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So excited I have to share - I booked our THANK YOU surprise to our guests yesterday - we are chartering a 65ft catamaran privately for our guests the day after the wedding....its called the Cata Maya - 65ft, 3 bathrooms with showers, snacks, open bar, snorkeling, swimming, and fishing!!! YAY!!  What are you girls doing for thank yous??  Any fun ideas??

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Holy mother of God-we aren't doing anything like that-but it's a cool idea!!  We have guests that are older-including my FI's 86 yr old grandmother, so that wouldn't work for us!  I never really thought of anything like that truthfully because I'd never know what everyone would like to do and my mom doesn't even know how to swim.  Plus, people are all staying different lengths of time.  We have a total of 44 people coming and I'm so happy about that.  I found bags yesterday that we're using as welcome bags.  They are so AWESOME!  I got them at Target for $2.50 each.  They're tote bags that can easily fit 2 beach towels & random things in them.  (I'm not doing towels-but just thinkin of the guests & how they'll use them)  They are black & white and some have a zebra striped look to them & the others have black butterflies.  They have a bottom-so it'll sit up nicely without slumping over.  We have cool lanyards that my FI picked up-the guys will all get Red Sox ones & the girls will have pink skull & crossbone ones (just thinking his grandma will love that? lol) and we're getting clear ID badge-looking things to put on the end of them so people can use it to keep their room key in and any random $$ they want to carry.  We're going to do a welcome letter with times/info of events, English to spanish pocket dictionaries, playing cards, first aid stuff and maybe beach balls too.  Any other ideas of what we can put in there?


Jenny-you had ??'s about the reception-it's always 4 hours when you do a private one...I'm not sure if you don't rent the restaurant out..We got the DJ everyone raves about.  It's DJ Doremixx.  A DJ does NOT come with the package & the only one the hotel has does NO introductions or mic stuff at all, whereas the guy we got (outside vendor-so we'll have to pay $50 to have him on site) he is like an American DJ-does EVERYTHING & knows all the normal traditions we have with weddings, which was really important to me.  He's $900 total & his website is www.doremixx.com  We're getting married at the Del Mar, so the only place they offer a 'private' reception is the Don Alfredo Italian Restaurant on site.  It's an open air restaurant by the pool with no side walls but it does have a roof.  It's really nice, but you can choose whatever menu you want.  In other words, we are having the Steakhouse menu for the reception, not Italian.  It's totally up to you. Hmmm-I think that covers the bulk of it!


On a totally unrelated note, I wanted to share a little story.  I've had SERIOUS bridesmaids drama-you wouldn't even believe it.  Someone I thought  was one of my dearest friends (obviously) just backed out the week of Christmas!!!!!!!  I had asked her over & over since I got engaged if it was too much-just let me know and I wouldn't be mad or anything.  She would get irritated when I said that, assuring me she was 100% good to go.  She told me-not once, but 2 different times that she was ordering her dress the next day & had everything ready to go for the passport.  She allowed me to order personalized b-maids gifts on Dec. 2nd....she knew I was doing that since one of the many things they're getting are personalized flip flops, so I needed her size.  The Monday before Christmas, I got a weird feeling she may not have ordered her dress, but thought i was just being paranoid, so I called to make sure.  They had no record of her ever even calling for an appointment.  So I emailed her right away to see if she was OK & to ask-very nicely-what was going on.  She didn't write back.  I text/called the next day-nothing.  Wed.-same thing.  It wasn't until midnight Wed/Thurs that she emailed-didn't even call-to say she thought she could "swing it" but doesn't look like it'll happen.  It broke my heart to be lied to over & over and for her to let me spend $ on her gifts and programs that are now useless----UGH!!!!!!  So, my reason for telling you this is that stress will find you with the wedding planning, even if you think you've done all you can to get your ducks in a row.  I allowed myself to be upset about it-but it's over & done with..I'm letting it go-and I hope you all can do the same with whatever drags you down.  It'll be a great wedding but more importantly an awesome marriage because I found the right one after nearly giving up & becoming the crazy lady on the block with 25 dogs. xoxo Keep smilin ladies! :)

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Hello girls!!! Happy New Year!


Well today is an exciting day for me cuz it is exactly 3 months till our big day! And now that I think about it, that time is going to fly by really fast!


As for the "thank-you excursion" it sounds like a really cool idea but definitely WAY out of our budget! I looked on their web site and I am sure your guests will love it!


Erin --- I'm sorry to hear about the bridesmaid situation :( If it makes you feel better, listen to this one.... originally we were going to have 5 bridesmaids and 5 groomsman. THEN.... my FI's sister got pregnant and can't come (down to 4 BMs).... then one of my oldest friends said she probably can't afford it (down to 3BMs) and my FI still had 5 on his list so now we are going with no bridal party at all because I didn't want the numbers to be uneven:(..... he is actually pretty disappointed about that but is willing to do it!

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Erin...so sorry to hear that happened to you - the SAME thing happened to my sister with her FIs best man but they had actually PAID 1000 towards his 1200 trip ...you are completely right - your wedding will be amazing, and it is your friends (or whatever she is now) loss...dont let YOUR day change at all because of it!! its all about you girl!! 


I decided not to have a wedding party - people think I am crazy, but I did not want the drama - I am standing up in 3 more weddings this year and it is a lot of work for everyone - besides, its a quick ceremony, and I want to be the ONLY one walking down the isle  ;) haha...my FI has 2 children (boys) that are coming down for 3 days just for the wedding and catamaran trip - they will carry the rings down and stand next to him but everyone else will be sitting ;)


I know your day will be awesome!!  but the emotional aspect of her backing out - actually lying and not even having the decency to call really sucks and you were completely justified in your feelings  ;) 


ps - big dog lady or little dog lady??  I have a mastiff (only 1 but he is enough) haha

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Since many of us are getting close to our dates (myself included) I am wondering what everyone is doing in terms of diets and workout plans? Does anyone have something that has been really working for them? My goal is 10lbs (I know it's not that much but it will really make a difference) and I have 3 months to achieve this!!! Trying my best to eat right and go to the gym..... fingers crossed it will work in time! Would love to hear from anyone that may have any suggestions....

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Ironic...I am getting married May 6, and also have only 10lbs to lose, but I really want to look and feel HOT in my bikini ;)  My problem areas are my belly and butt....and I am pretty thin, but I still have the gut and celulite (YUCK!)


So a friend of ours that is a personal trainer was over last weekend - he just lost 35lbs in 3 months and went from 220lbs to looking LITERALLY like "the situation" from the Jersey Shore...lol.....he has NEVER had the body he has now...and we are all around 30, and it definately gets harder with age ;) So I asked him to write me out a workout plan and his words exactly were "I would, but I am going to tell you it is 99% DIET"....so, he gave me diet and workout guidelines.  My Fiance and I went to the grocery store THAT NIGHT (last Sunday) and vowed to FINALLY take this seriously and start working out and eating healthy ....in the last 7 days, my FI is down 11lbs!! and I am down 6lbs!!  It is just high protien, low to no carb, and 7 days a week in the gym, working out a different muscle group every day!  I promise you you will see INSTANT results BUT you have to stick to the high protien diet (I am a pasta and pototoe QUEEN so I thought this was going to be hard) and I really like it!!  Let me know if you want me to send you the basic guidelines he sent me!! 

Originally Posted by Hanna20 View Post

Since many of us are getting close to our dates (myself included) I am wondering what everyone is doing in terms of diets and workout plans? Does anyone have something that has been really working for them? My goal is 10lbs (I know it's not that much but it will really make a difference) and I have 3 months to achieve this!!! Trying my best to eat right and go to the gym..... fingers crossed it will work in time! Would love to hear from anyone that may have any suggestions....

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I was reading your post and everything you said is me to a T!!!! I'm also pretty small but same as you I want to lok good in a bikini.... in front of all out friends! Cellulite... check! Pasta and potato lover... check! So therefore the 6lbs is sounding pretty good right now! If ypou could send me the plan I would be very grateful. My email is [email protected]. Thanks again!

Originally Posted by Hannah5611 View Post

Ironic...I am getting married May 6, and also have only 10lbs to lose, but I really want to look and feel HOT in my bikini ;)  My problem areas are my belly and butt....and I am pretty thin, but I still have the gut and celulite (YUCK!)


So a friend of ours that is a personal trainer was over last weekend - he just lost 35lbs in 3 months and went from 220lbs to looking LITERALLY like "the situation" from the Jersey Shore...lol.....he has NEVER had the body he has now...and we are all around 30, and it definately gets harder with age ;) So I asked him to write me out a workout plan and his words exactly were "I would, but I am going to tell you it is 99% DIET"....so, he gave me diet and workout guidelines.  My Fiance and I went to the grocery store THAT NIGHT (last Sunday) and vowed to FINALLY take this seriously and start working out and eating healthy ....in the last 7 days, my FI is down 11lbs!! and I am down 6lbs!!  It is just high protien, low to no carb, and 7 days a week in the gym, working out a different muscle group every day!  I promise you you will see INSTANT results BUT you have to stick to the high protien diet (I am a pasta and pototoe QUEEN so I thought this was going to be hard) and I really like it!!  Let me know if you want me to send you the basic guidelines he sent me!! 

Originally Posted by Hanna20 View Post

Since many of us are getting close to our dates (myself included) I am wondering what everyone is doing in terms of diets and workout plans? Does anyone have something that has been really working for them? My goal is 10lbs (I know it's not that much but it will really make a difference) and I have 3 months to achieve this!!! Trying my best to eat right and go to the gym..... fingers crossed it will work in time! Would love to hear from anyone that may have any suggestions....


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Hi everyone,


I've been on here for a while but haven't been active lately.  I'm getting married at the Del Mar April 16.  I have been working with Karla and so far things have been good.  I'm starting to get a little nervous b/c I haven't really been doing anything haha.  We did luggage tags for our STD and boarding passes for invitations.  Our RSVP are due Jan 16.  It's annoying b/c a lot of people haven't RSVP yet and I can't start doing all the little details until I have a final count!


This is what I've done so far...

Dress= La Sposa Fanal

Bridesmaid= Jcrew

FI and groomsmen= light khaki suits

Ring Bearer= seersucker suit

Flower girls= wedding tutus

DJ= Doremixx

Photographer= Claudia Rodriquez

Reception= Don Alfredo

Wedding= gazebo


So now my questions haha...


Who else is doing the reception package?  Are you doing 1 or 2 entrees? How are you letting the resort know who is getting what?  What are you doing for cocktail hour?


Karla has sent me a bunch of pics of flowers but I still havent really found what I want.  Maybe b/c I'm not really sure haha.  I cant decide whether I want to do color or not!!! 


What are everyone elses details??? 

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Hey there,


I got married at the Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal December 7th.


I don't know if you have found a photographer or not, but I found one in Cancun that I thought was absolutely amazing and he will go anywhere From Cancun to Tulum.


His name is Octavio Montes. www.octaviomontes.com And his rates were amazing compared to the others!!


Just a helpful hint, not sure if you need it :)



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We are on April 6th at Beach! So far we have 34 people booked (travel arrangements have been the most stressful part of this all)! Our details are as follows:


Dress: has been ordered and is in now but needs to be altered (Iam waiting a bit as I am hoping to get in better shape before altering)

Wedding party: we decided not to have one

Photographer: Vanessa Vargas

Ceremony: On the beach

Reception: Don Alfredo (2 entrees, Karla said we would have to do a seating chart and indictae who ishaving which entree as well as place crads with their entree choice on the back)


Have you started on your travel arrangements? Are you going with a group rate or is everyone booking on their own?


Originally Posted by nucci View Post

Hi everyone,


I've been on here for a while but haven't been active lately.  I'm getting married at the Del Mar April 16.  I have been working with Karla and so far things have been good.  I'm starting to get a little nervous b/c I haven't really been doing anything haha.  We did luggage tags for our STD and boarding passes for invitations.  Our RSVP are due Jan 16.  It's annoying b/c a lot of people haven't RSVP yet and I can't start doing all the little details until I have a final count!


This is what I've done so far...

Dress= La Sposa Fanal

Bridesmaid= Jcrew

FI and groomsmen= light khaki suits

Ring Bearer= seersucker suit

Flower girls= wedding tutus

DJ= Doremixx

Photographer= Claudia Rodriquez

Reception= Don Alfredo

Wedding= gazebo


So now my questions haha...


Who else is doing the reception package?  Are you doing 1 or 2 entrees? How are you letting the resort know who is getting what?  What are you doing for cocktail hour?


Karla has sent me a bunch of pics of flowers but I still havent really found what I want.  Maybe b/c I'm not really sure haha.  I cant decide whether I want to do color or not!!! 


What are everyone elses details??? 

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