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Free Wedding Website vs. Wedding Website You Pay For-Which is Better?

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i am working on setting up a site on weddingwire, but i can't figure out how to enter the table with the rate information in their standard response boxes.  anyone have luck with this?  i started down the route of doing it in excel and then taking a picture to put on the site?  seems annoying - and currently its not very pretty either

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@@Icis your logo is amazing... where did you have it made?

@@Icis is it possible to view your website. I am in the process of determining whether I will use resort, pay for one, or try one of the free ones recommended on BDW.


Hey Angela!


Our building manager happened to own his own printing business and he has some nice fonts. He was nice enough to make the logo for us.


Our website is http://itslegendary2014.wix.com/fasa

You can click on the home link at the bottom of the front page to skip the video to see the website.

The RSVP page (We called it Check-in) is password protected (FASA2014)

Let me know if you have any questions about Wix.

Edited by Icis
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