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Rock Climbing at PV Dreams

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My fiancee and I are really in to rock climbing, so one reason we liked Dreams PV was that it claims to have a natural rock climbing wall.  I am waiting to hear back from their activities coordinator (and have asked for pics), but has anyone stayed at the resort and seen the wall?  Can anyone send me pics or tell me anything else about it? 


Thank you!

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Here is one from Google Images, it is the real wall, I saw it when I was married there in May. It isn't that impressive in person and I never saw anyone actually climbing on it. Although my SIL and her gf climbed it but said it wasn't that hard. So I wouldn't base your whole stay on the wall. If you are on Facebook, Dreams PV has a page and they are really quick to respond to questions on there if you want to ask them more about it.

dreams pv climbing wall.jpg

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I have a picasa album of rock climbing pics. I will post some of them this weekend. The only problem is that while we were there we could only climb 1 day. It is in a cove-type area and a storm rolled in so the waves were to high to even get to the wall. We had 2 climbers in our group and they liked climbing it... siad it was a nice wall for a vacation drinking trip. I'm not a climber and was too afraid to break a nail before the wedding so I didn't make it very far :)

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it's a real wall. i'm not a climber, so it looked impossible to me, but dh and all of his friends did it daily. they don't climb regularly, but i think a few of them made it to the top. i think you have to seek out the activities coordinator on a daily basis and tell him you're interested. that was a big reason we chose dreams pv instead of cancun, which was a gazillion times closer to home.

in my slideshow, the pics taken on the rocks are part of that wall. it's toward the end of the slideshow b/c they were the ttd pics. the last two pics are of one of our friends climbing up. the tide comes all the way in to the cove and the water is COLD at 7am in february, but if you talk to the dude, he'll tell you what time is good.

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