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Hey everyone


So I am not new to photoshop, I am a reporter/photographer and use the program all the time for processing photos, but not so much for creative uses. So anyway, it's raining and I am bored so I thought I would give a monogram another attempt. I have been playing around for a while, but never liked anything I did.

So this time, I like what I have created, and even though we don't have a date yet, we have a timeframe, and this monogram can be edited to change dates etc.

Let me know what you think.

Not so sure about the wording on the top. It needs something there, but I think I want something more "beachy"


Let me know what you think.


Very excited. This is my first DIY project, can't wait to get started on more!


Also this is my first time posting any pics, so I hope this works (fingers crossed)




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Amanda+Dave, both are cute, I'm really liking the second one though. Is your wedding more centered around the seahorses or the starfish theme? Maybe that can help you decide. I like the circle of starfish around the second one...cute idea.

I'm a Nov 2011 bride too and just like you we aren't able to narrow down an exact date until things with the resort and airline are confirmed.

Good luck with the rest of your planning.

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