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Has anyone had difficulty getting FI to agree to an e-shoot?!

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Hi ladies, the title says it all!


The photographer that we have booked in Australia includes in her package a "pre-wedding shoot". We won't be meeting her until our pre wedding trip 6 months before the wedding, so it won't really be an engagement shoot, but I think as it's included, we should do it.


When I mentioned it to FI he said "you can forget it"! I know a lot of guys say they hate having photos taken, but mine really means it. He pulls awful faces in photos and in the 4 years we've been together, I probably have only 20 photos of us together and about 2 which are nice.


I told him it'll be a good way to get to know the photographer and have a bit of a practice for the wedding day. He's really not happy though!


Does anyone have any tips?

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I had the same problem with my fiance, except that the engagement shoot wasn't included in a package so we were going to have to pay for it separately.  So you get a guy who doesn't like photos, doesn't understand the importance of them to a bride, AND who is cheap....not an easy task.  My fiance is in love with his dog - I have asked many times if the house was on fire and he could only save one of us, which would it be.  After a first "joking" response of "well you could get yourself out", he says he would save me.  At which point I glare at him censored.gif

So I knew the dog was my route to the engagement pictures.  He agreed to take them as long as some of the pictures include the dog.


That type of ploy won't work so well for you when you are so far from home.  Do you think he would be tempted by going to a really cool landmark or park so that the photos feature the location as much as the two of you?  I am planning on going to a local park that has an old mill (the kind with the water wheel) and I think having this type of feature in the background will take some of the focus off of us as a couple (in a good way) because neither of us are terribly photogenic.


Good luck!

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I had the same problems! Our photographer is giving us the session for free, so I played the "free" card. I also played the dog card- we are actually doing our shoot in the backyard so we can have the pets be part of it. I figured if we did it at home that would take some of the pressure off, plus we have a nice backyard.

I know he isn't thrilled to do them, but at least he's going to!

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