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Is it ok at your Stag and Doe to just have money won?

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Hi everyone!

I was surprised by one of our groomsmen on this monday that passed. He came over on lunch and surprised us with the news that his wonderful girlfriend and himself are pitching in the money for a hall, the food,  and the booze etc so that my FI and I can have a stag and doe.

I am soooo excited!

The only thing is, with everyone in the wedding party already spending so much on the trip (and now are awesome friends footing the bill for the party) would it be to tacky for us not to purchase prizes and just make each game a 50/50. so like if we do the gold fish racing and each person bets on their fish, at the end the winner takes home 1/2 the pot. Is that ok?

None of us have the money to go out and purchase things like a wii, or wii fit, or anything else to raffle off. But i dont want to look cheap or tacky. Any thoughts?

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it is a party that your wedding party or you (the bride and groom) throw before your wedding. There are games played and prizes to be won. Most of the time the couple ends at the night with a couple thousand dollars. It is something traditionally done in ontario canada. You guys might do something similar. a jack n jill?

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I know that a lot of people ask local businesses for a donation. Maybe your bridal party could ask at work or places they regularly shop. Or check to see if anyone has reward points that can be donated or used to purchase prizes.


I was actually thinking today that instead of having a Stag & Doe we should just sell 50/50 tickets. Then nobody has to worry about spending even more money at the event.

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We'll have a few games where the prize is money - 2 joker's wild boards, 50/50 draw, stomp & pop.

For the raffle a few things were donated by asking local businesses/friends (try Boston Pizza, they gave me something just for asking) or we used our HBC points, Airmiles, Shoppers Optimum points or Canadian Tire money to buy things worth about $25 (mostly gift certificates) since i've collected them all for years and never used them.

There will be a bottlecap guess where they will win a 5L Heineken Bubba (well pay for it since the game will more than cover it)

A Beer Pong contest but i haven't decided the prize, probably a Beer Store gift certificate

Then we're doing 2 things that people don't win anything from other than laughing at us...FI was given a wedding dress to wear and we'll go outside for a 1/2 hour and people can pay to try to shoot him with paintballs.   Then we have 2 jars that people can put money in, one for him and one for me...whoever the jar belongs to that has the most money will get a pie in the face at the end of the night.


It sounds like a lot but people definitely don't have to participate in every single thing, we just want to make sure there is enough to do that everyone has a lot of fun.  And if they don't want to spend money they can just enjoy the DJ.

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