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severe stomach cramps


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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Write down what day of the month it happens on. perhaps it happens when you ovulate (I have that too).
you might be on to something there. i used to write down what food i ate when it happened, but it was so sporadic that i stopped. (ie one day i could eat chipotle, and the next day i was so sick from it)

But now that i think about it more, it is only about one a month. But why is that? what does ovulating have to do with anything?
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Well, it could be a variety of things. For me, I have endometriosis so every time I ovulate my ovaries must contract or something causing the endo tissue outside of them to be in pain. Of course, I also have had ovarian cysts which hurt at the ovulation time for the same reason.

I would start tracking it on a calendar so that you can easily see what day of the month it is. mine always happens 14 days after my cycle ends and it can last for 1-3 days.

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OKay this is going to be long but hopefully informative:


First off, I would say either IBS or Endometriosis!!!


I am the queen of pain!! I have always had some stomach issues. Sorry for this but it didn't matter where I was, if I had to go, look out!!!! But that was it, never knew when or where but no pain...so I just delt w/ it!


WELL...last year about this time (July actually) I began to have these really sharp pains! Then would come and go and some would be worse than others, but basically they were sharp, shooting and had me basically imobile while they were occuring! I began freaking out! It would then shift to my belly button pain and even when I went to the bathroom it would hurt (like a bladder infection hurts when you pee). I would just be sitting at my desk at work or on the couch and I would have pain in my side, my stomach, down south, etc...


So I went to the doctor and I looked and researched ALOT online. Doctor said that it was IBS. Well I didn't want to believe it at first because I had that but never had the pain before. I didn't understand how it could just come out of the blue one day! I couldn't pin point it to any food in particular.


Long story short...I barely ate for 3 weeks (and I love food) but i thought food was doing it and I was afraid to eat. I lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks. I had to have a sigmoidoscopy to find out if it was some type of colon issue (which it wasn't) and that wasn't fun by the way!!!


They couldn't find anything wrong w/ me after that procedure, stool test, blood tests. I even had a trip to the ER my pain was so bad that night!! The vicoden was the only thing to help the pain at all. They gave me 2 different types of abdominal cramping medicine and that didn't work.


The only thing I didn't do was go to my gyno. The ER doctor told me it could be endometriosis but then after 3 weeks of hell, it just tappered off and stopped one day. I will get an occasional pain here and there but I haven't had anything like it since then!!! I put everything back into my diet (and then some) and no pain!


I told my gyno about it this year when I went in and she said it could be also endometriosis but she felt that at this point I had went so long w/out pain or anything that she didn't feel it was necessary to test me for that and pay for it unless I was in pain. So she told me that if it happens again, to go see her first!!! That way we could rule it out and go from there. I have a history of ovarian cysts (most women do and they don't know it)


So I just keep telling myself I have IBS and I some freak episode for 3 weeks!!


Anyway..sorry it was so long but I thought I should share what I went through and that way you know that maybe you should try seeing your gyno first and then go from there!!

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I call it "gut rot", and I get it every once in awhile as well. I've never really figured out what triggers it. I have a pretty weak stomach though. I get nauseaus very easily and puke way more often than the average person (TMI, sorry). I never really considered that I might have some kind of "condition". Anyway, I'm no help at all. But just thought I'd let you know that you're not alone :)

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Michelle, it does sound like maybe it could be endo, but it's odd that it is gone now. Perhaps it was just a cyst that was leaking (had that too). But, I have endo really bad on my bladder so it feels like I have a bladder infection all the time. It's the most miserable thing EVER, well, until I have surgery. Then I'm fine for about 2 years.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Michelle, it does sound like maybe it could be endo, but it's odd that it is gone now. Perhaps it was just a cyst that was leaking (had that too). But, I have endo really bad on my bladder so it feels like I have a bladder infection all the time. It's the most miserable thing EVER, well, until I have surgery. Then I'm fine for about 2 years.
Yikes, surgery? That is what I was thinking though that it isn't so prominate now...I know people w/ endo are in pain more often. The gyno thought possibly a ruptured cyst...so who knows!!!

Our bodies are so weird and it's crazy because everything really is connected and if one thing goes haywire they all are..it's a domino effect sometimes.
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Yup, surgery. It's annoying because I have to have it done so often. It's laproscopic, so beside from the many small scars all over my stomach, it's not that bad and isn't too painful.

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This thread is so crazy because for the past two days I've had horrible cramping and stabbing pains in my stomach too! I get different pains here and there OFTEN and have no idea what it is. I've been tested for lots of things. Went to Urgent Care for the pain one day and had to have an impromtu pelvic exam. Came back fine. Then went to my gyno a few weeks later...came back fine again. One doc thought it might be an ulcer.....

The frustrating thing is that my FH doesn't get how my stomach can hurt "all the time".


So glad to know I'm not alone!

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