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Sandals Antigua Brides??

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Alex, I feel the same way!  I keep wanting to tell people about the cute stuff in the bags and then I remember it's supposed to be a surprise.  My best friend caught me in a moment of weakness (wine-induced) and I told her about her MOH shirt, but I'm hoping she's forgotten about it.  I think I'm going to give them out as the friends and family arrive.  We are going 6 days before everyone else so we're going to meet them in the lobby.  I think that's when I'll give out the bags. 


Sweetness, you must be so excited!  You have to tell us all about it when you get back.


I'm actually starting to feel like I'm getting married.  It's been kind of unreal up til now and I was actually more excited about the vacation than the wedding.  Now, with my shower coming up and putting the welcome letter together and my mother crying more often, it's starting to feel real.  I can't believe it's 3 weeks away!  We actually get to Antigua 2 weeks from tomorrow which is soooo exciting.


How are you guys feeling?

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Hello!  I'm reading your posts and feeling sad because my wedding is over and I want to do it again!  Have a great time!  Your wedding will be beautiful and everything will turn out great.  I watched my video for the first time yesterday and it really was amazing.  Your friends will be jealous that they didn't have a destination wedding.  Antigua creates the perfect backdrop and the people there are so friendly.  They will make your day very special!  I'm wishing I was still there soaking up the sunshine!


Heather, your OOT bag is awesome! 

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Some of our guests bought the $20 international phone plan through Verizon and it worked fine at the resort.  The internet worked perfect in the lobby.  The wireless package is $40 for the week.  Some of our guests had service in their rooms, but others took their laptop to the lobby to get service.  They didn't seem to mind. 


Also, about the photos - Good luck getting all of your photos on a CD and then printing at home.  They force you into a package that includes a CD with a bunch of other printed items. They also do not do editing to the photos unless you ask them to.  You get the photos exactly how they turned out.  There isn't enough time on your honeymoon to spend a day in the photo studio to review every detail on the photos and ask for editing.  Can you tell I was a little annoyed with the photo process?  Also, you might want to make a list of the specific photos (where and with who) you want taken and meet with your photographer before the event to review your expectations.  This is not typical to meet with the photographer, but the wedding coordinator set it up for me when she could tell I was getting anxious about the photos. 

Originally Posted by viki6069 View Post

Does anyone know if we can get cell phone service in Antigua?  We have Verizon wireless and are hoping there is service as I have heard some people have issues.  Also does anyone know anything about internet service there?  Can we use our laptops in the room. 


Thanks to all for the great information.  We have decided to wait and order the photos later.  Even had a suggestion to get all the photos on a CD and just print when we get back home. 


We have 73 days until the wedding and 70 days until we leave for Antigua.  It feels like we still have a long time to go but then the time is going by so quickly too.  Trying to decide if my fiance should wear black or beige.  Funny how all the little details keep coming up ... I have made so many lists LOL!!!


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Thank you for the great information MelodieGayle!  Congratulations on your marriage!!!  It sounds like you had a fabulous time.  I am very nervous about the photography and it seems that there isn't really an easy answer.  I have a friend who is a photographer and she said to get all the pics on a CD and she will edit and print for us.  But you say that you have to buy pics in order to purchase the CD???  They really have us all with the photography don't they :(

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Hi ladies,


Well the Hen Nightâ€s now booked.   There are 13 of us in total so should be a good night.  Its booked for 24 June so still a little while to wait.  Do you think I should buy my guests presents?  Iâ€m not too sure. 


Sarah – itâ€s a real struggle keeping quiet about the OOT bags  isnâ€t it?  I think Iâ€ll crumble too when Iâ€ve had a drink or two.  Probably on my hen night.  I think thatâ€ll be great to hand them out in the lobby.  Our guests are travelling with us so Iâ€ll probably stick with handing them out at the welcome meal.

I know what you mean about it feeling unreal.  People are saying, you must be getting excited, and I am but it still feels too far away to be actually happening.  I want it NOW!!!!  I cant believe its only 3 weeks for you.  2 weeks tomorrow til you fly....woop woop! I cant wait to hear your review & see your pics.


Sweetness -  I can only imagine how excited you must be feeling.  All that planning is now about to become a reality.  looking forward to hearing all about it.


MelodyGayle -  Iâ€ll bet you were thrilled to see  your video.  All those fantastic memories.  I agree, so many people will be so jealous.  The photos sound like a nightmare.  They really have got us over a barrel here havenâ€t they?  Good idea about making a specific list of what & who you want photos of along with having a meeting with the photographer.  Itâ€s something Iâ€ll certainly be pushing for.  Photos are such a big thing, I want to be sure that theyâ€re as good as possible.


Viki – Hope you had a good weekend too.  Mineâ€s been a bit quiet as FI has flown over the USA for the week with work, so itâ€s just me & the dog.   Fantastic news that youâ€ve got your plane tickets.  Exciting stuff.


Talk to you all soon. 


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Hi Everyone !!

I am getting so excited ,I cant believe we leave in 8 days OMG,time has flown by. We just got back from my fiance sister graduation of law school and I have a week to get ready for the Big day. I get to un-pack and re-pack for the wedding (LOL). It is very hard to keep quiet about the OOT bags, I have almost told a few people. I keep telling myself 8 days to keep that secret ,I have made it this far without telling anyone. We are going to have the resort put the OOT bags in each guest room, I was going to hand them out at our welcome bonfire but I don't want to carry all those bags down to the beach.

Thank you everyone for all the nice compliments on my OOT bags,it means a lot to me =)

Hope everyone had a nice weekend


Melody, I will talk to you later and I'm glad your video came out great!!!! I also made a note to myself to talk to the photographer about the specific photos -Thank you !






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It might be easier to have the resort hand out your OOT bags when the guests arrive.  My TA did not give me a list of times when my guests would be arriving so we spent most of the afternoon in the lobby waiting for everyone (if you don't have this already, you should make this list).  We greeted them and handed out our OOT bags.  They charge $5 per bag to hand them out when your guests check-in. They have some cute stuff in the boutique if you want to add some Antiguan items.  We added small bottles of Cavalier rum and a stamped Antigua postcard that we bought once we got there.      

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2 weeks 'til I get to Antigua!!!  Yay!!!  Can't wait to go scuba diving.


I'm lucky as far as my guests go- they are all arriving on the same plane and we are all staying in the Caribbean side so it should make for a fun arrival as we will be there a few days before they get there. 


I'm already worried about pictures.  I think I am going to take your advice also, Melody, and talk with the photographer beforehand.  I know we want the video and I have heard the photographer can get in the way of the videographer so I am going to nip that in the bud ahead of time.  I also love the idea of the postcard in the bags!  I am going to do that!  I also heard of a really cute idea I thought I'd pass on.  A couple who did a DW had a photo taken of themselves in their wedding clothes with a "THANK YOU" banner.  They then used that photo as their thank you cards to give people who had given them wedding presents at their at home party.


Alex, your hen party is YOUR party.  Let your friends pamper you.  You don't have to buy them all gifts.

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OMG you all are getting me so excited and I feel like I have so long too wait.  8 days Sweetness!!!  2 weeks for you Sarah!!!  I know you guys are so excited.  I have so much going on over the next couple of months to keep me busy, so I think the time will go so fast.


My son (in the picture with me-that's not my FI ... I'm no cougar LOL) is graduating high school June 8th so we have so much going on with that and then more wedding stuff and family stuff to keep us busy and the time going by. 


We want to hear all about it when you guys get back :)

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