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My surprise engagement in the USA! (UK Bride)

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Hey all, I'm still a newbie but thought I'd share my engagement story, if anyone is interested.


We had spoken for a while that when we did eventually get married (and I thought it would never happen!) it would be in Australia. We went to Australia in January 2010 and went to look at venues "just in case". I then asked him if I'd be getting a ring and he said he'd get me one when he sold his house (we had moved in together a year or so before but he'd kept his house, which is now for sale). So I put it to the back of my mind as the house had not been sold.


A few weeks after returning from Australia, FI asked me if I wanted to take a short trip to Boston in March/April. His brother and his wife would be out there as part of their year around the world and his parents were going out to celebrate their 60th birthdays. I did think it was a bit strange, having just returned from Australia and we already had another trip planned to Italy in May, but FI can be a bit spontaneous so I agreed.


All the way there on the plane he was a bit quiet and moody but he generally is when we travel abroad (not happy until he gets there!) so I didn't think anything of it. On our first full day, we went out for a drink (Dutch courage!) and to pick up some sandwiches for lunch. He'd been out earlier in the morning to look for a good location to propose but the best he could find was the municipal building! So he took me onto the green, under the American flag and asked me to marry him. He says that I grabbed the ring before I even said yes!


It was so great to be able to share our engagement with his family. I called home to give my mum the good news and had forgotten that it was my parents' 30th wedding anniversary, which was doubly special.


Thanks for reading!

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