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I was browsing wedding websites from here one day and I came across someone's site where they posted all the guests who were attending their wedding, and along with each person's picture and name, they had "most likely to" statements. For example, my mom is "most likely to be playing among her grandchildren at any given moment" and my uncle Randy is "most likely to be trying to get behind the bar to mix his own drinks (for himself and everyone else!)." I TOTALLY loved that idea so I incorporated it into my own website.


Now I'm just having problems coming up with statements for people so they don't all sound the same!! LOL I mean, we're going to an all-inclusive resort on a Caribbean island, most of the guests are most likely to be drunk or sun-burned. hehehe


It's great fun though! I am getting a lot of feedback from my family and friends, and some who are helping me write statements for others!!



Has anybody else seen the other site, or sites where a bride has done this? I totally can't find it now. Thought I bookmarked it, but apparently I did not.

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Most likely you did bookmark it but I've found that I couldn't find my bookmarks from the old site, so it could have just been moved or something. I know there is thread that says something like: share your website or show us your websites or something like that. You could search that and see if you find anything.  Good luck!

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