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Did you guys see this?



We are thinking of going down before but it is SOOO expensive to go and were hoping they would give us a break if we went to see the site but we know if we call they will tell us this is how we are "rewarded" instead of a discount. ughhhh!


We are seriously thinking of staying at a diff resort down the road and doing a site visit to the royal one day. It is just too much. (Which makes me think that if I'm saying this, It is prob too much to ask of my guests for the wedding but oh well)

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i saw that Dubs! thankfully we were there right when i got engaged so it made things so much easier.....you should def just stay at a cheaper hotel down the street....and if your guests find it too expensive they can stay next door at the Gran Caribe lol.....but trust me this place is worth every single penny!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



The vendor fee is $350....unless you book the photographer a room, which might be cheaper than the 350! But you should ask your WC since i am not sure if they have increased it since i signed my contract! Which package are you having?? 

Originally Posted by JDAD11 View Post

Hello I am an April 2011 Bride!  Do any of you know how much they charge to bring an offsite photographer???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Royal Brides:) My wedding is in Feb 2011 at Gran Caribe but we are staying at the Royal. For those guests who can't afford Real Resorts, we suggested Flamingo (which is next door). It is not a 5 star hotel but the staff is really nice there. I stayed there a year ago and thought that it is a good place to stay for those with a tight budget.  


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  • 1 month later...

my guess would be to see which services you will use and how much it will be with the classic package plus the added services......might come out cheaper than the luxury.....


how is planning going for everyone??? I cannot believe that 2011 is here!!! I have less than 6 months left!!


I see we have an april and feb bride here!!


Originally Posted by JDAD11 View Post

I currently have the classic wedding and then I am adding things from there but I am thinking of changing to the Luxury package.

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