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Turks & Caicos Wedding is OVER- now what?!?!


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Hi Misti - OMG another Somerset bride?!  I love it!  We'll actually be arriving on the 15th when you are leaving, and staying til the 21st... how funny would it be if we crossed paths?!  Hope your planning is going well!!!  We were down at the somerset in February and it's really amazing - such a beautiful property with AMAZING food :)

Best of luck in planning!  How many people are you having at your wedding?  We are having about 75.


Talk soon!


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Hi Janine,

Did you say that you've been to the Somerset before? it's pretty large, so I'm sure they will have no problem accomodating your 41 guests... I WISH all my guests would stay there, but for some of them its a bit of a stretch.


Yes, our rehearsal dinner is going to be a beach BBQ, which everyone is invited to, put on by Kissing Fish Catering (owned by the same people that own Bay Bistro)... we ate at Bay Bistro when we were there and I thought it was really good.  So we are doing a very casual BBQ, buffet style through them with a bonfire and music.  Should be really fun!


As far as a cake goes, both our families want us to have one as well.... but we are not doing it.  It's not worth it to us.  We've asked Lauren if we could do an ice cream sundae bar (bc we both LOVE ice cream!) and she quoted us a price on that, so we're pretty sure that will be it for dessert!  Lauren is fabulous... we're actually having a few appetizers that weren't on the menu (fried mac n cheese!) and she's totally receptive to new ideas.  We talked to her aout the cocktail hr for about 45 min last week - she's so patient and willing to give you what you want.  As far as the entrees, we are going with caesar salad (the presentation was awesome) and filet mignon or local red snapper.  They were both fantastic!  My fiance doesn't even eat fish, but he tried the red snapper and actually liked it and ate the whole thing!  You and your chef guests will not be disappointed :)

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Hi Brianna, no I haven't been to the Somerset which is why I am worried. I guess I will have to trust everyone that the food is good. I have a tough crowd attending so we'll see in the end what they think. For our rehearsal we are doing a dinner at Bay Bistro but with the bridal party only. We are doing a cruise earlier that evening which will be for everyone. I will have canapes catered by Joan then as well. 


I'm not sure about the cake. I don't want to do it but I know the mothers really want to. I think between the candy bar and the desserts that should be enough for anyone with a sweet tooth. I don't eat ice cream, or cake, or cookies, or sweets, but hubby is huge on candy especially chocolate so we are doing a candy bar.


I know for the entrees we are doing the filet mignon, the snapper and the rizzoto, for the appetizers its the three ways ceviche or a caprese salad and the desserts are choice of two but I can't remember which two at the moment. 


I think everything is pretty much in place. I am just in the process right now of organizing the rest of the activities - the grooms golfing bachelor day and my bachelorette. Instead of doing traditional bachelor/bachelorette he will be having a golf thing and I will be doing the spa thing. 


How many days will you be on island? Are you also indulging your guests in other activities. We are gonna do a dive group while we are there for all our guests who are certified. That should be the most fun. I did my first fitting today and everything just hit me.....I'm really really getting married. LOL!

Originally Posted by Soon-to-be-Mrs.D View Post

Hi Janine,

Did you say that you've been to the Somerset before? it's pretty large, so I'm sure they will have no problem accomodating your 41 guests... I WISH all my guests would stay there, but for some of them its a bit of a stretch.


Yes, our rehearsal dinner is going to be a beach BBQ, which everyone is invited to, put on by Kissing Fish Catering (owned by the same people that own Bay Bistro)... we ate at Bay Bistro when we were there and I thought it was really good.  So we are doing a very casual BBQ, buffet style through them with a bonfire and music.  Should be really fun!


As far as a cake goes, both our families want us to have one as well.... but we are not doing it.  It's not worth it to us.  We've asked Lauren if we could do an ice cream sundae bar (bc we both LOVE ice cream!) and she quoted us a price on that, so we're pretty sure that will be it for dessert!  Lauren is fabulous... we're actually having a few appetizers that weren't on the menu (fried mac n cheese!) and she's totally receptive to new ideas.  We talked to her aout the cocktail hr for about 45 min last week - she's so patient and willing to give you what you want.  As far as the entrees, we are going with caesar salad (the presentation was awesome) and filet mignon or local red snapper.  They were both fantastic!  My fiance doesn't even eat fish, but he tried the red snapper and actually liked it and ate the whole thing!  You and your chef guests will not be disappointed :)

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Nice we have the same entrees!  We will have a vegetarian option as well, but still aren't sure what that will be.  You'll love it!


We are doing a snorkling trip the morning of the rehearsal dinner, then everyone is invited to the rehearsal dinner that night.  We are doing bachelorette parties here (actually, CJ is going to VEGAS on Thursday, lol, that's what makes this all real to me right about now!).  No one else is certified to scuba dive, except for CJ and I and we plan on going one day while we are there... which we also did when we were here back in Feb and it was AWESOME... except for the fact that 5 out of 6 people on our boat were throwing up because of sea-sickness!  You have a lot planned - that's great!  You're guests will have a great time.


We plan on getting there Tues, March 15 and leaving Mon, March 21 (getting married Sat, the 19th).

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Oh you guys are making me sooooooooooooo jealous! I can't believe all the fun you both have planned. My wedding was probably a combination of both of yours! We did a special family dinner on Weds night at Coco Bistro, then Thursday when most people arrived we had a welcome reception at The Somerset with a couple of platters and drinks before dinner, then Friday we did a catamaran snorkeling cruise with lunch thru Sail Provo for whoever wanted to attend, then Friday night we did a beach BBQ with Kissing Fish w/ a bonfire for all, then Saturday was the wedding, and Sunday we had a brunch.... I miss it so much, it goes sooooo fast! You have to promise to keep me updated pretty please!!


Brianna- we did mushroom rissotto as the veg option, and I agree the cesear salad is beautiful. Next time you speak to Lauren, say hi from me! She is due to have a baby soon, so I'm not sure how her schedule will be in the upcoming weeks/ months, just an FYI.



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Oh I didn't know she was pregnant!  Maybe that's why she hasn't gotten back to me for the vegetarian dish!  She's great though - so accomodating and sweet.  You really had a lot planned for your guests!  How many people did you have again?  We are having close to 75, and are trying to keep down costs where we can, but we will probably do a brunch for everyone on Sunday as well.  I'm so excited -- just under 6 months away :) 


Now I'm trying to find shoes... I'm gonna go barefoot on the beach for the ceromony, but am torn between flip flops or heels for the reception.  Since we are doing the reception on the croquet lawn, I don't want heels sinking into the grass.  We'll see.  I have to decide soon though!

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Lauren is already on maternity leave ladies. But Brianna I think your veg option is going to be the mushroom rizzotto just like nsblum and I. I don't think we have enough planned for our guests but then again most of our guests are arriving Friday. I am doing a brunch the next morning with family since it is FI's birthday....it'll be so awesome cause he has no clue about it. Yaay! Then Sunday after the brunch we are off to do our TTD with Ileana. I kind of wish we were staying longer in T&C so we could see some of our guests leave and stuff (most people are leaving on Tuesday) but then again Bora Bora awaits so I'm not that sad....lol! We'll only be in T&C Nov. 10th thru 15th. But FI says we'll probably go back next year....if not for my bday in Feb perhaps later in the year.


I just found my shoes this week. I had my fitting on Monday and then I found my shoes on zappos.com on Tuesday night, ordered it regular shipping and was told I was upgraded, woke up Wednesday morning 10am both shoes were at the door!!! Talk about great service. I ordered two shoes (actually three because I bought wedges while I was in NY over the summer) because I really like them both and I can't decide but then after trying them on I told FI it doesn't matter which I choose I am keeping them both. I am buying the little squares that go at the bottom of my heel so that I don't sink into the grass. MysTea told me about them a while back. I just can't bare being short all night. Being a ballerina for 21 years I got used to being on my toes.....literally....lol. I'm 5'1 and for most of my adult life I've worn heels everywhere (never shorter than 4" cause that defeats the purpose).....and I do mean everywhere...grocery store, post office, running errands....everywhere. If you saw me without heels I was probably at home or at the beach....lol. I tell everyone in my mind I'm like 5'5 but then I look in the mirror and reality smacks me in the face.

Brianna I know what you mean about it getting all real. I tried on my dress on Monday and it hit me, I'm getting married. I was like whoa Nelly! 51 days to go till my wedding and 46 days before I am in T&C! I can't wait!!!

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You guys are funny! Brianna, we had 40 people attend, exactly. A lot of people stayed next door at The Sibonne, some stayed at Royal West Indies, 2 at Club Med, and some at The Somerset. The Somerset is super expensive so I knew that I needed to find cheaper alternatives for my guests and right next door was The Sibonne. The Regent Palms, on the other side is just as pricey, so I didn't even suggest it. If they were going to stay there, then The Somerset was fine and at least we could meet the room minimum. We also thought we were going to have about 75 people, but when the RSVP's started coming back, people started backing out. Do you know for sure it's 75? I imagine you didn't send your invitations out yet. Just a heads up so you are not disappointed! I will say that 40 was a great number, but I have nothing else to compare it to except for my friend's weddings and there are like over 250 people, I couldn't even imagine! I felt overwhelmed with 40!


As for shoes, I am not a heel person. I like heels for dinner, to and from the car and that's it. I didn't for one second want to complain that my feet hurt or anything like that. My husband wore nice dress shoes, not flip flops, and I wore pretty Prada silver sandals, for ceremony and reception. I told all my guests about the grass because you definitely will sink in with regular heels. And clearly you can't not wear heels on the sand, even wedges Janine! =)


I am going back in exactly one month from today! Can not wait!



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I have to disagree with you Nicole...lol! I have always worn wedges to the beach and once I get to my spot on the sand I take them off. I grew up in the Caribbean remember. Just to be sure though I have been wearing my wedges that I bought on weekends down here when we head to the beach for a little tanning and I haven't tripped yet. LOL! Do you know how many shoes I bought for my BD shoot alone.....I'm a shoe fiend! I've thought about throwing Solemates into the OOT bags for the ladies. Hmmmm


Can't believe you leave in a month....and I leave in 45 days!


Brianna have you sent your invites yet? It may be true some people may back out prior to, hopefully all 75 make it. All 41 of our guests plus us are staying at the Somerset....I never even offered any other options, nor did anyone ask....I'm such a horrible bride...lol. 

Originally Posted by nsblum View Post

You guys are funny! Brianna, we had 40 people attend, exactly. A lot of people stayed next door at The Sibonne, some stayed at Royal West Indies, 2 at Club Med, and some at The Somerset. The Somerset is super expensive so I knew that I needed to find cheaper alternatives for my guests and right next door was The Sibonne. The Regent Palms, on the other side is just as pricey, so I didn't even suggest it. If they were going to stay there, then The Somerset was fine and at least we could meet the room minimum. We also thought we were going to have about 75 people, but when the RSVP's started coming back, people started backing out. Do you know for sure it's 75? I imagine you didn't send your invitations out yet. Just a heads up so you are not disappointed! I will say that 40 was a great number, but I have nothing else to compare it to except for my friend's weddings and there are like over 250 people, I couldn't even imagine! I felt overwhelmed with 40!


As for shoes, I am not a heel person. I like heels for dinner, to and from the car and that's it. I didn't for one second want to complain that my feet hurt or anything like that. My husband wore nice dress shoes, not flip flops, and I wore pretty Prada silver sandals, for ceremony and reception. I told all my guests about the grass because you definitely will sink in with regular heels. And clearly you can't not wear heels on the sand, even wedges Janine! =)


I am going back in exactly one month from today! Can not wait!



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Hey Nicole!  We are inviting 150 and expecting 75 based on the conversations we've had with people and who's booked so far.  My fiance's dad is thinking about having a reception for us when we return so that all of the people who couldn't come plus more that weren't even invited can come and celebrate.  It's definitely bigger than I expected for a destination wedding, but it will be great to have our families and friends together for a full weekend!  Some are staying at Sibonne and Beaches, but most are staying at the Sands... we are just meeting our minimum at the Somerset.  Janine, no we haven't sent out invites yet as the wedding isn't until March.  Actually I just met with the woman about them last week, so I'm really just getting started with that!  I definitely won't be disappointed if less than 75 show.  Originally, I didn't really even want more than 50!  I'm awful!

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