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difficulty getting everyone on board

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I recently got engaged and we have always talked about the wedding being destination. The only thing is that we know that his parents want a local wedding and have a lot to say about the idea of the destination wedding (under 50 people). They have a big tight knit family and feel as if everyone needs to be invited. I am planning on a big party afterwards back home for everyone but I fear that won't be enough. To make matters worse, the fiancee is a people pleaser and doesnt want to upset anyone. I even decided on the Keys since it is still just part of Florida and would be easier for everyone to go. We haven't had to talk to the family about our plans YET but it is coming up, so I really need advice. I am terrified of his parents and their reactions, but it is OUR wedding.

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You said it right at the end. It is your wedding, and you and your fiancee should do what you want.

Explain to them why you want it this way and why you only want certain people to come.

And if you were already planning a big AHR, then there shouldn't be any problem.

And, most importantly, make sure you and your fiancee are on the same page. If it is what you both want, don't let anything or anyone change that.

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