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*Post all your Wedding Insurance / Travel Insurance Info and Questions here*

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Ours was $60 per person and included luggage loss/theft, trip cancellation/interruption, medical and legal coverage. I'm really glad we didn't need to use it, but wanted it just in case. Not every guess chose the insurance.


We carried all of out OOT bag stuff, wedding decor, etc. with us. If we lost any of it, it would have been well over the $120 to replace it, KWIM?

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Just happened to be watching the new this morning and saw that the 3rd largest British travel operator XL filed for bankruptcy yesterday and the media is reporting 85,000 passengers stranded. It's scary stuff and just another reminder why trip insurance and the use of a TA can be helpful. They are saying more airline bankruptcies are expected (Zoom went under here in Canada last month).


Here's some info on XL:


Holiday firm XL faces bankruptcy | Reuters


Tour operator XL goes into bankruptcy - MarketWatch


Holidays at risk as more airlines face bankruptcy


I really hope that no BDW couples have been affected by this.

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I did some research on the provisions offered by having wedding insurance, however, while it sounds comforting for some unforeseen mishaps on your wedding day, I am not sure it is a critical component. Anyone here purchase the insurance and what did it cover? I have a special needs son so I am trying to think ahead in case he gets sick and I have to cancel God forbid, I will be covered with the costs we have already put out. Input definitely welcome!

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