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Question about OOT bags

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Question, If the Bride and Groom were flying on the same flight as 80% of the guests attending the wedding..how do they distribute the bags? I find that the "welcome letters" etc are catered to the guests arriving after the B&G arrive.


Also, do you assemble the backs at home and pack them already put together then get the front desk to deliver them to the rooms once the B&G have got to their room and unpacked? My sister wants to do the OOT bags but had so many questions that I myself did not know how to answer! Please tell me how you are distributing your bags to your guests!


Thanks in advance!

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I'm wondering the same thing!  I considered either handing them to everyone at the airport before we got on the plane... or maybe even while on the plane, but that would mean everything would need to be in carry-on luggage. 


So far I'm leaning towards visiting everyone in their rooms once they have checked in, to say a personal hello and thanks and spend a few minutes of quiet time with each person before the madness begins :)

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We are flying on the same plane as some of our guests but my welcome letter is written in such a way that it doesn't really specify B&G arriving first. We are leaving them with the front desk and I believe there is a small charge for front desk handing them out upon each guests arrival. For the guests not staying at our hotel (there are only 2), I will be giving them theirs at the welcome cruise. 

In terms of packing I am packing everything in my luggage separately. The only thing that will be assembled/put together is the survival kit in each of the little clear ziplock bags. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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I am trying to figure this out as well. We arrive on the same flight as the majority of our guests, and I figure we won't get to the resort until around 8:30pm....ick. My MOH gets to the resort about 2 hours before us, I think I may get her to hand them out. I don't want to pay the $4 room delivery fee, plus I am afraid that if anyone upgrades their room the bag may get lost in the shuffle. My other thought is to get the front desk to hand them out during check-in.... but I have heard from some other forums that some places will only hand them out if they are 'generic' and mine all have name tags. It's all the 'little' things that take the time!!

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We have 56 guests coming to our wedding.  Because of the shear # of people this is what we are doing.  All of our family and wedding party, we are going to give them the bags just before we leave as a preparing for the trip/things you will need in Cabo gift.  For everyone else, we are bringing the pieces down to Cabo and then assembling the bags there.  As we are all flying in together and getting there early in the day, we will give them to everyone else at dinner the night we arrive as a welcome to Cabo/things you may need while here gift.  Originally, we were going to take them all with us, but it is just too much to carry so this works best for us.

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