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*Post all your Wedding Insurance / Travel Insurance Info and Questions here*

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We've never used it before.. but are using for the wedding/honeymoon. If you want to change almost anything about your trip.. it could be helpful! This was the only trip I wasn't willing to risk it.. Plus we're doing the Villa thing.. so in case something goes wrong there.. it's nice to have.

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Great thread. I've been looking into this too. I never get it, but I'm looking into it for this trip. Don't most credit cards give you some insurance? I feel like I've seen something about free flight insurance on my credit card statement. I would think it's more important if it's peak hurricane season.


I'm interested to hear people's opinion. I'll post again after I do more research.

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Since Tom is in the military ... and we never know if he could get called back up ... we are getting Wedding Insurance, which was recommended by our financial advisor as necessary and worth every penny. I agree. If anything happened, we would be out deposits for the resort, photographer, airfare, etc ... not to mention our guests would be out their deposit money too. With the wedding insurance, our guests deposits are covered too. $450 for $45,000 coverage.


Guests can still get travel insurance if they want in case something happens and THEIR plans change.


Some recent articles below on Wedding Insurance. It makes sense for us to spend that small amount of extra money to cover ourselves and the guests that are spending their hard-earned money in order to be with us.

I've also spoken with our insurance agent. The company doesn't yet offer wedding insurance, but recommended Wedding Cancellation and Liability Insurance online provided by WedSafe and highly recommended that we get it.


Anyway, I know I digressed from the Travel Insurance topic, bought thought this might be of help as well.


Wedding insurance: Calamities, cold feet - Consumer News - MSNBC.com


Consider insurance before I dos


Your Money: Wedding insurance can cover all sorts of things - USATODAY.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is what saved us from just cancelling our trip to Jamaica due to the hurricane..It cost us $300 but worth it to get our money back to buy the trip again now that everything is okay..


We have just purchased a second trip and paid for insurance again, especially considering its hurricane season till November and we leave in 9 days~

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Two quick comments on this issue:


1. We usually book our travel on our American Express card which has an unbeliveable travel insurance program. You actually get a certain amount of money if your bags are lost for a certain amount of time or if your flight is delayed for a certain amount of time. You should look into this.


2. My boss gave me a 15 minute lecture on how I should purchase "wedding insurance." Like travel insurance it will protect you from things out of your control (your house catching on fire and you can't go to your wedding.) He made a good point when he said that with all the money we're spending on the wedding, it makes sense to spend a few hundred $$$ to protect ourselves from a what could be a possible huge loss. I think I'm going to do this since it is a DA and EVERYONE is traveling. Makes sense to protect us from any events out of our control.

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We just had this discussion yesterday since we're honeymooning in Belize and wasn't sure how Dean hit the area.


My dad looks at me and says, "You bought travel insurance and wedding insurance, didn't you?" Um, no dad, you were going to buy it, remember, and you didn't...


UG! I'm not too worried about it, since our wedding is in November, and traveling should be fine. But Jen, you make a good point, general wedding insurance is a great idea...now I just need to look into that. Any suggestions?

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