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Why did you choose your date?

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Our reason is going to reveal my inner geek...


I'm a really big Star Wars fan, and we had decided almost from the beginning that we would go to Disneyworld on our honeymoon. Well, Disney's MGM Studios has traditionally done Star Wars themed weekends from mid-May to mid-June, and since 2007 would be the 30th anniversary of the original release of the original Star Wars, we planned the wedding around that.


Sadly, I did not manage to make it to Star Wars weekends, because, being the 30th anniversary, all the stars who would normally make appearances were busy with other anniversary appearences, so Disney pushed their weekends forward for the entire month of June. My fiance suggested we change our wedding and honeymoon plans as well, but I was more excited about the wedding than the Star Wars...well, mostly. :-)

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We chose the summer month so I wasn't pulling my kids out of school for two weeks. We also figured it would be easier for people to take their vacation time. We chose August around my son's football. He played football through til the end of July. We also had to work around our ex's vacations with our children. That left the weeks we went away, we chose the 14th because it fell early enough in the week, and we wanted to have a wedding sooner then later, after our guests arrived. Our legal ceremony was on the 4th and our wedding ceremony was on the 14th.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We picked 5/4/08 because we started dating 5/4/03 and got engaged 5/4/06... i really wanted to get married 5/6/7 (we started dating 5/4/3!) but a 1 year engagement was too 'rushed' for him... he didn't want to rush into 'planning mode' so fast... so 5 years dating, 2 years engaged it is!

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We are getting married February 15th - I knew we wanted to go away when it was cold & crappy in Chicago so I thought February was a good month. It's before spring break & after all the holidays.


As far as the 15th goes we really just took what they had available at the hotel. We wanted a Saturday but they were booked so we went with a Friday.

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We got engaged in April and I wanted about a year to plan. It had to be after April 15 because one of my best friends is an accountant and she wouldn't be able to make it during tax season. So we chose May. We wanted a Friday wedding, so people could have a day to recover before flying home Sunday. We ended up with the 16th because almost every other weekend in May one of my best friends is a bridesmaid in a wedding!

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We picked ours for a couple of reasons. a.) we knew we needed at least a year to plan and allow everyone to be there. April of '08 wouldn't have given us enough time, but we wanted April for the weather conditions there b.) I hate being hot, and didn't want to be all sweaty in my gown and pics. c.)we originally picked the first weekend in April, but it was Easter weekend and the prices were almost double due to spring break and the holiday. So we pushed it back two weeks and tada! 4.25.09 In a way I hate its so far away. But for other reasons, I think its perfect.

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