I've been more annoyed by all the people who have not RSVP'd


I figure if we spent money for invites, got addresses, put SASE/reply cards, gave people the option of yes-no-maybe and 2+ months to do it, and then paid to mail them... The least someone could do is put an "X" on a line, lick the envelope and mail it back.


Anyway, we sent out 144 invites and I didn't get reply cards back from 53 of them. That included several people in the bridal party. Those I can kind of understand since we knew they were coming, but it still would have been nice.


Over time, I casaully heard form people as I talked to them, or they called/emailed. Probably about 30 left at that point and I eventually got frustrated enough that I emailed any of the people who I had email addresses for saying the resort was needing to finalize numbers. Remarkably enough, I probably only heard back from about half of the people I emailed. As of now, I still have 14 outstanding invites, and I'm assuming those people won't be there!!!


Most remarkable to me were 2 couples who invited us to their weddings around the same time, both of which we RSVP'd to!!!


I had originally guessed about 80-90% RSVP rate! Man, I wasn't even close...

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We sent out STD to about 120 people and not everyone replied either. I am going to send an email reminder about the booking deadline that will garantee the lowest price to them and that longer they wait more expensive it will be. Other than that, I'll wait until Dec or Jan to send out the formal invites. I will just be asking them to RSVP online on the wedding website or call us to let us know. Hopefully we'll get almost all of the people coming to respond that way. But we know there will be a few people not making the desicion until last minute due to various reasons, but at least we know that up front. Nevertheless, it is kind of frustrating when people don't respond.

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I've got to admit, Richard's sister is getting married in Dominican Republic in November, and at first we said 'no' as we had only been to the Dominican Repulic in March/April for my 40th birthday and wouldn't be able to afford it and my oldest two are doing their 'A levels' at school, so they definitely wouldn't be able to attend but after thinking about it, I decided I it would be nice for Richard to go to his sister's wedding so we just booked us and my youngest for one week (the older two are old enough now to stay at home on their own now) and was going to surprise her. She does know now but unfortunately we may not be there for the actual wedding as for a long time she didn't know the date and I only had one week I could book and it was the wrong week, but we will be there for the build up and she is trying to get the date changed so you never know. From my point of view it would have been nice to surprise her but maybe not from her.


Now that I'm getting married in the Dominican Republic in July, I don't mind if people turn up that haven't told me, as it would be a nice surprise for me as well. Once everyone is there, i'm hoping then the numbers will be finalised and it won't be too stressful but I can see where everyone is coming from and you ask me this question again in 6 months time, maybe i will feel different. smile72.gif


(i hope that all made sense and sorry for the length of it)

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we basically had similar experiences with everyone else, where the people who were coming rsvped EARLY, the rest kind of didnt. And just assumed we KNEW they werent coming...I emailed the few poeple that i thought were on the fence early on, just so that we didnt have any surprises


but then the nice surprise was up until we left we got late rsvps, from family that wasnt coming with gifts! It was a pleasant surprise in an rsvp envelope

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