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Planning Journal retry with pictures! ;) (fingers crossed)

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Hi everyone. I am sure that I am not doing this right but I dont know what else to do.

I tried to post my planning journal but I dont really know how to add the pictures properly so it was such a pain for everyone to download all the pictures--sorry.

Anyway, I have it all in a word document so I figured I would just attach it here and then you can just download 1 document instead of clicking on each picture :) Thanks for being patient.

I worked hard on it so I hope it does help someone. :)  

planning journal1.doc

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We got the Bubba Kegs at Candian Tire. You might ba able to get a great deal on them now since Canada day is over - have a chat with the manager... who knows?



If I can figure out how to do it I will attach the templates. (by the way, in case I forget to tell you later, I made alot of the things in power point, then you group the items, then save as a JPEG) 

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