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Wow!! My spelling is terrible when I try to hurry! Sorry about all the typos!


Originally Posted by Hanna20 View Post

Hello ladies!!!


Sorry I have been MIA since I got back but I am crazy busy tryingt o catch up on everything at work (and to be hones that is where I did most of my posts and reading for this forum!)....


Tomorrow is our legal ceremony so I am also trying to get rady for that. Hannah - starfish is on the mail so you should definitely have it before you leave (not sure how long it would take to get from Canada to the US).


As far as a good meeting place for everyone there is a bar in the lobby of each hotel which is usually a pretty good choice. Wd stayed at the Beach/Del Mar so we didn't really venture over to the Mindo/Maya at all but they all have similar set-ups.


About the bracelet thing.... they WILL NOT give you an extra one no matter what. You actually have to save the bracelet that you cut off your wrist and give it back to them before they will give you a new one. So DO NOT throw out your bracelet once you cut it off for your wedding. Put it in your room safe and then take it to the lobby and exchange it for a new one.


One thing I found about the Iberostar in comparison to other resorts is that they are VERY unflexible on their rules/procedures. Like for example, I was the BRIDE and they refused to let me in the disco without a bracelet even though EVERY bride cuts hers off for the wedding!!! In the end the disco manager came and apologized to me for the "scene" that was caused by them not letting me in but that was only because one of our friends pretty much made him do it!


I can definitely reassure everyone about the actual wedding though!!! BEAUTIFUL & PERFECT!! Couldn't have asked for more and I know all of your weddings will be wonderful too!



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Just a question for all brides who have gotten married/are getting married. Did you guys use the spa for your hair and make up or are you planning on it? Did anyone use someone outside the spa who wasn't too expensive? I am on a tight budget and can't afford $300 for my hair and makeup but don't want to do it myself..


Just looking for some feedback from everyone to help make my decision! Any help would be great :)

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Im using the spa at the resort....they are still expensive if you dont have the mac daddy package...but I will let you know how it goes - someone else used them and said they did a great job....but a lot of the girls brought someone in to do their hair.  I am using the spa for hair and makeup (Erin did too and she looked BEAUTIFUL)....I will let you know what I think when I get back!

Originally Posted by pitt2011 View Post

Just a question for all brides who have gotten married/are getting married. Did you guys use the spa for your hair and make up or are you planning on it? Did anyone use someone outside the spa who wasn't too expensive? I am on a tight budget and can't afford $300 for my hair and makeup but don't want to do it myself..


Just looking for some feedback from everyone to help make my decision! Any help would be great :)


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Thanks Hannah! I can't wait to hear how it goes :)


Originally Posted by Hannah5611 View Post

Im using the spa at the resort....they are still expensive if you dont have the mac daddy package...but I will let you know how it goes - someone else used them and said they did a great job....but a lot of the girls brought someone in to do their hair.  I am using the spa for hair and makeup (Erin did too and she looked BEAUTIFUL)....I will let you know what I think when I get back!



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Thanks for the kind words Hannah! I'm so excited for you-you're day is nearly here!! :) Don't forget if you want them to put in hair extensions or false eyelashes on, bring them down there with you! I had my 'practice run through' on a Friday & called my sister all panicked after & she went to several places at like midnight the night before her 6a flight to Mexico to find them for me! (God bless her!) They do a great job-I know you'll look perfect! Also-if anyone is unsure of having them or anyone else do your hair/make-up, do it! The anxiety leading up to the day is very real & I know I'd have been shaking if I tried to put eyeliner on myself...I'd have poked my eye out! Plus, (and this is so true) you want your make up to pop a little more than normal without feeling like Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman' and that's really hard to pull off on your own. I've talked to my friend who does this for a living about this very thing & she said brides who do their own make up tend to look washed out in photos.. Remember-professional photographers use different cameras, lighting scenarios, etc. I just don't want anyone to kick themselves later wishing they'd have had a pro help on the most important day of your life. If I'm not mistaken, the price was under $200 for hair and make up... (Hair was included in Mac Daddy package-make-up wasn't) I hate being nickeled and dimed too, but I also didn't want to go through all of that prep not to look and feel the best I ever had. If someone says "What can I get you for your wedding?" Say "My make-up!" Or "I want to get my hair done..I'd love a certificate to the salon in the Iberostar" and let that person do it for you. Find a way to pamper yourself that day. I promise you won't regret it!

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Thanks for the great advice about the salon! I was thinking about false eyelashes and hair extensions. I will remember to bring them with me :) I'm starting to get really excited now, I wish July would hurry up and get here!!!!

Originally Posted by radiochic10 View Post

Thanks for the kind words Hannah! I'm so excited for you-you're day is nearly here!! :) Don't forget if you want them to put in hair extensions or false eyelashes on, bring them down there with you! I had my 'practice run through' on a Friday & called my sister all panicked after & she went to several places at like midnight the night before her 6a flight to Mexico to find them for me! (God bless her!) They do a great job-I know you'll look perfect! Also-if anyone is unsure of having them or anyone else do your hair/make-up, do it! The anxiety leading up to the day is very real & I know I'd have been shaking if I tried to put eyeliner on myself...I'd have poked my eye out! Plus, (and this is so true) you want your make up to pop a little more than normal without feeling like Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman' and that's really hard to pull off on your own. I've talked to my friend who does this for a living about this very thing & she said brides who do their own make up tend to look washed out in photos.. Remember-professional photographers use different cameras, lighting scenarios, etc. I just don't want anyone to kick themselves later wishing they'd have had a pro help on the most important day of your life. If I'm not mistaken, the price was under $200 for hair and make up... (Hair was included in Mac Daddy package-make-up wasn't) I hate being nickeled and dimed too, but I also didn't want to go through all of that prep not to look and feel the best I ever had. If someone says "What can I get you for your wedding?" Say "My make-up!" Or "I want to get my hair done..I'd love a certificate to the salon in the Iberostar" and let that person do it for you. Find a way to pamper yourself that day. I promise you won't regret it!


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I am trying to book Sara Tamargo to do the hair and makeup for my wedding. I have read such nice things about her on this forum! She uses MAC makeup and her prices are pretty reasonable. Much cheaper than the spa at the resort! Hopefully things workout for me booking her, I love her work!

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Yay! I'm so glad you got in time! May it bring you all the good luck that it brought to me:)

Originally Posted by Hannah5611 View Post

I got the starfish in the mail yesterday!! yay!!! Who am I sending it to next?!?!?!?!?   I leave in 9 days!!!!  yahooooo!!!!


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hello ladies!!!  we got back thursday and i started back to work today boo!!!  it's been just as crazy being back as it was in mexico.  i mean the celebrating doesn't have to stop right??!!!


ok here it goes...


we got to the resort thursday and the wedding was saturday.  when we checked in karla had left us a letter that we had to meet her at 3.  i wasn't aware until a few days in but her hours don't start till the afternoon since she's there so late for all the events.  this was a little annoying but we managed.  the resort is HUGE...i mean HUGE.  this made me so overwhelmed and totally stressed me out but i got over it after a few days.  we got upgraded to building 10 which is right on the beach which was perfect!!  i thought all our guests would be put in another building close but everyone was very spread out which was also stressful.  it made it really hard to communicate with everyone to make sure people knew where and when to go certain places.  i had made a brochure with all the info on it but i was still stressed haha.  i asked karla to give me a list of everyones room numbers and she gave it to me after the 2nd day which was really helpful.  i carried it everywhere haha.  the resort is gorgeous too.  i mean super super clean and very nice but like hanna said pretty strict with the rules.  basically the first 2 days i was really stressed and having a hard time but then i started to relax alittle which was good!  we put our welcome bags together there and if you put everyone's name on them and their arrival date karla will have them delivered for $1 a bag.  everyone received theirs without a problem so it was def worth it.  also at first i was doing way too much and not enjoying myself.  not sure if it was me having issues with letting go of control or just being overwhelmed but then my parents and jeff all said i needed to give karla more responsibilities which i started to do.  i mean we brought 50 people with us and paid A LOT of money for the mac daddy package so she def had to step it up a little.  which she did.  basically everything i asked her to do she did.  i mean there were little things here and there but all in all everything was perfect.  i think a lot of it was the language barrier too.  sometimes things were coming off like she didn't care or with a little attitude but i think it was more the way their culture is.


so we got in thursday and had the rehearsal that night at the japanese...do it at the japanese!!!  SO SO fun!!  we had a group of 25 and they sat us at 2 tables next to each other.  the actual rehearsal was a little unorganized though.  we got married at the gazebo so thats where we rehearsed but it was pitch black.  not sure what the problem was...if karla forgot to ask for the lights or whatever but it took them about 15-20 minutes to get the lights on.  we talked about the ceremony and did a quick run through and then went to dinner.  they are super strict about times with the restaurants.  my mom and a few other people showed up about 10 minutes early and karla and whoever actually asked them to leave and come back which my mom wasn't too happy about.  karla wasn't my parents favorite person :(.  they just thought she should have been doing more for us since we paid so much money.  dinner was super fun though!!  the food was great and the cooks were so much fun.  they let us come behind and actually chop some of the food.  we were doing sake bombs the entire time...we were def the life of the restaurant and everyone was jealous hahaha.  honestly the staff will do anything for a few bucks so just ask and tip!  after dinner the rest of the guests met us and off to the disco we went.  we ended up at the disco almost every night!!  they play great dance music and with a big group it's so fun!!  the decor is a little strange hahaha but SO fun!!  def go!!


the next day, friday, we met with dj doremixx.  if you hired him you will be all set.  he is awesome and SO nice.  he just went over the order of songs and asked a few questions.  the meeting was all of 20 minutes and really easy going.  later that day karla came and picked up everything for the ceremony and reception.  she originally asked us to bring it to her but it was a lot.  i think she started to realize she wasn't living up to our expectations so she came and got it.  we had program fans, maracas, paper lanterns to be hung, guest book with stickers and polaroid camera, and a few other things and everything was set up just the way we wanted.  we had to pay $40 for the lanterns to be hung but def worth is cause they looked great.  that night we had our welcome cocktail hour at one of the pool bars.  it was really nice.  they set up tables and candles and had servers getting us drinks.  it was time for everyone to get together and meet.  after we went to the lobby bar and back to the disco!!!  the lobby bar is a good time too!!


saturday morning we went to the spa.  if it's not included it's pretty expensive.  i think a pedi was $65!! and it didnt last too long.  i think this is your personal preference.  i did my own makeup.  i usually dont wear a lot and was fine with doing it myself.  other people are against this but i think everything turned out good.  i guess it's up to you if you want to spend the money but in my opinion they weren't that great.  again the language barrier made it difficult.  one of my MOH got her hair done and by the time the wedding came it looked like she had nothing done.  its up to you!  we got the presidential suite around 11.  they had to change the room number that karla had originally given me and i gave to the photographer but everything worked out in the end.  the suite is so HOLLYWOOD!!!  it's so big and really nice to get ready there.  all the girls got ready there and the guys got ready in our regular room.  one annoying thing was that after they pressed my dress they delivered it uncovered to out regular room so jeff saw it and then i had to bring it to the suite.  i wasn't too annoyed but little things like that add up!  also looking at pictures they didn't press it the way it was suppose to be.  the one side was more full than i wanted but can't do anything about it now.  these are the things you don't even think about till it's too late.  our photographers came at 4 to take getting ready shots.  we hired citalilli rico out of claudia rodriquez and she was so nice and amazing!!  it was very pricey but hopefully our pics will be great.  she followed me everywhere!  a cart came and picked us up and took us to the gazebo around 4:45.  the ceremony started right on time and it looked beautiful.  honestly ladies pick the gazebo over the beach.  so much more private and the gardens are amazing.  the beach is so public and WINDY!!  not nearly as nice in my opinion.  have to go to lunch...i will finish when i get back!

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