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Wedding Etiquette - IS THIS A JOKE?!

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Wow. Both stories are really ridiculous!!  I hope it works out for you ladies!

Originally Posted by FleetMac bride View Post

I do not have equal number's for groomsmen and bridesmaids so my MOH asked if we could put her boyfriend in. My FI has never met her boyfriend ever and I was totally put on the spot I just said well they have never met and it would be kinda weird.


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Wow, I would never think to ask someone that, especially if they had never met before!

Originally Posted by FleetMac bride View Post

I do not have equal number's for groomsmen and bridesmaids so my MOH asked if we could put her boyfriend in. My FI has never met her boyfriend ever and I was totally put on the spot I just said well they have never met and it would be kinda weird.


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OMG! Totally weird! I can't believe she was ask that, haha.


Originally Posted by FleetMac bride View Post

I do not have equal number's for groomsmen and bridesmaids so my MOH asked if we could put her boyfriend in. My FI has never met her boyfriend ever and I was totally put on the spot I just said well they have never met and it would be kinda weird.


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#1) I don't understand why the number of BM has to be equal to the number of boys.  My FI is very sociable, and I am the opposite, so I can't match unless I put an ad on Craigslist or kijiji and hire some extra BMs to beef my bridal party up.

#2) I don't get the fuss of being in the wedding party, some people got offended if they didn't get included in it. 

#3) I paid for all my BMs' and my FI's boys outfits.  I heard stories like a selfish bride picked a $1200 BM dress, and asked the BMs, who aren't cash rich, to pay for their own dress.

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My wedding part is not evenly matched, i have one more BM than we do GM. but we don't care!w e would rather have an odd number of people that we care about and whom deserve to be there, than people we barely know...defeats the whole purpose of the meaning of them being in the bridal party.


I didn't pay for my girl's dresses, however as attendant gifts i bought them each a Coach Bag... so i think i made up for it! lol That and i didnt pick a really expensive dres.s.. ( it was under 100.00 before tax and shipping)..


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My party won't have GMs at all. I live in the UK where my FI is from and we didn't want to make any of his friends feel that they had to come. And he really isn't that close to that many guys anyway. So I'm having a jr bridesmaid (his daughter) and four bridesmaids (all my close friends) and my MOH matched up with his BM (whom he still hasn't chosen. we're waiting till we know who of his friends are actually coming). 


I'm also having three flower boys because my nephews are triplets and I want them involved (one may be the ring bearer, just not sure which).


It's our wedding and we're doing it our way. 

Originally Posted by luvmoo View Post

My wedding part is not evenly matched, i have one more BM than we do GM. but we don't care!w e would rather have an odd number of people that we care about and whom deserve to be there, than people we barely know...defeats the whole purpose of the meaning of them being in the bridal party.


I didn't pay for my girl's dresses, however as attendant gifts i bought them each a Coach Bag... so i think i made up for it! lol That and i didnt pick a really expensive dres.s.. ( it was under 100.00 before tax and shipping)..



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