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Please help me choose jewelry! I've got pictures ;-)

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I'm getting married in a few weeks and still need jewelry for my TTD shoot.  I've spent countless hours on Etsy recently (it's so easy to get lost there!) and can't make up my mind.  There are just way too many cute things to choose from!

Here's my TTD dress:


Since it's pretty plain I want my jewelry to stand out a bit but still look bridal.

Here are the 3 sets I found on Etsy:

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Number 1.  This one is made with sea glass.            Number 2.  This one is coral.


Number 3.  This one is abalone.


They all come as sets with the necklace, earrings, and bracelet.  And they are all about the same price.  So what do you all think would look the best?

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I agree...i think number 2 is just stunning and will look amazing since your dress is so simple. I love look of coral and I think your TTD pix will look awesome!

Originally Posted by Valentine_Baby View Post

I love #2 . . .this is for your TTD not your wedding so I say have a little fun with it - i mean that's the whole point of the shoot right?!?


I would choose #1 if it was for your actual wedding but it's a time to be goofy and have fun :)


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