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Palace wedding date confirmations

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This sounds exactly like me.  Everyday I was wondering when it would be and now that I'm engaged its all about the wedding now....morning, noon and night.  Am I obsessed??  cheesy.gif

Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

I just can't believe how fast it is all happening. Just last month I was wishing that each day would be the day that he proposes, and now we've set a date!

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Haha that was totally me.  I had so much I couldn't wait to talk to him about.  So I waited a few days them bombarded him with everything - resort, honeymoon, wedding packages, photogs, invites, decorations, etc.  Poor guy!!  smile41.gif

Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

sxcT - I hope that's not obsessed or most of us on here have a major problem?


I do feel bad for my FI though, we barely had time to celebrate our engagement before I started planning.

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Its been 5/6 days and still nothing.  Sent another request today.  Lets hope that gets a response. 


I know they are busy and must get a ton of emails but don't they know I am starting to freak out over here about getting my date reserved lol.  I mean its 448 days away...come on hahaha!!



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