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Just found out my FI's parents aren't coming to our wedding


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Wow, how can their son's wedding not be their thing.  I'm really sorry to hear that.  Sadly, you are not alone, there are a number of others on the forum who have or are experiencing the same thing.  I would try to focus on the positive - all the wonderful family and friends who are attending your wedding.  Hopefully your FI's parents will change their mind before the wedding.

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Hopefully you can support your fiance - as he must be really hurt.  I wouldn't show it to him, but I would be really angry.  It is one thing if they were afraid to fly or something like that - but having just gone to the Caribbean?!  No Way!  Hopefully others will talk some sense into them in time for them to join you for the wedding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sorry.. I'm in a similar situation with my parents.. But our wedding isn't for another year and a half so I'm hoping they will change their minds.. I think the best thing you can do is sit down and speak with them and find out what is going on.. Attending their son's wedding is not something that can be so easily dismissed and I do agree with the other ladies that there has to be a reason behind their behavior.. In the mean time you continue planning and enjoying this entire process and just be there for your hubby-to-be..

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Oh wow I can't believe they said its not their thing. Are they concerned about safety issues regarding Mexico, that's why they are afraid to go? Still saying it is "not their thing" is a poor choice of words. I agree with the ladies. It must hurt alot and I know you are going to be angry but try to be supportive towards your FI since he is probably very hurt, and try to stay focused on the positive. Hopefully in time they change their minds and hopefully a candid discussion can be had on the topic. I hope it works out, best of luck to you. 

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My fiance's mother and brother did the same thing! His father is deceased and he really does not have any extended family, so his two sisters will be his only family members at the wedding. Meanwhile, I'll have at least 20 family members that will be there to support him as well, in addition to all our friends. His mother and brother just flat out decided they are not going to Mexico. We think it is ignorant and did not talk to them for several months as a result, but in the end you just have to blow it off and not let it bother you anymore. The way we look at it, we will never regret having a beautiful destination wedding in Mexico with (most of) our family and friends...but she will always regret missing her son's wedding. She is the one that will have to live with it in the end.  

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