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BDW Biggest Loser ~ Season 10!


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Hello ladies!


I just wanted to remind you all that week 1 weigh-ins are today!! Woohoo! The first week in twelve is complete! Please make sure to send in your weigh-ins. A full picture is not necessary, only a picture of the scale until the 'after' pics in the very last week. However, please make sure your feet show on the scale, so I know it's you =]


If you can't make a submission today, no worries, late entries are still accepted until Saturday at 12:00pm EST. As always, if you have any issues with sending it in on time or have any questions, contact me anytime.


Any new ladies who want to enter into the non-competing category are completely free to send your info and join anytime.


Good luck, ladies!

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I've heard somewhere that when you exercise a lot, the body kind of retains water a little bit(so weight would be more than when you started), then all at once, the weight you worked off practically melts off. Maybe that's what happened and all your hard work will show soon. Either way, that's awesome that you completed the first week of bootcamp. Congrats! =]


Have a great Labor day weekend!


Originally Posted by Teira1031 View Post

Picture sent!

Made It through my first week of bootcamp and feel great! I recommend it to everybody! I was hoping for a big loss this week but turns out I gained a pound. Hopefully next week will go better. Hope you all are doing good and have a great holiday weekend!

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Picture sent this morning!


I've been working out a lot (and with a trainer) and I wanted to mention that if you're exercising, please take into account that you're building muscle! That weighs more than fat...so while you're replacing fat with muscle, and building new muscle, it might look like your weight isn't decreasing even though your body will be changing.


Just something to keep in mind! :)

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WEEK 1 Weigh-ins


Thank you all for sending in week one submissions! The weigh-ins are in and this weekâ€s weight loss percentages have been calculated. In alphabetical order…



Competing category:


CanadianSandy                 - 0.46%
Jkgirl83 (Katie)                  - 1.61%                
Msmarmar123 (Marla)        - 2.61%
Mrs.*J*2011 (Lea)              - 0.51%
Oryx (Renée)                    - 0.36%
SheriB                              - 1.35%                                    
Stachr (Stacey)                 - 1.36%
Sunstarmoon (Chris)        -/+ 0.00%     
Teira1031                          + 0.51%
Tifany                               + 6.30%

Non-competing category:

Cindy*                                 - 1.27%
Heartbeat (Michelle)              - 0.61%
OceanWonderland (Leslie)  



Each week there will be an MVP, leading up until the final weigh-ins where a winner will be declared.


Week oneâ€s MVP is Msmarmar123 for losing a total of 2.61% this week!! Congratulations on the...err..loss? =]


Congratulations to everyone on your hard work. Remember, we are all here to support each other on our journey to a healthier lifestyle. Itâ€s time for week two! =] Have a very happy weekend, ladies!

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Great work everyone!!!

I have a question about the Apple Cider Vinegar...I was in Walmart yesterday and they had ACV pills in the vitamin section.  There was one bottle by Jamieson Vitamins that was like $8, and the one beside it was a "weight loss ACV" for like $20....would the pills work the same as drinking the organic ACV?  I want to try it out, but I know I would have trouble bringing the liquid ACV to work and on the go, where the pill form would be much easier to bring along....

Thanks ladies!

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